The Ganymede Takeover

For Kirsten and Nancy


At three in the morning the vidphone rang on the bedtable of Rudolph Balkani, Chief of the Bureau of Psychedelic Research. It rang for a long time before Balkani answered it, though—as so often of late—he had been awake for hours.

“Yes, this is Balkani.”

“I want some information,” a worried voice on the other end of the line said. Balkani recognized the voice of the Chairman of the United Nations Security Council. “I thought we could have a little talk. “Make it brief,” Balkani said. “I’m a sick man.” “Did you hear the ’cast?”

“What ’cast?” He scratched his bearded chin. “The alien ultimatum. It came over all the TV and radio—”

“I don’t waste my time with the entertainment media,” Balkani said. “What did they have to offer?”

“ ‘We bring you peace. We bring you unity.’ “Spare me the propaganda. I gather they demand the unconditional surrender of Earth.”

“That’s right. But aren’t you involved in develop­ing some sort of new mind-gadget, Doctor? Won’t that stop them?”

“True,” Balkani said with a touch of irony. “But unfortunately it will also stop us. It will, in fact, stop everything on or around this planet which happens to possess a mind.”

“I understood you could render some people im­mune to it. Say, vital first-line leaders.”

‘‘Not yet. The only defense against it would be the radical psychotherapy I’m working with. If you’d give me a little time and an ample supply of, shall we say, ‘volunteers’ for my experiments—”

“We’ve got to have it now!” the Chairman of the Security Council grated. With visible effort he got control of himself; on the vidscreen his image be­came fixedly tranquil. “What do you advise?”

“I don’t advise,” Balkani said. “I’mjust the witch doctor in this tribe, not the chief. I make the little voodoo dolls, but it’s your job to decide whether or not to stick pins into them. However, I do have one favor to ask of you.”

“What is that?”

“If you decide to use the thing, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” Having said that Balkani hung up, rolled over and continued trying to sleep.

“Too unspecialized,” Mekkis muttered, eyeing the captive human with distaste. “However, with a little selective breeding. ”

The Timekeeper fluttered near Mekkis’ ear and said softly, “Better start to ready yourself for the meeting of the Grand Council.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Mekkis said. His long, slender tongue whipped out and touched a pushbut­ton next to his couch. At once his dressers came scampering in, twittering excitedly to each other. Mekkis hunched himself up to make the task easier for them.

He was, like all members of the Gany median ruling species, legless, armless, pink and very much like a large worm in appearance. He did not need arms and legs of his own. The creeches constituted his arms and legs; this summed up their purpose in existing. It was for that that they had been born, were bred.

Now they busily slipped him into his finest red- orange formal sack. Nothing but the best for what might well be the most important day of his career in government service. Tiny grooms skittered over his head and set to work combing his extensive lashes, while washers, with their tongues, attended to his cheeks. During this he glanced once more at the captive human. Poor creatures, he thought. You should never have called our attention to your pre­sence in the system.

Mekkis had personally argued against the war. But—now it had been accomplished. “Too late for tears,” he murmured aloud. “And it isn’t so bad being a creech. Is it, my friends?”

“No, no it’s all right,” twittered the infinitely var­ied crowd of specialized beings that had gathered around him, making him ready.

“First conquer, then occupy, then absorb. That’s the way it’s done. We’ve already gotten past the initial two phases without too much difficulty . unless I’m wildy mistaken, today we pass into phase three.” And, he thought, that's where I come in.

To make absolutely certain he called for his Ora­cle.

Serpent-like the Oracle approached.

“What say you for the future?” Mekkis de­manded.

“For today?” the precog said. Mekkis noticed with uneasiness that the creech seemed unwilling to prophesy.

“Yes, out with it!”

“The powers of darkness gather for you. It is the day of your enemies!”

Mekkis licked his lips and said, “But after that?” “More darkness, and greater darkness, and fin­ally, oh my good master, darkness for us all!” Mekkis pondered this soberly. The Oracle had advised against the invasion of Earth; hence Mekkis’ own opposition. But the invasion had been a success. There were those who doubted the power of Oracles. Perhaps, he conjecturfed, the future is unknowable after all. It’s easy enough to utter vague and frighten­ing words that nobody really understands, then later on say, “You see? That’s what I meant all along.” “These powers of darkness,” Mekkis said aloud. “Is there anything I can do to evade them?” “Today? Nothing. But after that—a slim chance. If you solve the Riddle of the Nowhere Girl.” “What Nowhere Girl?” Mekkis retained his com­posure only with great effort.

“My faculty is limited and my vision is fading. But I see something approaching from the future which I find no words to describe. It has the manner of a vast cavity that reaches out to draw us in! Already it is so powerful that it bends the stream of time. The closer you get to it the harder it will be to evade it. Oh master, I’m afraid! I, who have never been afraid

before, am now eclipsed by terror.”

Mekkis thought, There’s nothing I can do to evade my misfortune today, so I might as well go forth and meet it, without flinching or blanching. I can’t con­trol the fates, but I can control my reaction to them.

With a wave of his tongue he summoned his car­riers and started for the Hall of the Grand Council.

On the wall of the Grand Council Hall hung a great clock. All those who belonged to what one might call the Progressive Faction sat on the same side of the chamber as the clock. It was the clock faction that had pushed through the war against Earth. Those who sat on the side away from the clock comprised what one might call the Conservatives. They had, unsuccessfully, opposed the war. It was to this fac­tion that Mekkis belonged.

When Mekkis manifested himself in the hall with customary pomp he discovered no one reposing on the anti- clock side. Everyone, in entering, had gathered about the clock leaders; Mekkis, lowered to the thick carpet by his carriers, remained inert, stunned.

But he had already sworn a moral oath to himself. Painfully and steadily he made his way toward his traditional tooth-carved niche on the anti-clock side; there, alone, he took up the formal bent posture and eyed the senile idiots of the bench. And recalled, as he waited, that the expected darkness lay for him at tongue’s end.

They won the war, he thought to himself, and that gives them the fulcrum to pry the dribbling Elec­tors into ratifying all their future connivances. I,

however, will never give in. But—I will not be the order-giver. Only the order-carry-outer.

Seeing him present the Electors at the bench con­vened this most important session.

“In your absence,” came the thought from the Mind Group, “we initiated the distribution of Terran rulership.

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