he turned back to drive into the rear of the Kinshra horseshoe. Now pikemen faced horsemen.

The offensive started a panic in the enemy lines. Very quickly they began to retreat, attempting to regroup into compact formations to resist the enemy cavalry. As the invaders turned their backs, the men of the city militia and those knights without horses exacted a terrible price, taking advantage of their disarray to fell many of their enemies.

Bhuler wept behind his visor.

“For Falador! For the knights! For Saradomin!” he shouted, raising Sir Amik’s banner above his head and urging his horse forward into the melee.

“Over here!”

Finistere heard the squire’s voice echo in the tunnel mouth as the sounds of two men wading through the shallow water of the sewer reached him in his hiding place. Finistere could hear the wheezing of Sir Tiffy and Ebenezer as the two older men caught up with the squire.

They only have one lantern between them now, the one I left in Sir Erical’s chamber. I made sure of that when I sent the boy to lure Sir Tiffy here. How long can it last?

“He cannot be far away. He must be hiding,” he heard Sir Tiffy say.

“We must not separate” Ebenezer replied. “We have an advantage in numbers.”

“Finistere! You know you can’t escape, ” Sir Tiffy cried. “We’ll find you sooner or later. Give it up!” he yelled. “Come out and I promise you will be treated fairly.”

No one moved for a long moment, each waiting for the other to make the first sound that would give them away.

“We must flush him out.” Ebenezer’s voice echoed as the low glare of the lantern flickered alarmingly in the chamber.

It cannot last for much longer. The lantern will die soon, and then I will be able to make my move in the darkness.

“There are only two ways he can go from here-back to the city, or under the wall and outside,” Sir Tiffy continued loudly. “Let us be patient, for we are the hunters now.”

The lamp flickered again as a cool draft of air swept through the chamber.

No one moved.


Sir Amik stood in the highest room in the castle, looking north, a spyglass to his eye. He watched as the cavalry regrouped itself and rode back to the dwarf line, which was moving south.

To the east he saw Sulla’s remaining cavalry, several hundred strong. The horsemen were riding west to prevent the armies of Falador from combining with the dwarfs.

He lowered his head in grief.

“Bhuler, I pray you know what you are doing. If not, you have condemned us all.”

But there was nothing he could do save watch.

Sulla had hurled the last of his men into the battle. His cavalry had been dispatched to keep the dwarf forces occupied while his infantry moved to annihilate the outnumbered knights. Even Jerrod had been forced into the battle. Sulla’s one instruction to him was chillingly concise.

“Bring me Sir Amik’s head! Fell him and the rest will follow.”

The werewolf growled in acknowledgment. He had never fought in a pitched battle before. His fights had always been ones of hunting and ambush, never amidst hundreds of desperate, well-armed men. Feeling suddenly vulnerable, he moved to obey Sulla’s command, knowing that his best chance for survival was to stay close to the Kinshra lord.

Kara’s crossbowmen reloaded as they marched. She had ordered Theodore to keep himself between her and the Kinshra cavalry, aware of the threat they posed. She knew she had to beat them, for she could not enter the battle with the cavalry still at large.

She raised her hand as they reached the abandoned artillery. Commander Blenheim’s engineers inspected the weapons.

“How long?” she asked.

“Just a few minutes” he said with certainty. “But the guns will only have one shot each.” Kara nodded, examining her army.

“Bring the men together on a narrower front. That way our crossbowmen will be able to concentrate their fire. It will also make us look nervous in the face of the cavalry.”

Commander Blenheim returned her nod, but she knew he was uneasy. His men were armed with axes and crossbows but no pikes. If the Kinshra charge reached them it would be a massacre.

“Get those guns ready,” he whispered to his engineers urgently. “Do it quickly, but make sure you do it right.”

Theodore kept his cavalry close to the enemy, barring their view of Kara’s engineers, who were realigning the guns. Lord Radebaugh rode next to him, watching for her signal.

“This could be a disaster, Theodore” he said. “If the Kinshra reach the line…”

Theodore stopped him with an abrupt wave of his hand.

“Kara-Meir is touched by the gods” he said vehemently. “We must have faith!”

Lord Radebaugh made no reply, watching as Kara waved her sword.

“She’s giving the signal,” he cried suddenly.

Theodore stood in his stirrups and raised his sword. As one, the cavalry turned south, heading for the enemy.

Now it was all a matter of timing.

As Theodore turned his men toward the Kinshra cavalry, Sir Amik watched, transfixed. It was a move of which the enemy horsemen must have been wary, for the Imperial Guard were on slightly higher ground where they would benefit most from a sudden attack.

Seeing their foes make their move, the Kinshra rode to meet them. As the two forces approached each other, Sir Amik muttered under his breath.

“Saradomin help you, Theodore. If you fail, then Kara’s line will be crushed.”

The knight watched helplessly as the Imperial Guard charged in amongst the Kinshra. Despite the distance, he heard the crash as the two packed formations collided. They pressed against each other like tired fighters in the final desperate stages of a vicious match, but it was only a minute before one of them broke.

Sir Amik despaired as the Imperial Guard rode back to the east, away from the enemy cavalry and away from the city. At their head he could make out the white armour that distinguished Theodore from the black-clad Imperial Guard.

“How could you, Theodore?” Sir Amik moaned, knowing Kara’s line was vulnerable now. “How could you?”

The Kinshra cavalry took a moment to regroup in preparation for their charge. Kara was defenceless. Her dwarf soldiers were arranged in several lines, one behind the other on the slope, those behind overlooking those in front.

Yet a cavalry charge would break any line, Sir Amik knew.

Sulla’s bodyguards cheered as they watched their cavalry charge toward Kara’s troops. The anticipation calmed the fighting before the wall, for all knew that the outcome of the charge would decide the fate of the battle.

Sulla grinned beneath his visor, confident his army would smash through the thinly-spaced enemy and trample their bodies into the earth. But then two things caught his eye and his smile vanished.

He noticed the dwarfs standing beside the cannons, foremost in Kara’s line. And he noted also how the fleeing Imperial Guard had rallied and turned, with the knight at their head, riding back toward Kara, to intercept the Kinshra horsemen.

Вы читаете Betrayal at Falador
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