The question unfroze the support unit and her grey eyes swivelled on to her. ‘I am unable to comply with your request,’ she said.

‘I’m sorry?’

‘I cannot reveal the message to you, Maddy. Not at this time.’

‘What? Who says?’

Becks’s eyes flickered as she checked data. ‘I am unable to reveal that. But it is a higher authority than yours.’

‘A higher authority?’ She looked at Foster. ‘A higher authority? Do you know who she’s talking about?’

Foster frowned, puzzled. ‘No … no, I don’t.’

‘Oh God, I don’t like this,’ she whispered. ‘Secrets within secrets. I hate it! It means somebody’s getting used here. And that somebody’s probably me.’

She turned to Becks. ‘Can you tell me anything about the message? Anything at all?’

‘I am allowed to tell you it is a warning. That is all.’

‘But you said I can’t know about it yet.’


‘Which — What? — Which means you’re going to be allowed to tell me at some point in time?’



Becks tilted her head slightly, almost the way a dog will do. Her grey eyes searched data, then finally settled back on Maddy. ‘When it is the end.’

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