
The food arrived and we began to eat. I wasn't really hungry but I had to eat something, since I hadn't eaten all day due to nerves. During dinner we talk made small talk. About 8:30 we left and stopped by a Seven-Eleven to get cigarettes for Mistress. She and I went in and there was a cop drooling at the counter as I saunter by him. We left there and went to the club. The club was back in the warehouse area, and at this time of night the only cars parked around were for the club.

We parked the cars and I got out, went around to the door and helped Zack out. Inside the door was a counter to sign in, which Mistress took care of. She gives me a quick tour and we stop in the smoking room for a cigarette. When she finished we went back to Zack and he told me to sit next to him.

I have known Zack for twenty years, two as a Dom, and I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me. He had his collar out, slipped it around my neck and buckled it then told me to strip.

I stood up and took off the dress in a room full of people, with no hesitation. He had me stand there while he put on the wrist cuffs, then had me raise my feet to his thigh, one at a time, to put on ankle cuffs. He attached a length of chain to the collar. He led me over to a rack that stuck out from the wall and had me raise my hands. He clipped cuffs to chain the hanging down.

He handed me the flogger and whip to hold up. He put a spacer bar Mistress had been holding, between my legs and attached it to the cuffs.

I was still wearing my thigh high hose and my heels, and I was a bit nervous, but I focused on him. He started with the rabbit fur, rubbing it up my legs and arms, over my stomach. It was very relaxing. Next, he had a paddle that looked like a ping-pong paddle and he swatted me. It stung. He worked my keester and I moaned but didn't scream, and not one tear shed. He went to town on rear and thighs. Then he puts his index finger inside me, and started moving it up and down. He called me Baby, and told me to cum for him.

Mistress started tracing her nail along my side up to my nipple, then rolled it between her fingers. I almost came, I was so close.

I was very wet and Zack was pumping away. I looked into his eyes and I tried to, but it just wouldn't come, or I couldn't. He got out the flogger and used that on me; I liked that it's deerskin and hurts so good. He did that for a few more minutes and then took me down.


Spiraling back to reality, someone was straddling me. Pinching hard on my nipples I opened my mouth to scream and a ball gag was jammed in it. They moved off me. First my right leg was unclamped from the clip and thrust up over my head to attach to my right wrist, then my left.

A suede flogger hit my right thigh then my left, back and forth. At first it was gentle, almost caressing as the strains wrapped around my thighs. Slowly, the rhythm increased with the intensity of the whip-ping.

Master and I had never used my safe words. He knows my body so well he knew when I was about ready to scream them. I would be thinking one more, I can only take one more, and he would strike me again and I would make it, then I'd think okay one more and I'll ask for mercy, but he would have stopped.

My thighs were on fire. I was thrashing about, screaming into the gag as hard as I could. This was totally different from what I had ever felt before. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I begged for mercy. It continued on, hard firm strokes moving lower toward my ass. I was on fire, bucking and pulling on my restraints. I had to get away. Then the strokes disappeared and all I felt was a warm glow deep inside, the flogger was still doing a number on my ass and the intensity didn't change but it all meshed into a hazy web of molten lava exploding through my body.

I floated from my core. Lightening strikes of electrical impulses were shot through my body. I was coming like crazy, orgasm after orgasm, only a few times had I ever been to this level.

Master was inside me. I know that entry – I live for it. He filled me completely rubbing just the right spots coming and going. I lost it, falling into a river of heat. The hair on his thighs was like sandpaper on my burning rear. It hurt so good. Holding on to my ankles he pumped, over and over again. I was deep in the throes of a massive orgasm when he came, shooting me even higher into ecstasy.

The world stilled and Master's warm sweet breath tickled my throat. He kissed under my chin and removed the gag to kiss me deeply. 'Baby, you’ve got to try harder,' was all he said before rising up off me.

I was being released from my bonds, and helped to sit up. The cuffs and collar stayed on but the blindfold was removed. I blinked a couple of times to adjust from the total darkness of the mask to the semi illumination of the path lights. The overhead fog lights had been dimmed. Kitten attached a leash to the collar and stood me up. My legs were like jello. I tingled from head to toe. Even the ends of my hair tingled.

Without saying a word she lead me back around the pool, this time I was not as close as I was on the trip out. We went through the sliding glass door and down the hall into Master's room.

She brought me to the cage in the corner and yanked hard on the leash for me to kneel and crawl in. The blanket was spread over the cold metal bottom of the cage.

I made my way in and Kitten leaned in after me, reaching for my hands she clasped them to the cage above my head. My feet she spread with knees up. My backbone was flat against the hard surface of the metal with only the wool blanket between. It was rough on my cheek where I rested, while tiny pinpricks stabbed in a thousand places on my tender backside.

The cage door clicked shut and Kitten patted the top of the cage twice. Standing there looking at me, her eyes were smiling even though it didn't show in the rest of her facial expression.

I shifted under her gaze and hissed, as I scraped more of what I knew was my 'ruby red ass'. No matter which way I moved one part of my burning flesh touched the blanket.

Kitten's smile had now reached her lips. 'Night, Baby' she said as she crawled up on Master's bed and curled at the bottom. She lowered the lights to a soft mellow tone, and faced me. Her eyes watched my every move but not another word passed her lips. I did my best to hold perfectly still, and closed my eyes tight. I thought of the whipping I had just received and Master's words to me, that I had to try harder. I promised him I would.

Master came in shortly after Kitten dozed off. He removed his robe and I caught a glimpse of Master in his glory before he slipped between the sheets.

'Good night, Baby. Sweet dreams.'

And there was silence: Cold cruel silence.

I had to shift again and almost moaned out loud as the embers of pain steadily grew in my nether region. Tears streamed down my face. Why was I so hard headed?

Walking back in time I thought again on that night with Zack. He called me the next day and what I would be doing for the next three months. He asked if I'd like to go to a spa of sorts as his gift to me for my birthday. A friend of his had a type of Academy for submissives and slaves. I would be away and unavailable for three months, unless for extreme emergencies. It was totally emerged, like they do for language in the CIA or something. 'Berlitz School for Subbies', was what I thought at the time.

This same friend happened to have one opening left in the fall semester, and Zack wondered if I was interested.

Five million things went through my head at that moment, and I said, 'Zack, you believe I'm up to it, or you wouldn't have brought it up.'

'Very good, Baby you're learning. I'll make all the arrangements at this end. You have one week to close up shop, so to speak. I know the office is closed for a month. Make all the necessary calls and have the rest run through your service. Thursday, I'll call with a number where you can be reached in an emergency. You won't need anything but your driver’s license.

'You are to wear a jogging out fit, one size too small. It's to be a second skin; comfortable shoes and your hair is to be French braided. No make up. Oh, and by the way, no cigarettes.'

'What!' I screamed to my empty room, attempting to cover the receiver before he heard me.

'Baby, I know you’ve been smoking occasionally, and this is my way of making sure you quit for good. I thought you had more back-bone.'

I had to move again. I knew I was whimpering, but I couldn't help it. I was on fire, not in total pain, but not

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