more. We supped and I was hungry. That dark fellow ate and drank like Hercules. Upon quitting the table, he said to my father and to Guac: ' You have not deceived me. She even surpasses the enthusiastic description you gave of her. If the interior of her cunt is anything like the outside, I shall have her at whatever the price.'

' Let' s have a look at your prick,' said Guac. The dark man revealed himself. ' Ah, yes, that should make a very nice fit, a perfect one. A glance at mine will explain why I' ve not been able to encunt her, as Monsieur Conveloute-'

' But, ye gods, Monsieur Guac! What' s that you' ve got between your legs! An appalling prick, I say! Mademoiselle, fist that object, if you please, I' d like to see how hard it is.'

I seized Guac' s prick. He straightway began to roar with pleasure.

' I' m stiffening also.' Fysistere remarked. ' Make your father rigid too, and we' ll compare engines.' And I grasped Father' s member, which swelled as I squeezed my hand. Then the comparing took place. Guac' s was three times the hairy man' s, whose was twice my father' s.

' I' d like to have a word with her,' said Guac, furious with lust. He steered me into a corner, drew a curtain to conceal us, and discharged into my mouth. Only my father guessed what Guac had just done. As for myself, that mouthful of custard braced me wonderfully; I too was afire.

Fysistere' s first words delighted me: ' I must fuck her fully dressed to begin with,' said he. We retired to the bed. He removed his breeches and exhibited a body no less hirsute than an ape' s. He had me take hold of his device, saying,' Introduce this thing into your cunt, and raise your ass in the approved style every time I give a thrust.' I encunted myself at once. He pushed; I uttered a cry, for he was tearing me, having a prick larger than my uncle' s and, indeed, than all the other pricks which had fucked me hitherto. ' Don' t be upset,' he said, ' I am deflowering you, depucelating you is the technical term. Move your ass, gyrate it.' I moved and gyrated it as best I could, sighing with pleasure as I repaid his prick- strokes with heaves of my ass. He finally rammed his way to the bottom, my nippers closed upon his gland. ' Adorable wench!' he exclaimed between shouts of lewd delight. ' Your satin- smooth cunt' s biting the sausage! Your fortune is made, your future secure, as are your father' s and your fiance' s, for selling you to me. Come now, let' s fuck seriously!' I twisted and writhed, I leapt in the fashion my father and Guac too recommended. ' Ah, this is sublime!' Fysistere rhapsodized. ' She' s discharging… ah, she' ll get me a little short- tailed bugger!' To my fiance: ' Come here, scoundrel, put your hand on my back, lower down, lower still – that' s it. Now with one hand tickle what you find there, and with the other hand give my balls a massage.' Guac obeyed.

Later, I discovered that at the base of his spine the hirsute man had a stub of a tail, shaped just like a prick. But like the rest of his body, it was covered with hair, and it was that tail my husbandto- be fondled. ' This celestial cunt isn' t something to be abandoned in a minute or two. No, I' ll be at work for a good hour,' said Fysistere, agitating himself happily. ' Tickle away, bugger, tickle away, both my tail and my balls.' He discharged six times before he come out for air. I asked leave to wash myself. My fiance sponged my cunt and kissed me, calling me his cornucopia, his magical goose. Meanwhile, my father sucked my bubs.

Said Guac to the dark- skinned man: ' She' s yours, but I' m as stiff as a goat. Permit me to embugger her.'

' Embugger her? No, ' tis good fuck wasted; nor shall you encunt her, for I want her to bear me a little one with a tail. But were she disposed to drink some fuck – and I' ve known a few high- spirited women who have a taste for it – I' d agree to let you enmouth her.' Upon hearing this, I laid firm hold of my fiance' s prick and I' d have swallowed it had it been loose and not so bulky. He discharged while well within my gullet. He let go with guttural sounds, and the boiling seed splashed down into my stomach. ' Ah, she likes fuck!' observed Fysistere. ' She has every virtue, every quality, and she' ll be lovely so long as she is fecund. Well there, Papa, put yours into her mouth. Of all fucks, paternal has the best flavor.' I hurled myself upon my father, threw him down on the bed, seized his risen prick, and made it move in and out of my mouth until he erupted. I savoured and swallowed his fuck delightedly. ' Good!' exclaimed Fysistere. ' She has had an exemplary upbringing, ' tis clear. The girl' s priceless.' He took off my nightdress and shoes and stockings. My father and Guac assisted him. I was stripped to the skin, handled, caressed, kissed from top to bottom while I rinsed out my mouth. They passed me the nightdress. Completely naked now, the tailed man raised it and got next to me, sucked my nipples and my tongue. Then he told my father to insert his prick in my cunt.

Fysistere fucked me another six times without pausing to decunt. I felt tired. I wished to tidy myself. For an hour I sat astride the bidet, my cunt steeping in soothing tepid water. Fysistere amused himself by making Guac stiff and having him release packets of semen into my mouth. Then he summoned me, saying, ' You have had ample rest, come to the couch so that I can give you the bouquet.' He had my father introduce his member.

' Courage, my child,' Papa said, ' This fucker is worth ten ordinary men. I' ll try to provide you with some relief if this goes on for too long.' Six more fuckings followed, fucking of such extraordinary vehemence that I simply could not stand any more. I said I' d had quite enough.

' But,' Fysistere explained, ' the bouquet is twice the usual attack.'

' What' s this? How many shots do you propose to give her, then?' my father demanded to know.

' Twenty- four in all. That' s my accustomed dose.'

' That' s too many, you' ll drown the child if you' ve impregnated her, my good fellow. I have suggestion. She has a younger sister, just as pretty as she is. I' ll give her to you, for this poor girl won' t be able to keep up with you.'

' I accept your offer,' said Fysistere, ' and I' ll need a lot of others, for I stop fucking them as soon as they are full, or while they are nursing the little ones. Is the younger girl about?' he enquired, fucking me uninterruptedly.

' No, you' ll not be able to have her until tomorrow night.'

' In that case, I' ll finish giving this one all twenty- four. You may wash now,' he said to me, decunting. ' I' ve only five more to go. If your fiance feels fit, let him give you a drink of fuck – ' twill strengthen you for the rest.' Guac immediately brought me his balls to fondle and his prick to frig. I acquitted myself so brilliantly that he was neighing before three minutes had gone by and I had just enough time to get my mouth around his prick when he discharged, swearing like a trooper. ' Yes, there' s nothing missing in this girl. She has every talent a man could ask for.' Fysistere declared as he reencunted. ' If her younger sister is half as gifted, there are two matchless athletes.' He ran off his last five fucks, one after the other. I can say in my own behalf that I discharged in reply to every shot he fired into the target. Indeed, I sometimes answered with two or three to his one, whence the active Fysistere' s admiring comments. He called me a fuckeress worthy of him. Wherewith my father said, ' I doubt whether, even with the little one, you' ll be well enough supplied. But I' ve got just what you' re looking for: a niece. She' s a nun and has the hysteric vapors, it seems. She' ll be useful, however, in giving my daughters some respite.'

' A niece, eh? Excellent, I' ll take all three and will give each an annual income of twelve thousand pounds,' the dark- skinned man promised. ' Bring them to see me every day, except for tomorrow. I' ll be busy stuffing a tall blonde who has heard me spoken of and wishes to have a try.' And he left.

That scene altered all our plans. I slept till noon. We arrayed ourselves and were married at one o' clock. The wedding feast was gay. My sister was there, as was my hysterical Carmelite cousin, my father having found the means to have her there by alleging her need of the waters she had been for a considerable period requesting. I felt the most genuine pity for my sister Doucette' s little cunt, and resolved to see her at some time during the day. My father cunt- sucked her while I looked on, explaining to her that such treatment was excellent for her health and prevented illness. Ah, how pretty she was! I' d have got my tongue in her cunt, too, had it not been for my bridal dress and coiffure, for her dear little fuck tempted me sorely. Our father warned her that she would have probably to aid me in the course of my wedding night, and the amiable child naively and graciously agreed to do whatever would be of help. I also saw the cunt that belonged to my Carmelite cousin, the beautiful Victoire Loudo. It wasn' t exactly sweet to see, nor cute, but was covered by rich, superb black upholstery. One had but to touch it with the tip of one' s finger to plunge her into an erotic frenzy and my father was obliged to screw her in front of my sister and me; this quieted the poor thing for no more than a moment. We called my uncle; he fucked her three times. Then we put the young man to work; he was soon exhausted. Then we enlisted the solicitor' s services. And finally we one by one applied to all those who were to stuff me on that glorious day. The embuggerers came afterwards: she was fucked, refucked, and fucked again, nailed, hammered, cleated, planed, sealed, and painted – and calmed at last. But we did not resort to Monsieur Guac – I was jealous of him. While all this multiple fuckery was proceeding, my father frigged my sister. The nun' s embuggerage had caused Papa such an erection that he thrust

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