though he had only asked for the company of the two Stonedownors. Brinn and Cail, Stell and Harn were there also. And Vain had followed Covenant or Linden up through The Grieve, though his blackness offered no explanation of why he had done so. Only Hergrom and Ceer remained below with the Giants.

Earlier, Sunder had told Covenant how he had been saved when his power failed. Linden had watched him amid the blaze, reading his wild magic, gauging the limits of his endurance. One moment before the white flame had guttered and gone out, she had shouted a warning. Seadreamer had dashed into the bonfire and had emerged on the far side with Covenant in his arms, unharmed. Even Covenant's clothing had not been singed.

In the dawn, he had awakened as if from the first irenic sleep of his life. Sunrise had lain across the headrock of the city, lighting the faces of Linden and the First as they sat regarding him. The First had worn her iron beauty as if behind it lay a deep gentleness. But Linden's gaze was ambiguous, undecided.

In a severe tone, she asked, “Why didn't you tell me what you were going to do?”

“I didn't dare,” he replied, giving her the truth. “I was too afraid of it. I couldn't even admit it to myself.”

She shifted her position, drawing somewhat away from him. “I thought you'd gone crazy.”

He sighed, allowed himself to express at least that much of his loneliness. “Maybe I did. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.”

She frowned and fell silent, looking away toward the Sunbirth Sea. After a moment, the First roused herself to speak.

“Thomas Covenant,” she said, “I know not whether in truth the path of the Search lies with you. I have not seen with my own eyes the Sunbane, nor met in my own person the malice of him whom you name the Despiser, nor felt in my own heart the nature of what must be done. But Pitchwife urges that I trust you. Cable Seadreamer has beheld a vision of healing, when he had learned to believe that no healing remained in all the world. And for myself-” She swallowed thickly, 'I would gladly follow a man who can so give peace to the damned.

“Giantfriend,” she said, containing her emotion with formality, “the Search will bear you to the land of the Elohim. There we believe that knowledge of the One Tree may be gained. If it lies within our doing, we will accompany you to the Tree, hoping for an answer to the peril of the Earth. This we will do in the name of our people, who have been redeemed from their doom.”

She passed a hand over her tears and moved away, leaving him eased, as if it were the outcome of his dreams.

But he arose, because there were still things he had to do, needs to be met, responsibilities to be considered. He spoke to the Stonedownors, led them to the upper rim of Coercri with Linden, the Haruchai, and Vain behind him, sat facing the morning and the Sea and the unknown Earth.

Now he would have liked to be alone with the aftermath of his caamora. But he could see the time of his departure from the Land arriving. It sailed the same salt wind which ruffled his hair and beard, and he knew he had no choice. Every day, more lives were shed to feed the Sunbane. The Land's need was a burden he could not carry alone.

For a time, he sat exchanging silence with his companions. But at last he found the will to speak. “Sunder. Hollian.” They sat attentively, as if he had become a figure of awe. He felt like a butcher as he said, “I don't want you to come with me.”

The eh-Brand's eyes widened as if he had slapped her without warning or cause. Surprise and pain made Sunder snap, “Ur-Lord?”

Covenant winced, fumbled to apologize. “I'm sorry. This is hard to say. I didn't mean it the way it sounded.” He took hold of himself. “There's something else I want you to do.”

Hollian frowned at him, echoing Sunder's uncertainty.

“It's the Sunbane,” he began. “I'm going to leave the Land-try to find the One Tree. So I can replace the Staff of Law. I don't know what else to do. But the Clave-” He swallowed at the anger rising in his throat. “I don't know how long I'm going to be gone, and every day they kill more people. Somebody has to stop them. I want you to do it.”

He stared out to Sea, went on speaking as if he feared the reaction of his friends. “I want you to go back to the Upper Land. To the villages-to every Stonedown or Woodhelven you can find. Tell them the truth about the Clave. Convince them. Make them stop surrendering to the Riders. So the Sunbane won't destroy everything before I get back.”

“Thomas Covenant.” Sunder's fists were clenched as if to hold off outrage. “Have you forgotten Mithil Stonedown? Have you forgotten Stonemight Woodhelven? The people of the Land shed strangers to answer their own need for blood. We will convince no one. We will be slain by the first Stonedown we dare to enter.”

“No.” Covenant shook his head flatly. He knew what he meant to do, and felt sure of it. “You'll have something that will make them listen to you. And you can use it to defend yourselves if you have to.” With both hands, he removed the cloth-wrapped krill from under his belt, and extended it toward Sunder.

“Covenant?” The Graveller looked his astonishment at Linden, at Hollian, then back toward Covenant. Linden sat with her eyes downcast, watching the way her fingers touched the stone. But Hollian's face brightened as if in recognition. “The krill is yours,” Sunder murmured, asking for comprehension. “I am a Graveller-nothing more. Of what use is such a periapt to me?”

Deliberately, Covenant held out his hope. 'I think you can attune yourself to it. The way you did to Memla's rukh. I think you can use the krill the way you use the Sunstone. And if you put the two together, you won't need to shed blood to have power. You can use the krill to rouse the orcrest. You'll be able to raise water, grow plants, do it all. Without blood. Any village will listen to that. They won't try to kill you. They'll try to keep you.

“And that's not all. This is power. Proof that the Sunbane isn't the whole truth. It proves that they have a choice. They don't have to obey the Clave, don't have to let themselves be slaughtered.”

With a twitch of his hands, he flung off part of the cloth so that the krill shone into the faces of his companions. “Sunder,” he implored. “Hollian. Take it. Convince them. We're all responsible — all of us who know the na-Mhoram is a Raver. Don't let the Clave go on killing them.” The light of the krill filled his orbs; he could not see how his friends responded. “Give me a chance to save them.”

For a moment, he feared the Stonedownors would refuse the burden he offered them. But then the krill was taken from him. Sunder flipped cloth back over the gem. Carefully, he rewrapped the blade, tucked it away under his leather jerkin. His eyes gleamed like echoes of white fire.

“Thomas Covenant,” he said, 'ur-Lord and Unbeliever, white gold wielder, I thank you. It is sooth that my heart did not relish this quest across unknown seas and lands. I have no knowledge of such matters and little strength for them. You have Giants with you, and Haruchai, and the power of the white ring. I am of no use to you.

“I have learned that the Sunbane is a great evil. But it is an evil which I comprehend and can confront.” Hollian's countenance supported his words. Her relief was a glow of gratitude. “I desire to strive somewhat for my people-and to strive against this Clave, which so maligns our lives.”

Covenant blinked at the repetitions of silver arcing across his sight. He was too proud of Sunder and Hollian to speak.

They rose to their feet. “Ur-Lord,” the Graveller said, “we will do as you ask. If any blow may be struck against Clave and Sunbane by mortals such as we are, we will strike it. You have restored to me the faith of Nassic my father. Be certain of us while we live.”

“And be swift,” added Hollian, “for we are but two, and the Sunbane is as vast as all the Land.”

Covenant had not noticed Stell and Ham unobtrusively leave the cliff; but they returned now, carrying supplies on their backs. Before Covenant or the Stonedownors could speak, Brinn said, “The Sunbane is indeed vast, but you will not meet it alone. The Haruchai will not surrender their service. And I say to you that my people also will not suffer the Clave unopposed. Look for aid wherever you go, especially when your way leads within reach of Revelstone.”

Sunder swallowed thickly, unable to master his voice. Hollian's eyes reflected the sunshine wetly.

The sight of them standing there in their courage and peril made Covenant's fragile calm ache. “Get going,” he said huskily. “We'll be back. Count on it.”

In a rush of emotion, Hollian came to him, stooped to grip her arms around his neck and kiss his face. Then she went to Linden. Linden returned her embrace stiffly.

A moment later, the Stonedownors turned away. They left the cliff with Stell and Harn beside them.

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