charge. Behind the scenes though, when it was just the two of us, he looked like a man completely devastated. He’s a powerful wolf, one of the strongest and most lethal I know-it’s why I’ll follow him to the grave. But he also leads with his heart, and your kidnapping was the final straw in a brutal attack. I’m glad you’re not giving him a hard time because I know once this is all over, he’ll be back to himself.” Reaching over to take the ball of used tape out of my hand, he combined it with his own and aimed towards a nearby wastebasket. “He’s the best man I know.”

“Thank you for being his friend… for being loyal.” I hugged him quickly. “And for sharing with me.”

“Sharing what?” A new voice interrupted as Mason entered the gym. He strode into the room, his lengthy step eating up the distance between us. He looked back and forth, waiting for an answer.

“About how much you miss me kicking your ass in here. It’s been a while, Brother. Care for a rematch from the last time?” Daniel cocked his eyebrow, a smirk covering his face as he issued a challenge.

“Whatever, we don’t have time for that. I came looking for you to let you know we’ve received another message. Seems we’re not fast enough for Avery and he’s grown impatient. He’s sent an address for me to meet him so we can discuss the shifting of my alliance.”

A feeling of doom and foreboding swept over my body, causing a chill to raise goose bumps on my flesh. “Please tell me you’re not actually going to go, Mason. It’s got trap written all over it. Hell, it’s got neon signs blazing.” I turned to Daniel, hoping he would help talk some reason into him.

“Not now, Darcy,” Mason answer was short, his attention focused. “And don’t think I didn’t notice the lack of phone call from you.” Addressing his second in command, he added, “I’ll need you to get ready. The meeting’s set for two hours, but I want to do a little recognizance first-see what we’re up against before attacking. I want you loaded up with weapons, but I’m ordering you not to kill unless it’s absolutely necessary. He’s mine, and I want the pleasure of destroying him.”

Having been surrounded by werewolves my entire life, violence was something I was familiar with, but as I listened to the blood thirsty tone in Mason’s voice, it was hard to get used to. Here was the man who could sweet talk me like no one else, who could reduce me to a puddle of desire, so the cold steel that edged his words seemed completely foreign.

“Can’t you wait? Take more time to plan. Call more people. I don’t like the feel of this.” My anxiety levels increased, and my wolf was also agitated. I’d spent hours with the vampire and I couldn’t help worry about his intentions.

“No, we’re at war. We need to act, and as Alpha it’s my duty to take every opportunity to ensure the safety of my pack. You should know this more than anyone.”

“But at the expense of your own safety though… and that of Daniel? I know what you want and why, but how much clearer do I need to be… I feel like something bad is going to happen at this meeting. You can’t trust Avery.”

“I’m not a fool to go in blind.”

His anger rose, and I desperately wanted to pull back. I didn’t want to challenge his authority, or his ability to lead. I loved this man so much and it broke my heart to keep pushing, but I felt so strongly about this, I thought I would choke. I just knew if I didn’t speak up, get him to acknowledge what I was saying was worth listening to- there was a very real possibility of losing him. I needed him. The pack needed him. The Mystic Wolves would be devastated without Mason.

“Take her back to her room to meet her new guard, and I’ll see you in fifteen minutes to go over our plans.” He put heavy emphasis on his last word, staring at me with such a force, I felt glued to the spot.

Tears sprang into my eyes, as frustration filled me. He wasn’t going to listen. “Mason…”

“Enough,” he roared, the loudness of his voice piercing the air. One look at him told me there was no reaching him. He had completely shut himself off, allowing full rein to his instincts, and I lowered my head in submission.

Thanking Daniel for his help, I began backing away toward the door so I could return to my room. I heard sharp whispers, a thud as someone was hit, followed by the words, “Don’t be a jerk.”

“Wait.” Mason’s shout brought me to a stand-still. I remained where I was as he ran up behind me before I turned to face him. Gazing up, I still saw the hardness, but I could also see regret. Leaning in, he brushed his lips against mine and promised he’d stop in to see me before he left.

I nodded, not able to speak quite yet, and I could see Daniel shaking his head in the background. Caressing the side of Mason’s face, feeling him lean slightly into my touch, I offered him a smile. “See you then.”

Not waiting for his answer, I turned again and left.

Chapter Eighteen

The stillness of my room felt somewhat stifling, the last few moments with Mason playing over and over in my mind. Not caring that someone would be here shortly, I began stripping off my sweaty clothes, the need for a shower the only thing I could concentrate on.

I knew he was under pressure and that even the strongest had their limits. I had confidence he’d be able to face whatever challenges he met later. I just couldn’t shake the ominous feeling which had nestled itself in the bottom of my stomach. This is where I needed to have faith- to not just say it, but show it.

Stepping under the water, scrubbing away the grime from my recent workout, I tried to focus on the future. There was so much to look forward to-a lifetime of new experiences, and my highly anticipated mating. Nothing had changed and something told me when we came out on the other side of this, we’d be stronger for it.

The soft perfume from my body wash mingled with the soothing steam of the hot water, seeping its way into my pores, and I began to calm down. I tried to remember what a wise friend told me a few years ago-a problem always looked bigger when it was the only thing I focused on, and as I rinsed off, I kept reminding myself of the bigger picture. This, unfortunately, wasn’t going to be the only time we faced danger together as a couple and pack. It wouldn’t be the only time we suffered heartache and uncertainty.

Stepping out of the shower, a new sense of determination filled me. Mason had stood by me, taking precious time to help reinstall my confidence in who I was and my place within the pack. I knew how lucky I was to have him, and I made a mental note-once this was over, I wanted to plan a special evening just for the two of us. We needed some alone time so I could pamper him. Grinning, I felt a pulse of excitement. That’s exactly what I’d do.

Quickly dressing, I felt lighter for the first time today. I walked out into my bedroom to find a very large, very amused looking, vampire enforcer sprawled across my bed. His rich chuckle charged the air as he began to read out aloud from my romance novel.

“Oh, Bradley, you’re so strong. However will I live without you? Kiss me… kiss me now and I’ll be forever yours. I’m all a tremble waiting for you, my darling.” His high pitched attempt at sounding like a female made me forget for a moment to yell at him for teasing and I busted up laughing, my hand covering my mouth.

“Felicity. I’m so glad you’ve noticed my manliness. Please, touch me. Touch my…” I watched him flip the book closed, taking a quick look at the cover, and he reopened to the spot his finger marked, “hard muscles and long flowing hair.” He snorted, clearly finding it funny and returned the book to its rightful spot.

“Please tell me you don’t enjoy that?” He looked at me incredulously, patting the space beside him on the bed as an invitation for me to come sit. “That was cheesy, and it’ll turn your brain to rot.”

“Hey, don’t mock my romance book, and you know that’s not what it says either. Go ahead and laugh, but you don’t know what you’re missing!” I flopped myself down, slapping him for good measure on his leg. “I’m sure it’s more fascinating than what you read, Mr. I’m-A-Broody-Vampire. Probably something heavy and extremely tragic.” I rolled my eyes at him, mocking him right back.

“You think you’re so funny. For your information, I just finished a murder mystery. It was quite entertaining.”

“Really?” I turned my head to look at him. He didn’t come across as someone who’d be interested in the genre, or any for that matter.

“No. I don’t have time for such luxuries, but if I did, it wouldn’t be something with the title “Surrendering to the Mistress of Promises.” He eyed the book again.

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