beat of his heart. He tried to pray, tried to be sensitive to what God wanted him to do. But as the director in front of him finally pulled away from a long embrace of the potentate, David stood there blankly.

Carpathia spread his arms and said, 'David, my beloved David.'

David could not move and sensed the turning heads of those nearby. Carpathia looked puzzled, seeming to beckon him. David said, 'Pothen-potenth-Exshell-' and pitched forward. His last image before crashing to the floor, head banging the marble, was that he had vomited all over Carpathia.

'How you doing, Zeke?' Buck said.

He pictured the all-black-wearing, flabby forger huddled underground at his dad's one-pump filling station in ravaged Des Plaines. 'I'm OK,' came the whispered reply. 'I been watchin' TV to keep from gettin' bored, and I got all kinds of food down here. Kinda dark though. And 'course there's nothing on but all this Carpathia junk.'

'Have you been keeping an eye on the GC?'

'Yeah, every time I hear a car I scoot over to my monitor and watch what they do. Some of these people aren't even our real customers. They just see the pump and stop in. Then the GC car swings over from across the road and parks right in front of 'em.'

'A jeep?'

'No, it's a little four door, a dark compact.'


'Why's that good, Mr. Williams?'

'Because when I come for you, I'm going to be in a white Hummer, and it'll squash a compact like a bug.'

'It's not a VW, sir. It's-' 'That was just an expression, Zeke.' 'Oh, I getcha.'

'So they don't pull up in front and behind the car?' 'No, there's only one GC car over there. I looked.' 'You did?'

'Yeah. I know I shouldn't have, but I was real bored, so I sneaked up the stairs where I was still in the dark and could see across the way. You know this road never really got rebuilt. They threw some asphalt on it a little over a year ago, but there was no real base, so it went to potholes and now it's just chunks of pavement. We don't get much traffic.'

'You don't think the GC knows you're there, do you?' 'Nope, and I'm real sure they don't know there's a basement. There didn't use to be. Dad and I dug it ourselves.' 'Where's the debris?' 'Out back, through the door at the back of the service bay.'

'Hmm, never noticed it. How close are the secret stairs to the underground?'

'Maybe ten feet. It's kinda hidden in the corner.'

'So if I was to drive to the back of the station, I'd see a door right about in the middle of the building, a door you could get to by sneaking up the stairs and moving about ten feet along the back wall.'


'So if you knew exactly when I was coming, you could sneak out the back without the GC stakeout guys seeing you.'

'They'd probably see you, though.'

'I'll worry about that. We don't want them to know you were ever in the underground. You come out and crawl in the back and I'll have a blanket you can hide under.'

'I'll have a lot of my stuff.'

'That's OK. If they see me and stop me, I'll bluff my way out of it, but I'm going to try to do it in a way where they won't even know I'm there.'

A beep told Buck he had another call. It was Rayford. 'Zeke, let me call you back. It could be a while, so be packed.' He pushed the button. 'Buck here.'

'Buck, you're not going to believe who I just prayed with.'


'No, you'd never guess.'

David awoke in the palace hospital during the wee hours to someone caressing his hand.

'Don't speak,' she whispered. It was Nurse Pale-moon. 'You're a celebrity.'


'Shh. It's all over the palace that you blew chunks on Carpathia.'

David was on an IV again. He felt better. 'Did you change my dressing?' 'Yes, now be quiet.' 'I thought you were off duty.'

'So did I, but I was yanked in here because I was the one who had stitched you up, and you know no doctor was going to be dragged out of bed.' 'Hannah, I've got to get out of here.' 'No, you should have been with us a few days anyway, and now you've got the chance.'

'I can't and neither can you.' He quickly whispered what he had learned at the meeting. 'We've got to be out of here before thirty days from today or be prepared for the consequences.'

'I'm prepared, David. Aren't you?' 'You know what I mean. I've got to find my fiancee and my pilots, and if you know of any other believers-' 'Fiancee? You're attached?' 'The Phoenix cargo chief, Annie Christopher.' 'I don't know what to tell you, David. If she were here, she'd be in the system by now.'

'Would you check again for me? And see if you can get Mac McCullum and Abdullah Smith to visit me.'

'That's quite an alias, Albie,' Plank said. 'You want me to report that a Deputy Commander Elbaz came in here with the proper credentials and that I followed the letter of the law?'

'I'm so visible on the GC database, no one will even question it,' Albie said. 'They'll probably wonder why they haven't met me yet.'

'And soon enough,' Rayford said, 'I'll be enlisted and we'll make sure Albie reports to me. I just worry about compromising our inside guy, the one who sets this stuff up for us.'

'How will they trace it to him or even to the palace?' Albie said.

'I don't know. Maybe he's precluded that, but we'll have to let him know what's happening.'

Plank led them out the door and down the hall, past the receptionist and into the cell area. 'I heard a noise back there a minute ago,' Mrs. Garner called out from the desk.


'Somethin' banging, that's all.'

Plank led the men to Hattie's door and knocked but heard no response. 'Ma'am,' he called out, 'GC personnel are here to transport you back to Buffer.' He winked at Rayford and Albie. 'May I come in, ma'am?'

Plank fished for his key ring, unlocked the door, and pushed it open about an inch until it met resistance. Albie and Rayford stepped forward to help, but Plank said, 'I got this.'

He backed up his chair, then threw it forward, bashing into the door and pushing past the bed that had been wedged against it. 'Oh, no!' he said, and Rayford stepped over him, driving his shoulder into the door to force his way in.

The room was dark, but when he flipped the light switch, sparks startled him from the ceiling where the fixture had been. Light from the hall showed the fixture now on the floor, knotted at the end of a sheet. The other end was tight around Hattie's neck, and she lay there twitching.

'Tried to hang herself from a flimsy light,' Plank said, as Albie leaped past him and slid up to Hattie on his knees. He and Rayford dug and tore at the sheet until it came loose. Rayford gently turned her on her back, and she flopped like a dead woman. As his eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he saw that hers were open, pupils dilated.

'She was moving!' Albie whispered, grabbing her belt and lifting her hips off the floor. Rayford plugged her nose, forced her mouth open, and clamped his mouth over hers. Her tiny frame rose and fell as he breathed into her, and Albie applied pressure to help her breathe out.

'Shut the door,' Albie told Plank.

'You don't need the light?'

'Shut it!' he whispered desperately. 'We're going to save this girl, but nobody but us is going to know it.'

Plank steered his chair to push the bed out of the way, then shut the door.

'She's got a pulse,' Albie said. 'You OK, Ray? Want me to take over?'

Rayford shook his head and continued until Hattie began to cough. Finally she gulped in huge breaths and blew

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