came to others less determined.

When Bolitho had tried to find some excuse for Penels' behaviour, Herrick had said scathingly, `See the Styx over yonder, sir? Her captain was Penels' age when we put down that 'bloody mutiny together! I didn't hear him moaning for his mother!'

But whatever the outcome, Penels would have to stand the

hardship and horror of battle with everyone else in the fleet. Bolitho made up his mind and beckoned to his flag lieutenant. 'Yes, sir?'

Browne more than anyone seemed to have thrived on the austere life at sea and monotonous food. The change from Admiralty to wardroom had been remarkable.

'Young Penels. Could you use him in your party?'

'Well, sir.' His face cleared of protest as quickly as it had appeared. 'If so ordered, I could.' He gave a gentle smile. 'Of course, sir, I could make the point that but for him Babbage would be alive, or at best still running for his life. Your nephew would not have been called out, and you, sir?'

'What about me?'

'I'll take him, sir. I have just remembered something. But for your nephew's challenge you would not have ridden me raw to Portsmouth. In which case your lady might not have come after you.'

Bolitho swung away. 'Damn you to hell for your impertinence! You are as bad as my coxswain. No wonder Sir George Beauchamp was glad to be rid of you!'

Browne smiled at his back. 'Sir George has an eye for the ladies, sir. Quite unfairly, of course, he may have seen me as a rival.'

'Of course.' Bolitho smiled. 'I did wonder.'

In plodding procession the four ships of the line headed into the wind to drop anchor while their smaller consorts stood further to windward before following suit. Even here, with so many ships in company, you could never drop the guard against attack, either singly or in strength.

Eventually, Herrick lowered his telescope, apparently satisfied.

'All anchored, sir.'

'Very well, Thomas.' They walked away from the nearest seamen and Bolitho added, 'At dusk you can put the people to work. Rig top-chains to the yards and have nets spread in good time. There will be little moving in the channel after dark, but there may be just one vessel to raise an alarm. We must be ready. If the worst happens and we touch ground, we must be lively and warp her off without delay.'

Herrick nodded, glad to share his own views and anxieties. 'Benbow is sheathed with the best Anglesey copper, but I'd not risk it on the bottom hereabouts!-'

He paused to watch some men hurrying past with buckets of grease and fat. Every loose bit of tackle, from driver-boom to capstan, had to be well covered with it.

From a deck of a ship at night the sounds of wind and sails seemed terrifyingly loud, but, in fact, it was the isolated metallic noise which carried best across the water.

Herrick said, 'The selected boats from the squadron will begin sounding as soon as we are under way. It will give them confidence and practice. When we are through, or if we are attacked, I have ordered the boats to return to their ships only if they do not impede progress. Styx can collect them later if need be.'

Bolitho looked at him searchingly. Even in the dying light Herrick's eyes were clear and blue.

'I think we have thought of everything, Thomas. Beyond that, your Lady Luck will have to give us some assistance.'

Herrick grinned. 'I've already put in my bid.'

A figure flitted past like a shadow. It was Loveys, the surgeon. Bolitho felt a chill dart up his spine as he remembered the pain, the intent stare in Loveys' deepset eyes as he had probed into the torn flesh.

The squadron surgeons would be in demand in hours rather than days, he thought grimly.

He said, 'I am going to my cabin. Perhaps you can join me presently.'

Herrick nodded. 'I'd like to clear for action when the people have been fed, sir.'

Bolitho agreed. He had left it to each individual captain to prepare for battle when he thought fit. Herrick would take it badly, none the less, if one of them beat the flagship to it.

The cabin looked larger than usual, and Bolitho realized that Ozzard had had most of the furniture carried below the waterline. It always made him feel uneasy. A sense of committal and finality.

Allday had taken down the bright presentation sword and was cleaning the other one with a soft cloth.

`I've arranged supper for you, sir. Nothing heavy.' Bolitho sat down and stretched out his legs. 'Doesn't the prospect of another battle worry you?'

'It does, sir.' He peered along the blade and nodded with satisfaction. `But where your flag goes the others will follow and the enemy will be the thickest. That's far more to worry

about than a few bloody noses!'

Bolitho allowed Allday to continue with his own private routine. The courier brig would be in England now with any luck. A day or so on the roads and his letter would eventually reach Herrick's home in Kent where Belinda was staying.

Ozzard entered with his tray covered by a cloth.

He said, `They are about to dear for action, sir.' He sounded outraged by the disturbance it would cause. `But Mr Wolfe has assured me that this cabin will remain as it is until you have finished.' He placed the tray on the table.

'Salt beef again, I'm afraid, sir.'

`Bolitho smiled, recalling Damerum's mention of his London grocer. Mr Fortnum? Perhaps he would go there with Belinda one day.

Far away, as if aboard another ship, he heard the cry, growing louder as deck above deck the boatswain's mates and petty officers dashed through the hull.

`All hands! All hands! Clear for action!'

Benbow seemed to shiver as hundreds of feet pounded along her decks, as if she herself was stirring to give battle.

Bolitho looked at the tough meat and Ozzard's attempt to make it appear palatable.

He heard himself say, `Looks well, Ozzard. I'll take a glass of madeira with it.'

Allday walked from the cabin, his huge, outdated cutlass beneath his arm. He would take it to the gunner's grindstone himself. Trust it to a seaman or ship's boy and it would come back looking like a woodsman's saw.

He had heard Bolitho's comment. So like the man, he thought. At a time like this he would eat that rock-hard meat rather than hurt Ozzard's feelings.

He strolled between the lines of guns, through the hurrying figures and bawling warrant officers.

Allday had seen it all before, and had often been one of these bustling shapes.

But as Bolitho's personal coxswain he was above it, unreach able afloat or ashore until fate decided otherwise.

Tom Swale, the boatswain, gave Allday a great gap-toothed grin as he passed.

`Busy, John?'

Allday nodded companionably. `Aye, Swain, busy.'

It was a game and they both knew it… Without it they would be useless when the guns began to speak.

One by one Bolitho's ships up-anchored as soon as it was completely dark, and like ghostly shadows moved slowly away from the rest of the fleet.

Bolitho rested both hands on the quarterdeck rail and strained his eyes directly ahead. He could see the pale uprights of the masts, the bulky webs of rigging stretching up into the night, but little else. Relentless and Lookout were invisible, as were most of the pulling boats as they moved ahead and abeam of their great charges like wary hounds.

A chain of men lined each of Benbow's gangways ready to pass back soundings from the leadsmen in the bows to Grubb and his assistants by the helm.

The wind hissed and slapped playfully at the reefed topsails, and against the ship's hull Bolitho heard the gentle sluice of water, almost the only sign that Benbow was under way.

There was a harder shadow to larboard, the Swedish coast creeping out towards them as if it and not the ships were moving.

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