His wound, though-where?

Can I not heal it?

The rapture of night

O let us feel it?

Not of thy wounds,

not of thy wounds must thou expire!

Together, at least,

let fade life's enfeebled fire!-

How lifeless his look!-

still his heart!-

Dared he to deal me

Buch a smart?

Stayed is his breathing's

gentle tide!

Must I be wailing

at his side,

who, in rapture coming to seek him,

fearless sailed o'er the sea?

Too late, too late!

Desperate man!

Casting on me

this cruelest ban!

Comes no relief

for my load of grief?

Silent art keeping

while I am weeping?

But once more, ah!

But once again!-


he wakens-hark!



(She sinks down senseless upon his body.)


[KURVENAL, who reentered close behindISOLDA, has remained

by the entrance speechless and petrified, gazing motionless on

TRISTAN. From below is now heard the dull murmur of voices and the

clash of weapons. The Shepherd clambers over the wall.]

SHEPHERD (coming hastily and softly toKURVENAL ).

Kurvenal! Hear!

Another ship!

(KURVENALstarts up in haste and looks over the rampart, whilst

the Shepherd stands apart, gazing in consternation onTRISTAN


KURVENAL. Fiends and furies!

(In a burst of anger.)

All are at hand!

Melot and Mark

I see on the strand,-

Weapons and missiles!-

Guard we the gate!

(He hastens with the Shepherd to the gate, which they both try

quickly to barricade.)

THE STEERSMAN (rushing in).

Mark and his men

have set on us:

defence is vain!

We're overpowered.

KURVENAL. Stand to and help!-

While lasts my life

I'll let no foe enter here!

BRANGAENA'S VOICE (without, calling from below).

Isolda! Mistress!

KURVENAL. Brangaena's voice! (Falling down.)

What want you here?

BRANGAENA. Open, Kurvenal!

Where is Isolda?

KURVENAL. With foes do you come?

Woe to you, false one!

MELOT'S VOICE (without). Stand back, thou fool!

Bar not the way!

KURVENAL (laughing savagely). Hurrah for the day

on which I confront thee!

(MELOT, with armed men, appears under the gateway.

KURVENALfalls on him and cuts him down.)

Die, damnable wretch!


MELOT. Woe's me!-Tristan! (He dies.)

BRANGAENA (still without). Kurvenal! Madman!

O hear-thou mistakest!

KURVENAL. Treacherous maid! (To his men.)

Come! Follow me!

Force them below! (They fight.)

MARK (without). Hold, thou frantic man!

Lost are thy senses?

KURVENAL. Here ravages Death!

Nought else, O king,

is here to be holden!

If you would earn it, come on!

(He sets uponMARKand his followers.)

MARK. Away, rash maniac!

BRANGAENA (has climbed over the wall at the side and hastens in the


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