quarters, urged on by the drums staccato beat and the blare of a marine's bugle? Sometimes you never knew men who did not serve in your own watch or division. But here it was entirely different. Men nodded to each other as they dashed to their stations, a grin here, a brief touch of hands there?

In many ways it made death harder to accept, a man's cries too personal to ignore?

'Cleared for action, sir.'

'Good.' Bolitho gripped the nettings and watched the tiny feathers of surf far abeam, 'Alter course another point.'

'Aye, sir.' Buckle was muttering to his helmsmen? Then, 'Sou'-west by south, sir.'

'Hold her steady.'

He moved restlessly below the great spankers seeing a faint glow on the boom from the compass bowl?

There were already plenty of stars in the velvet sky and there would be a moon on the water in a few hours. But by then he must be inside the bay?

Tyrrell joined him by the wheel.' It's a strange feeling? My sister'll be no more than fifty miles from where I'm standing. I can still remember it clearly. Th' York Rivers th' place in th' woods where we used to get together as kids…' He turned and said sharply, 'Let her fall off a point. Mr. Buckle! Mr. Bethune, take some men forrard and trim the foreyard again!' He waited until he was satisfied with the ship's head and the bearing of the nearest cape and continued, 'It's a funny business all round.'

Bolitho agreed. After the first few weeks he had not thought much about Susannah Hardwicke. Now, as he pictured an unknown girl out there in the darkness beyond the occasional flash of gunfire, he realised how their lives had become merged. Tyrrell's sister, and Graves 's secret longings for her. Dalkeith's affair ob honour which had cost him his career and almost his life. And himself? He was surprised he could still not examine her memory without regret and a sense ob loss?

When he looked again he realised that Cape Charles had merged with the shadows. A quick glance at Tyrrell reassured him. He seemed relaxed, even cheerful, as he stood where he could watch the compass and the set of the spanker overhead. But for the treacherous span of middle-ground, they could have sailed boldly between the capes with a comfortable four miles or more on either beam?

Tyrrell said, 'We will alter course again, with your permission, sir?

'She's in your hands.'

Tyrrell grinned.' Aye, aye, sir.' To Buckle he called, 'Steer west by north, full an' bye!'

Then he cupped his hands and yelled, 'Pipe the hands to th' braces!'

With the helm down and the seamen hauling at the braces, Sparrow turned her bows towards the land? Voices called in the gloom, and above the decks the paler shapes of arms and legs moved busily about the yards?

'West by north, sir!' Buckle peered at the flapping sails as the ship heeled still further, close hauled on the starboard tack?

Tyrrell limped from side to side, his arm darting out to catch a man's attention, or his voice sending another to pass his orders right forward where Graves was equally busy?

'Right, lads! Belay there!' He cocked his head as if to listen to the chorus of shrouds and vibrating halliards.' She's loving it.'

Bolitho walked up to the weather side and felt the cold spray across his face. Tyrrell had come and gone through these capes many times in his father's schooner. Perhaps that memory, and the realisation that his sister was now safe and close at hand, made him forget the purpose of their mission, the chance ob danger with each passing minute?

'Breakers on the weather bow!' The lookout sounded nervous?

But Tyrrell called, 'Breakers be damned! That'll be th' middle-ground.' His teeth gleamed in the darkness? 'True as a bloody arrow, if I do say so myself?'

Bolitho smiled at his excitement. Breakers be damned! He had used much the same phrase and tone when he had driven his sword through the man who had almost killed him beside the pond?

The massive, looming shoulder of Cape Henra hardened from the darkness on the larboard beams and for a brief instant Bolitho imagined they were too close, that the wind had thrust them further downwind than Tyrrell had allowed?

He dragged his eyes to the opposite side, and through the spray and across the deep inshore swell he saw a revolving patch of white. The middle-ground was clearly marked by the swirl of broken water, but if Tyrrell had misjudged his approach it would have been too late to avoid it?

Tyrrell shouted, 'Once saw a damn fine Dutchman aground there! She broke her back!'

Buckle muttered, 'That's bloody encouraging!'

Bolitho peered astern.' I hope Heron's seen our entrynce.'

'She'll be fine.' Tyrrell hurried to the side and studied the darker wedge of land.' She draws less and is better to handle close hauled.' He patted the rail. 'But Sparrow -do for me!'

'Take in the forecourse, if you please.' Bolitho pitched his ear to the sea's changing sounds. The hollow boom of surf against rocks, the deeper note ob water exploring a cave or some narrow gully below the headland.' Then the spanker.'

Under topsails and jib Sparrow crept deeper into the bay, her stem rising and plunging across tide race and swell alike, her helmsmen tensed at the wheel, fingers sensing her will almost as soon as she did?

Minutes dragged by, then an half-hour. With eyes straining into the darkness, and other men poised at gunport tackles and braces, the sloop tacked delicately below the cape?

Then Tyrrell said, 'No ships here, sir, Lynnhaven lies abeam now. Any squadron at anchor, ours or th' Frogss would be showing some sort of light. To deter an enemy, if for no other reason.'

'That makes good sense.'

Bolitho walked away to hide his disappointment? Odell had been right to ask for written orders, for if Bolitho had misjudged Hood's whereabouts this badly he could be equally at fault for quitting his proper station in the south. A series of dull explosions echoed across the water, and one bright stab of flame, as if some powder had been accidentally fired?

He ran his fingers through his hair, wondering what he should do next. Sail on for New York? It seemed the only solution?

Tyrrell said quietly, 'If we are to beat clear of the cape, then I suggest we wear ship now.' He paused? 'Or anchor.' Bolitho joined him by the compass.' Then we anchor. We must make contact with the army. They at least should know what is happening.'

Tyrrell sighed.' It's hard to think that there's a damn great army out there across our bows. Poor bastards? If they are in Yorktown as Odell was led to believe, then they are well placed. But it'll be no comfort if they come under siege.'

'Let's waste no more time.' Bolitho beckoned to Fowler.' Show the lantern again. Captain Farr will anchor when he sees the signal.'

The topsails stirred noisily as Sparrow turned obediently into the wind, her anchor throwing up a sheet of spray like some disturbed water-spirit?

Buckle called, 'Easy with that light, Mr. Fowler0 Enough!'

Tyrrell dropped his voice.' No matter. We'll have been sighted from th' moment we weathered th' cape.'

Bolitho looked at him. It was not difficult to picture some scurrying messenger or a mounted man riding through the darkness to warn of their arrival. He felt much as he had done in Delaware Bay. Cut off and restricted, with only the vaguest idea of what was happening?

Tyrrell said, 'I can take a boat, sir. If th' army is encamped in th' town, then they'll be well shielded around th' next spit of land along York River.' He sounded suddenly on edge.' God, this quiet disturbs me more'n gunfire! My grandfather was a soldier. Used to make my flesh creep with his yarns of night fighting.'

Bolitho watched the topmen sliding down to the deck, seemingly indifferent to the closeness of land or a possible enemy?

'Rig boarding nets and have half the twelve-pounders loaded with grape.'

Tyrrell nodded.' Aye. An' I'll put some good hands on th' swivels, too. No sense in being rushed by some crazy boat attack.' He waited and then asked, 'Shall] go?'

'Very well. Take both cutters. Mr. Graves can command the second one. Mr. Fowler will go with you in case we need any signals made.'

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