Brooks-Gunn (1979), Brooks-Gun and Lewis (1982), and Levine (1983).

7.    The occurrence of the Romeo and Juliet effect should not be interpreted as a warning to parents to be always accepting of their teenagers' romantic choices. New players at this delicate game are likely to err often and, consequently, would benefit from the direction of an adult with greater perspective and experience. In providing such direction, parents should recognize that teenagers, who see themselves as young adults, will not respond well to control attempts that are typical of parent-child relationships. Especially in the clearly adult arena of mating, adult tools of influence (preference and persuasion) will be more effective than traditional forms of parental control (prohibitions and punishments). Although the experience of the Montague and Capulet families is an extreme example, heavy-handed restrictions on a young romantic alliance may well turn it clandestine, torrid, and sad.

A full description of the Colorado couples study can be found in Driscoll et al. (1972).

8.    See Mazis (1975) and Mazis et al. (1973) for formal reports of the phosphate study.

9.    For evidence, see Ashmore et al. (1971), Wicklund and Brehm (1974), Worchel and Arnold (1973), Worchel et al. (1975), and Worchel (1991).

10.    The Purdue study was done by Zellinger et al. (1974).

11.    The University of Chicago jury experiment on inadmissible evidence was reported by Broeder (1959).

12.    The initial statements of commodity theory appeared in Brock (1968) and Fromkin and Brock (1971). For an updated statement, see Brock and Bannon (1992).

13.    For ethical reasons, the information provided to the customers was always true. There was an impending beef shortage and this news had, indeed, come to the company through its exclusive sources. See Knishinsky (1982) for full details of the project.

14.    Worchel et al. (1975).

15.    See Davies (1962, 1969).

16.    See Lytton (1979), and Rosenthal and Robertson (1959).

17.    The quote comes from MacKenzie (1974).


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2.    Quoted in the PBS-TV documentary The Information Society.


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