Which is called the close-hug,

Which will mend your complexion, and make you look snug, A sovereign balsam, which once well applied Though griev'd at the heart, the patient ne'er died.

In the morning you need not be robb'd of your rest, For in your warm bed your physic works best;

And though in the taking some stirring's requir'd, The motion's so pleasant, you need not be tir'd;

On your back you must lie,

And raise yourself high,

And one of these Doctors must always be by;

Who still will be ready to cover you warm, For if you take cold all physic does harm.

Before they do venture to give their direction, They always consider the patient's complexion;

If she have a moist palm, or a red head of hair, She requires more physic than one man can spare;

If she have a long nose,

Scarce anyone knows,

How many large handfuls must go to the dose;

You Ladies that have such ill symptoms as these, In reason and conscience should pay double fees.

Вы читаете The Boudoir No. 6
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