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President Truman, Robert M. Lovett, Kennan, and Charles E. Bohlen at the White House, 1947


George C. Marshall and Dean Acheson, 1947 (Bettmann/CORBIS)

Kennan, dictating to Dorothy Hessman, 1949 (Joan Kennan Collection)

J. Robert Oppenheimer, John von Neumann, and the Institute for Advanced Study computer, 1952


Ambassador Kennan in his Mokhovaya office, contemplating the Kremlin, 1952 (Princeton University Library)

Arriving in New York from Moscow, November 1952 (from left, Wendy, Annelise,

George, Christopher)


George, just arrived (note pants) in East Berlin (Pennsylvania), vigorously pruning

(Princeton University Library, photo by Bob Motter)

George, with Joan’s horse Rusty, at the Cherry Orchard, mid-1950s

(Princeton University Library, photo by Bob Motter)

Kennan and Tito, Brioni, 1961 (Princeton University Library)

Senator J. William Fulbright and Kennan, Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

February 1966


George, soulfully, with guitar, 1975 (Bettmann/CORBIS)

Captain Kennan (Joan Kennan Collection)

Kennan siblings reunion, October 1982 (from left, Kent, Constance, George, Frances, Jeanette)

(Joan Kennan Collection)

George Kennan Pfaeffli (born February 16, 1984) in 2007 (Wendy Kennan Collection)

Annelise and George on their sixtieth wedding anniversary, at Hodge Road, Princeton,

September, 1991

(Joan Kennan Collection)

Kennan outside Fuld Hall, the Institute for Advanced Study, 1990s (Joan Kennan Collection)

Ninetieth birthday, in New York, February 1994 (from left, Joan, Grace, George, Annelise, Wendy, Christopher) (Joan Kennan Collection)

Elder Statesman, 1996

(Erik Freeland/Corbis 1)


The Cold War: A New History

Surprise, Security, and the American Experience

The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past

We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History

The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations

The Long Peace: Inquiries into the History of the Cold War

Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security

Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States: An Interpretive History

The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941–1947


In each case, interviewers are listed under the names of interviewees. Unless otherwise indicated, copies of all JLG interviews are in the George F. Kennan Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Library, Princeton University. ADST is the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project, available on-line through the Library of Congress American Memory Project.

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