JAYSON-[Testily.]I have to be at the bank, too-and you don't notice me sleeping. Tell me about Curt. You just left him, didn't you?

JOHN-[Irritably.]Yes, and I've been walking around that damned garden half the night watching over him. Isn't that enough to wear anyone out? I can feel I've got a terrible cold coming on-

ESTHER-[Impatiently.]For goodness sake, don't you start to pity yourself!

JOHN-[Indignantly.]I'm not. I think I've showed my willingness to do everything I could. If Curt was only the least bit grateful! He isn't. He hates us all and wishes we were out of his home. I would have left long ago if I didn't want to do my part in saving the family name from disgrace.

JAYSON-[Impatiently.]Has he quieted down, that's what I want to know?

JOHN-[Harshly.]Not the least bit. He's out of his head-and I'd be out of mine if a child was being born to my wife that-

JAYSON-[Angrily.]Keep that to yourself! Remember you have no proof.[Morosely.] Think all you want-but don't talk.

EMILY-[Pettishly.]The whole town knows it, anyway; I'm sure they must.

JAYSON-There's only been gossip-no real scandal. Let's do our united best to keep it at that.[After a pause.] Where's Aunt Elizabeth? We'll have to keep an eye on her, too, or she's quite liable to blurt out the whole business before all comers.

ESTHER-You needn't be afraid. She's forgotten all about the scandalous part. No word of it has come to her out in the country and she hasn't set foot in town since that unfortunate tea, remember. And at present she's so busy wishing the child will be a boy, that she hasn't a thought for another thing.[The door in the rear is opened and MARK SHEFFIELD enters. He comes up to the fire to warm himself. The others watch him in silence for a moment.]

JAYSON-[Impatiently.]Well, Mark? Where's Curt?

SHEFFIELD-[Frowning.]Inside. I think he'll be with us in a minute.[With a scornful smile.] Just now he's 'phoning to Bigelow.[The others gasp.]

JAYSON-[Furiously.]For God's sake, couldn't you stop him?

SHEFFIELD-Not without a scene. Your Aunt persuaded him to come into the house-and he rushed for the 'phone. I think he guessed we had been lying to him-

JAYSON-[After a pause.]Then he-Bigelow will be here soon?

SHEFFIELD-[Drily.]It depends on his sense of decency. As he seems lacking in that quality, I've no doubt he'll come.

JOHN-[Rising to his feet-pompously.]Then I, for one, will go. Come, Emily. Since Curt seems bound to disgrace everyone concerned, I want it thoroughly understood that we wash our hands of the whole disgraceful affair.

EMILY-[Snappishly.]Go if you want to! I won't![Then with a sacrificing air.] I think it is our duty to stay.

JAYSON-[Exasperated.]Sit down. Wash your hands indeed! Aren't you as much concerned as any of us?

SHEFFIELD-[Sharply.]Sshh! I think I hear Curt now. [JOHN sits down abruptly. All stiffen into stony attitudes. The door is opened and CURT enters. He is incredibly drawn and haggard, a tortured, bewildered expression in his eyes. His hair is dishevelled, his boots caked with mud. He stands at the door staring from one to the other of his family with a wild, contemptuous scorn and mutters.]

CURTIS-Liars! Well, he's coming now.[Then bewilderedly.] Why didn't you want him to come, eh? He's my oldest friend. I've got to talk to someone-and I can't to you.[Wildly.] What do you want here, anyway? Why don't you go?[A scream of MARTHA's is heard through the doorway. CURT shudders violently, slams the door to with a crash, putting his shoulders against it as if to bar out the sound inexorably-in anguish.] God, why must she go through such agony? Why? Why?[He goes to the fireplace as MARK makes way for him, flings himself exhaustedly on a chair, his shoulders bowed, his face hidden in his hands. The others stare at him pityingly. There is a long silence. Then the two women whisper together, get up and tiptoe out of the room, motioning for the others to follow them. JOHN does so. SHEFFIELD starts to go, then notices the preoccupied JAYSON who is staring moodily into the fire.]

SHEFFIELD-Sstt![As JAYSON looks up-in a whisper.] Let's go out and leave him alone. Perhaps he'll sleep.

JAYSON-[Starting to follow SHEFFIELD, hesitates and puts a hand on his son's shoulder.]Curt. Remember I'm your father. Can't you confide in me? I'll do anything to help.

CURTIS-[Harshly.]No, Dad. Leave me alone.

JAYSON-[Piqued.]As you wish.[He starts to go.]

CURTIS-And send Big in to me as soon as he comes.

JAYSON-[Stops, appears about to object-then remarks coldly.] Very well-if you insist.[He switches off the lights. He hesitates at the door uncertainly, then opens it and goes out. There is a pause. Then CURT lifts his head and peers about the room. Seeing he is alone he springs to his feet and begins to pace back and forth, his teeth clenched, his features working convulsively. Then, as if attracted by an irresistible impulse, he goes to the closed door and puts his ear to the crack. He evidently hears his wife's moans for he starts away-in agony.]

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