I thereupon called a temporary halt to the proceedings, urging Molly Bashe to stand in readiness with the envelope cutter in her hand near her friend until I returned to put her to the test of that obedience which she had so fervently promised a little while ago.

Chapter 9

I repaired to a little closet room just off the Snuggery, where I rid myself of my cumbersome trousers and braces and, naked as the day I came into this joyously adventurous world, donned a magnificently rich red satin bath gown which I belted loosely around my waist, and stuck my feet into a pair of felt slippers much softer than those I had just been wearing. As I put on my bath gown, I observed with satisfaction the bulging meatus of my cock, straining at the proverbial leash to perform its educational functions in the sweet quims of both Miss Molly Bashe and Miss Julia Denton. I marveled at my self-control thus far at not having taken Miss Bashe off into a little side room and there had a brief flurry of amorous engagement with her, solely to take the edge off my blade and give me more commendable restraint to prolong this seance until both damsels should cry quits. But I decided against that because, speaking generally, I loved the dalliance and prolongation of the entire prelude to fucking, and the rude and brief encounter between prick and cunt is satisfying to a man only when he is terribly pressed for time or performing stealthily with a great risk of discovery- and I was in neither circumstance.

I now returned, and Julia Denton had evidently been talking in a low, hurried voice to my little accomplice, for when she saw me enter she straightened her head, closed her eyes, and uttered a long and anguished sigh, while her body shook and trembled, posed as she was on only one dainty foot and with her arms dragged high above her head so that the half-nakedness of her lovely virginal body was emphasized in all its delectable and desirable temptation.

“Now I think we may resume, Molly. Take that envelope cutter and start with Miss Denton’s left breast. Apply the smacks slowly, so that she will feel each one for its own good measure of discomfort. We will then see if she is still of a mind to abuse both of us, for I have no doubt that it has hurt you to the quick to hear your dear friend upbraid you so for your good sense in harkening to my strict orders.”

“Please, oh please no, Molly! For God’s sake, no, don’t do it!” Julia Denton squealed in a most unladylike tone, twisting herself off to the right until the pulley squeaked its protest and the trapeze bar swayed as she tried to jerk her uplifted leg free of its pinioning.

“Wait a bit, Molly. Let me show you an argument that may persuade you,” I interposed. Going to a bucket in which I had soaking in brine a number of swishy birch rods, some lean and supple, some broader and bushier, depending on what gluteal contours they would be directed against, I took up the thinnest and most flexible of the rods, brandished it until the drops of brine flew in every direction, and, the cloth grip clutched firmly in my right hand, returned to confront my brunette accomplice.

“You shall have a dozen with your drawers down, Molly, if you don’t begin to carry out my command,” was my warning.

Molly Bashe hesitated no longer. With a startled little gasp, and giving the birch an apprehensive look, she stepped to Julia Denton’s left side, gripping the envelope cutter by the tapering point, and applied a rather loud and stinging SMACKKK over the outer curve of that beautiful, firm loveglobe.

Julia Denton tilted back her head, her eyes bulging in their sockets, jerked blindly at her bound wrists, and tried to swerve herself far to the right, with a shrill cry, “Oww, Oh Molly, Oh my Lord, it hurts so dreadfully, I just can’t bear it! I beg of you not to do it again, oh, please don’t!”

“Continue, Molly, until I tell you otherwise,” I insisted.

The crisp intonation of the metal envelope cutter against Miss Julia Denton’s naked, panting tittie made my prick fairly bound inside my bath gown, as did, still more, the wild, hysterical cry of pain and distress which tore from Julie Denton’s mouth as she lunged her bottom backwards to put as much distance between herself and that diabolical implement in Molly’s hand as possible.

“Remember, Molly, that in carrying out my order, you are not proving me a scoundrel, but actually repaying your spitefully-tongued friend for calling you a traitress and a Judas,” I admonished the luscious half-naked young brunette.

“That’s true, isn’t it? Yes, Julia, you shouldn’t have said that!” Once more, with remarkable aptitude and alacrity, Molly Bashe picked up her cue. “You and I have been friends for ever so long, and you know that it is only because I am ever so afraid that Mr. Jack will take down my drawers and use that wicked birch on my poor flesh that I am forced to do it. That is not the act of a Judas, and you know it!”

And with this, with a certain righteous enthusiasm she applied another and still louder SMACKK, this one very close to Miss Julia Denton’s left nipple.

“Aiiii! Owwouuu! Oh Molly, in mercy’s name, stop hitting me there! It stings, the pain is so terrible, I shall faint, I know I shall!” Julia Denton wailed as her half-naked body again executed wild twisting gyrations from side to side, the pulley again creaking its protest.

The way her back hollowed and the dimples played in her slim shoulders, the way her belly shrank and jutted out, the way those delicious hips threatened to break through the exaggeratedly stretched fabric of her elegantly trimmed lace drawers, comprised a veritable regalia of visual delight for my appreciative eyes. “If you stop before I tell you to, Molly,” I said to her gravely, “you will have earned the dozen with the birch I mentioned a few minutes ago.” This decided the ardent young brunette. Lifting her hand, and impervious to Julia Denton’s cries and fervent pleas, Molly Bashe began to smack the envelope cutter over both naked titties, alternating from left to right, sometimes, in her enthusiasm for the new game, applying two or three hard, crisp smacks over the same area before she returned to the other recently marked and shuddering tittie.

Each time the envelope cutter cracked wickedly against Julia Denton’s carnation-tinted naked skin, she uttered a piercing squeal and twisted and threw herself in every direction, till I was sure that her drawers would rip apart before much longer.

Molly Bashe now passed over to the girl’s right side and, putting her hand on the right shoulder, she drew back her right hand and bestowed three or four stinging little smacks over the outer curve of the luscious lovefruit.

“Owwouuu!!! I can’t stand any more! In the name of mercy, stop it! Oh, if ever you were my friend, I beseech you to stop! AHRRR!! AIII!! Oh, have mercy on me! You are killing me!”

“I doubt that very much. Miss Denton,” I said ironically, “because judging from your frantic wriggling, which is most unladylike, I may add, you have never shown so much life before, or else I am a very poor judge of such matters.”

Molly glanced at me and saw me nod imperceptibly. Setting her teeth, she raised the envelope cutter and brought it down right over Julia Denton’s right nipple, right on that tasty little bud, flattening it, but it at once sprang up, seemingly darker and larger than before. Julia Denton was absolutely consternated by the overwhelming torment of that perfidious blow. Her body lunged backward, her head tilted back as she stared through tear-blurred eyes at the ceiling, and she shouted, “Oh stop it! I’ll do anything you wish, only stop, stop, in God’s name! Oh my poor breasts! You’ll mark me for life! You’ve hurt me terribly!”

“Wait a bit, Molly,” I held up my hand autocratically. “Let’s hear Miss Denton out a bit more. Did I understand you to say, Miss Denton, that you’ll do anything if Molly will stop whacking your naked breasts?”

Julia Denton’s beautiful brown eyes closed, and a long shudder rippled her salaciously posed, half-naked body. Faintly, in a sobbing murmur, she emitted, “Oh yes… I can’t bear this pain any more… whatever you wish to do with me, for God’s sake do it and get it over with… finish with me and let me go before I faint away of pain and shame!”

It would have taken very little more to have made me fling off my bath gown, seize Miss Denton’s flaming and panting titties, take hold of my angrily swollen cock, and squeeze it into the little oasis between her gaping posed thighs, but I had just that measure of reserve left in my psyche to hold back, for Molly Bashe would be the first to submit herself to my inordinate rut, and after that, when I had more mastery of myself and less onus to perform with commendation, I would give Miss Julia Denton all the fucking she could endure!

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