guards and soldiers, far more than there had been the day before.

It appears King Roald could be building an army. But for what purpose?

As Sulla walked back to his chair, something caught his eye. On a cushion on his bed, where he had spent so many hours, was an envelope.

Someone must have slipped it there when I distracted, but who?

His mind spinning, he fumbled it open and saw just a single black mark drawn upon the paper. To most people it would have been meaningless, but Sulla gritted his teeth when he saw it, and his scars began to itch violently.

It was a warning. A warning from the Kinshra that was used to intimidate those who had betrayed the knighthood’s cause, and to tell them they could be killed at any time.

I could be killed at any time…

It could only mean one thing. Someone inside the palace- someone who had been in this very room, talking with him, pouring him wine, eyeing him with unease-was a Kinshra spy.

I am not safe here. If they can leave me a message such as this, then they can easily put poison in my wine or a knife to my throat.

Suddenly, despite the warm summer’s day, he shivered. All his plotting and bargaining now seemed so very fragile. And one thing was for certain.

The palace of Varrock was not the safe place he had thought it to be.

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