
Once his men are ready to ride, the captain mounts and says, “Good luck to you.”

“You too, captain,” Illan says.

Turning his horse south, the captain rides out with his men falling in behind. A string of horses in the middle of his men hold ten wounded clan riders.

As they ride away, Illan moves to where Hinney is still cradling Keril’s head in his lap. Even before he reaches them, he knows Keril is dead. “We have one more service to perform for Keril,” he says to him gently.

Looking up with tears running down his face, Hinney says, “He was a good friend.”

“Yes he was,” agrees Illan. “But it’s time we let him go.”

Nodding, Hinney comes to his feet and then picks up his friend. Over to the side, Jorry and Uther have already dug a grave for him. When Hinney gets closer, they gently remove Keril from his arms and place him within.

They fill in the grave and everyone gathers around as each tells of some experience they’d had with Keril.

When they’re done, they secure James and Miko to their horses. Mounting, Illan gets them moving toward the pass, and Cardri.


The first thing he becomes aware of is the fact that he’s lying in a bed. Odd, he doesn’t remember there being a bed by the Pass. He cracks his eyes open then closes them quickly when the light strikes his eyes like red hot daggers. Moaning, he brings his arm up and lays it over his face to block out the painful light.

“He’s awake,” he hears a voice say.

“Get Jiron,” another voice says and he hears a door open and close.

“James,” a soft, female voice says soothingly. He feels someone sitting on the bed next to him. Then a hand is placed on his chest as the voice speaks again, “James?”

He parts his lips to say something but is unable to speak.

“Here,” the voice says again, “try to drink some of this.”

Opening his mouth, he feels a cup being placed to his lips. Then, cool water slowly enters his mouth, soothing the parchedness. And when he swallows, the liquid eases the tightness of his throat. After the cup is pulled away, he’s able to croak out, “Where am I?”

“You are in Trendle, James,” the voice says and then he recognizes that it’s Mary who’s tending him. “You have been here several days. We were worried about you.”

“Miko?” he asks.

“Your friend is doing well,” she replies. “He is in Devin’s room and still very weak. We will let him know you’re awake.”

He nods his head. The door opens and then feels another person sit on the bed. Then he hears Jiron’s voice say, “Man, am I glad you’re back.”

“Me, too,” James croaks. “Water,” he says reaching out weakly. The cup is returned to his lips as he takes another small sip.

“Not too much at one time, now,” she advises.

When he’s done drinking, he asks, “Are Tersa and the others here?”

“Yes, they made it,” Jiron says happily.

“They’re staying at Hern’s old place right now,” Mary tells him. “When they showed up and explained things to us, they were allowed to move in while they waited for you.”

“Thank you,” he says. Cracking his eyes open, he can see Mary and Jiron sitting on the bed. The light hurts his eyes, but they seem to be getting used to it, either that, or the water has somehow helped.

“You’re welcome,” Mary says. The door cracks open again and he hears a small voice ask, “Is he okay mama?”

“Cyanna,” her mother says, “he’s fine.”

James can hear her say something to another by the door when her mother says, “Girls, now leave him be. He needs his rest.”

“Yes, mama,” Cyanna says and then the door closes once more.

“We better go,” Mary says to Jiron. “He still needs a great deal of rest.”

“Alright,” he replies. Getting off the bed, he looks to his friend “You get some rest James. If I’m not here when the next time you wake, I’ll be over with Tersa.”

Then Mary gives him one more sip before rising. “Get some sleep,” she advises. “It’s the best thing for you right now.”

As they leave the room, he closes his eyes and before drifting off to sleep one more time, remembers the message that Abula-Mazki had sent: The Fire walks with the Star. They know, and they’ll be coming for it.

Вы читаете Warrior priest of Dmon-Li
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