exhaled a cloud of smoke. 'How much?' he asked.

Coughlin glanced at Kenna, who also leaned forward. '$15,000 cash should do it.'

'That's a lot of money,' said Armbruster.

'That's a lot of votes,' said Kenna.

'When do you need the cash?' asked Armbruster.

'Today,' said Coughlin. 'The election is next week.'

'You've got it,' said Armbruster, taking out his chequebook. 'Go to work.'

Minutes after Armbruster had left them, Coughlin and Kenna received a telephone call from Minna Everleigh.

'Bathhouse,' Minna said, 'Aida and I want to see you and Hinky Dink as soon as possible. We have some business to discuss.'

'How soon?' asked Coughlin.

'Right now,' said Minna.

'Uncork the champagne,' said Coughlin. 'We're on our way.'

A half-hour later, Coughlin and Kenna were seated on a gold divan in Minna's beloved Gold Room, with Minna and Aida on a divan across from them.

'You know what we want to see you about, Bathhouse,' began Minna.

'Haven't the faintest idea,' said Coughlin innocently. 'But if we can be of service in any way -'

'You're damn right you can be of service.'

'We need some help from you,' chimed in Aida. 'My sister will explain.'

Minna rose and poured champagne for Coughlin and Kenna, then for Aida and herself.

She remained standing, drinking from the crystal goblet as she eyed the two aldermen. At last she spoke. 'Bathhouse… Hinky Dink… you both know what that rotten mayor friend of yours is trying to do to us.'

'You mean his reform movement?' said Kenna. 'He's going after the entire Levee, not just you.'

'Nonsense,' snapped Minna. 'There may be 200 brothels in the area, but you know and I know Harrison is after only one. He's been very open about that in all his speeches. He wants to shut down the Everleigh Club because it is the best-known sporting house in the city, the country, the world. He wants to make an example of us. We don't intend to let him do that. We want him beaten in this election. We want Stewart to beat him.' Her voice rose. 'You hear me – Aida and I cannot allow Harrison to be elected.'

'What do you expect us to do?' asked Coughlin.

'Oh, come on,' said Minna with exasperation. 'We know you two have the First Ward in your pocket. If you can get your army here to vote against Harrison, he'll be licked.'

'I repeat,' said Coughlin, 'what do you want us to do?'

Minna put down her glass. 'We want you to do what you've done for years. Buy the votes. Buy votes against Harrison.'

'That takes considerable money,' said Coughlin.

'How much?' demanded Minna, aiming her question at Kenna. 'How much will it cost us to stay in business?'

'$15,000 cash on the line today,' said Kenna.

Minna whistled. 'That's a lot.'

'You're asking a lot,' said Kenna smoothly.

Minna's eyes went from Coughlin to Kenna. Finally, she said. 'No. You're skimming too much off the top for yourselves. Aida and I will offer you $10,000.'

Coughlin shrugged and said, 'I don't know.' He squinted at his partner. 'What do you think, Hinky Dink?'

Kenna stared down at the carpet. He murmured, 'Well, of course, Minna and Aida are old friends.'

'Okay,' said Coughlin, meeting Minna's gaze. 'I guess $10,000 could do the job.'

Minna broke into a smile and picked up her glass. 'It's a deal.' She swallowed her champagne. 'Let's go to the study and we'll give you the money.'

John Coughlin and Michael Kenna did not discuss the newest deal they had made until they were safe in the confines of their City Hall alcove.

Seated, they both loosened their collars as Kenna poured two whiskies. 'Quite a day,' Kenna said.

'Productive,' said Coughlin.

Kenna sat down again with his whisky and drank it. 'Okay, Bathhouse, how do we do it?'

'Do what?'

'How do we spend Armbruster's money to elect Harrison and spend the Everleighs' money to see that Harrison is not elected?'

'Easy,' said Coughlin, gulping his drink.

'Yeah, how?'

Coughlin sat up. 'We go with the highest bidder. We elect Harrison.'

'But the Everleighs are old friends, Bathhouse.'

'Never mind,' said Coughlin expansively. 'We'll make it up to Minna and Aida after Harrison wins. We'll elect the mayor, which will make our meat-packer happy. But we won't let Harrison shut down the Everleigh Club. That way, both sides get what they want.'

Kenna squirmed. 'Sounds impossible.'

Coughlin finished his whisky. 'I don't know. All hell'll bust loose, but we can do it. I have a few ideas. Trust me, Hinky Dink. Everyone's coming out on their feet – I think.'


Minna Everleigh stood beside the desk in her study, angrily rereading the front page of the Chicago Times. She glared at the headlines:







Minna looked up as Aida returned from her telephone call. 'Well?' Minna asked.

'I spoke to Bathhouse, told him you wanted to see him,' said Aida. 'He expected the call. He and Hinky Dink are already on their way.'

Still seething, Minna flung the newspaper on the desk. 'Those double-crossers!'

Aida picked up the paper. She scanned the bold headlines. 'It was close, anyway.'

'Close only counts in bed,' snapped Minna.

Aida continued to scan the front page. 'Minna, listen to this. Prince Henry of Prussia, the brother of the kaiser of Germany…'

'What about him?'

'He's coming to Chicago soon. Minna, he'll attract a lot of people. It could mean more business for us.'

'What business? We'll be out of business. Harrison will see to that.'

'Why don't we find out what Bathhouse and Hinky Dink have to say?' pleaded Aida. 'Here, let me pour you a whisky.'

'Make it a double!'

Fifteen minutes later, as Minna and Aida sat brooding, Edmund the valet knocked, opened the door, and showed John Coughlin and Michael Kenna into the office.

Minna snatched up the paper and waved the front page at Coughlin. 'After taking all of our pay-off money, how do you explain this? Your very own ward turned the tide for Harrison. How did that happen?'

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