bed, which I could see by the light of the lamp outside the window. He placed me sitting on it, and then tried to push me back, at the same time putting my hand on his standing prick.

' 'Feel how hot it is; and have pity on it, for it's just ready to burst, and this sweet cunt is the only thing that can give it relief. Let me put it in, you will find it so jolly.

' 'No, I can't let you put it in, it would hurt me, and do me harm besides.' ' 'It shan't hurt you, and I won't let it do you harm – that's a sweet girl – open your thighs – wide – wider still;' and drawing me to the edge, he lifted up my legs, and coming between them, he placed the head of his prick in the slit of my cunt, resting his hands on my shoulders, he began to shove.

'His prick was large, much larger than Louis's. And as I opposed its entrance in every way I could, for the purpose of making him think that he was the first to force the passage, he found considerable difficulty in getting in.

' 'How uncommonly tight you are, Laura, help me or I shall never be able to break through your virgin fence.' 'To confirm that notion, I cried, 'Oh, take it out, it's hurting me, I can't bear it,' and I tried to move out from under him.

My resistance, as I intended, only increased his ardour, for holding me firmly with his hands, he pushed on with the greatest determination; and very soon I felt the dear thing making its way in and rushing up the passage, distending all its folds and causing every nerve to fill with rapture.

'My opposition had served its turn, and now I strained myself open, that I might receive all that he was able to give.

' 'Now, my sweet Laura, you will have no more pain. Oh, is that not good? Oh, oh, Laura – it's coming – press me in your arms – Oh, oh.'

'I received his discharge into my longing cunt with the utmost satisfaction and, regardless of the consequences, I held him in my encircling arms until his prick had drained out the last drops of its sweets far up in the soft entrails of my belly.

'I could not help it, though I knew the risk I was running – for, as you now well, Queenie, one loses nearly half the pleasure when the prick is suddenly pulled out of the cunt just at the moment when you want it to be driven home, and to feel it in all its length and breadth filling up the cavity of delight.

'So I hugged him and made my cunt suck his prick, and jerked my bottom up and down until I got him into humour again; then, to encourage him I cried: 'Now, Bertie, fuck me again – Oh, yes, I will say cunt and prick and bottom and arse and anything else you like; yet I like to feel your prick fucking me!' And then, he poked and I heaved, and we both panted together as the old-fashioned move progressed, until the culminating point was reached and we spent, fast and locked in each other's arms.

'When we stood up, I observed how very much my dress was tumbled and disarranged, and said, 'See how you have tumbled my dress, how can I enter the room again in this state.' 'Without waiting for an answer, he ran off, and soon returned carrying my wraps and a bottle of champagne. In my warm and excited state, the wine was peculiarly welcome, and between us the contents of the bottle quickly disappeared. I was, as you may suppose, quite uplifted, and felt I had the heart for any fate, and so I stepped boldly out into the dark under escort of my dancing acquaintance.


Laura's narrative concluded

'We were soon joined by another spark who rejoiced in the suggestive name of Toplady, but was familiarly known as Topsy; he and Bertie were boon companions, and were known to have shared in many a wild adventure at any other time, I would have been slow to trust myself to their questionable guardianship, but now, being both excited and bewildered by the wine I had drunk, I scarcely knew what I was doing.

So when Bertie held me while Topsy kissed me and then ran his hand up under my petticoats and explored all my cunt and bottom, I offered no resistance, observing which, he boldly pulled up my clothes, pushed his prick against my cunt, and wanted to fuck me then and there; but Bertie checked him saying: 'Stop a moment, Topsy, we shall find a more convenient place than this.' Then taking me by the arm, one on each side, they hurried me along, until we came to a gloomy looking house in the outskirts of the town. I did not like the appearance of the place, and begged them to take me home as they had promised. 'Not yet awhile, darling,' said Bertie. 'The ball won't be over for another hour; we can safely enjoy ourselves here without fear of molestation, and then I will bring you safely home.' 'He then took me up in his strong arms and carried me up the steps into the hall, where Topsy struck a match, lighted a candle, and led the way up a ruinous staircase until we reached the door of a room containing several broad couches round the walls. Topsy next lighted some candles on a large table in the centre of the room while Bertie laid me on one of the couches and, drawing up my clothes, said: 'Now Topsy, here is a treat you may thank me for, give up your low tastes and enjoy for once in your life a good honest fuck, and remember you have a lady in your hands, and not one of the common sort you are accustomed to. Look here, this is a cunt fit for an emperor. See these full lips, how they push out, so thick and round and hairy, and the notch between so red and moist and fragrant.'

'Topsy replied, 'Very true, it is grand,' and he plunged his head between my thighs and titillated my cunt with his tongue, winding it round and pushing it up the passage; then he grasped the cheeks of my bottom-hole, poking in his tongue as far as he could, and stirring up within me the most libidinous sensations.

'Meanwhile Bertie had placed my hand on his prick. I liked the touch of its warm animated substance, and drawing it towards my mouth, I took it in and sucked its head.

'Topsy raised himself and said: 'I have an idea, Bertie. Lie on your back with Laura over you and your prick in her cunt, then let me mount on top of you both, and get in where I can.' 'Between them, they stripped me almost naked, which did not please me, but Bertie lay back no the couch with his prick standing up in fine erection, I willingly got over him, and with my own hand, helped by Topsy, quickly placed the distended limb in the gap prepared for its reception. As I pressed down, it passed sweetly up and filled my belly with luxurious warmth; but when I proceeded to obey the impulse of pleasure and heave up and down over him, he checked me and said,

'Softly, sweet Laura, wait till Topsy gets in too, and then we shall all work together.' 'Meanwhile, Topsy was busy anointing my cunt and bottom. I, in my innocence, still thought his only desire was to enter my cunt alongside of Bertie; but having grasped me firmly by the hips, before I knew what I was about, he suddenly forced his tool into my well-greased bottom-hole, and began to fuck me there with all his might. The first entrance of his big [headed tool in so narrow a passage hurt me considerably, but no sooner was that effected and the whole prick inside, than the pulsation of pleasure commenced. The action of the two pricks so close to one another was in fact delightfully lascivious; every time Bertie heaved up and smacked his belly against mine, I got a shake on my rump as Topsy darted his slippery engine into my bottom.

'No description, however, could give you any adequate idea of the extraordinary pleasure I then felt and enjoyed. But the height of our amorous furore we heard steps on the stairs, and before we could disengage ourselves, two half-naked men, and two girls in a similar state of dishabille burst into the room.

'Taking in the situation at a glance, they called to Bertie and Tipsy not to mind, but to go on with their sport, and all four gathered round us.

The men poked their pricks, which were on the stand and sticking out, up to my face, while the girls began to finger the two pricks inserted into my cunt and bottom. We did not heed them after the first start, and I was in such an exaggerated stand of grand feeling and excited lust that I actually seized the two pricks with avidity, and holding one in each hand, put them to my lips.

'What mad fools we become under the influence of drink, and what unaccountable and freakish things we are impelled to do when stimulated by venereal excitement; here were two common-looking fellows, whom I would scarcely have spoken to, much less have touched, at any other time, presenting their fiery red-headed tools reeking, no doubt, fresh from the cunts of these two girls, without causing me any repugnance, nay, rather gratifying my senses of taste, touch and smell. I took them alternately into my mouth, while I frigged them with my hands in time

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