I had the pleasure of dancing with the prince, and even though I was nude, he proved himself a gentleman, and twice before his brief vacation was ended, I felt the weight of his nude body upon mine. I wonder what his royal mother would say were she to know that? But then, perhaps she does. Who knows?

But our pleasures were not confined to the house and garden. We visited everywhere. Vauxhall Gardens, Piccadilly Salon, Holborn Casino, and Portland Rooms were but some of the places we frequented, though we missed none of the lesser spots.

One night after a splendid dinner when Mrs. Meredith was feeling in an unusual mood, she suggested that we walk in street as common whores. Several of our party had already done this and boasted of the good times they had had. We did it. That night I had six sailors in the back room of a common saloon!

Another time someone stole our purses. Mrs. Meredith suggested taking a “handsome” home. “But how shall we pay?” I asked.

She simply smiled at this. “Wait and see,” she said.

At our door, we were obliged to tell the caddy of our plight. He, good soul that he was, offered to take it out in trade, and right there in his cab. Mrs. Meredith and I allowed the caddy to fuck us. Some comedown for an opera singer, isn't it, my friend? But remember, it was only a lark; either of us could have purchased a thousand handsome cabs.

I'll never forget his words as he adjusted his trousers. He said, “Be jabbers, I never had a better put-in thin the two o’ yer, and I'm treatin’ yer ter the ride!'

But Mrs. Meredith wasn't to be outdone by a cab driver. Telling him to wait there for her, she went into the house, returning with a well-filled purse. “Here,” she said, handing it to him. “There are a hundred pounds in it, and it's worth it; you're the best fuck I've had in months!'

A nudist at heart, I've gone naked for days on end, as have many others here, and the longer I do it the greater the thrill.

Ever your libertine,


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