bar was closed for business?

Big Belly rocked on the balls of his feet looking up

and down the bar. Saw a door leading to the back and

went down to it and tried the handle and when it

swung open he called again: “Wiss-key!”

But no one came and he grumbled to himself what

sort of son of a bitching goddamn two kinds of hell

was this place where a man couldn’t even trade a good

pistol for a drink of whiskey?

He never saw the man sitting in the shadows along

the wall with a gun pointed at him until it was too


Jake found the Stone brothers coming out of Tall

John’s funeral parlor. They’d been going into every

business along Main Street asking after a stranger in

town—had any come in lately? His name is William

Sunday and he is a notorious killer of children and

has raped fifty white women and shot old men in their

beds while they slept and so on and so forth. And

we’re here to put an end to his reign of terror. It was

Zeb’s idea to make Sunday sound like the devil incar-

nate and instill fear in the listener hoping to gain

quick information.

Tall John saw them for what they were: goddamn

bounty hunters. What they didn’t know was that he

knew William Sunday from years back. He had

buried William Sunday’s wife and the man had pri-

vately paid him double his going rate for a first-class

funeral, asking only that he keep it secret that he’d

done so. William Sunday, shootist—and some said the

worst type of man there was—never showed the un-

dertaker anything but a quiet grieving for a wife lost.

“No, I never seen or heard of nobody like that here

in Sweet Sorrow,” Tall John had told the three. “I

mean if I had, I’d sure enough put you fellows on to

his whereabouts. This is a nice quiet town and we’d

not want any trouble, especially from notorious

killers of children and such.”

He could see their disappointment as they turned

and walked out.

“Hey,” Jake said, as he stood on the street.

They stopped as one.

“I found your man.”

They traded looks of suspicion.

“Yeah, where’s he at?”

“Not very far from here. Up the street at the old

saloon called the Pleasure Palace.” Jake nodded in the

direction of the place. He could see they weren’t buy-

ing it that easy. It was their nature to be suspicious;

men who hunted other men for a living generally

were wary. He anticipated their next question.

“How come you ain’t just arrested him and col-

lected that reward money for yourself if you know

where he is?” Zeb said.

“I’m not in the bounty-hunting business and he’s

not wanted around here for anything. You’d be doing

me a favor removing him from the town. But if you

boys don’t want him . . .”

“No, we want him, all right, and we aim to get


“What’s he doing?” Zack asked.

“What does a man usually do in a saloon?” Jake

said, and turned and walked away.

“What you think, Zeb?” Zack asked.

“I think it all smells like yesterday’s fish.”

“Well, we going to go get him, or what?”

“What choice do we have? That’s what we came

here for.”

The youngest, Zane, had already started walking

toward the direction the marshal had pointed out.

Zane wanted to finish it and get gone from his broth-

ers once they collected the reward money. He was

hearing voices in his head, figured it was God talking

to him, maybe angels, maybe the devil hisself. He

wanted to finish things up and go somewhere alone

and get the yoke of his sins from around his neck and

settle into a righteous life. He never again wanted to

do what they done to that woman, and he was sure

they would do the same thing again sooner or later.

The voices told him to go get that son of a bitch

William Sunday and kill him, mostly for what he did

by shooting that boy off a fence, but some for that re-

ward money, too.

“Look at that little cocker,” Zeb said of his kid


“Something’s wrong with him,” Zack said. “He’s

acting peculiar.”

“Maybe that thing with that woman took all the

shy out of him and finally made him into a real man.”

“Well, we better catch up or he’s liable to go in and

kill old Bill Sunday by his lonesome and try and claim

that reward money for himself.”

“Shit, that’ll be the day,” Zeb said as they hurried

off after their sibling.

Big Belly stood frozen. He could see a man sitting in

the shadows with just enough light on him to know

he was aiming his pistol at him.

“I just come in for a damn drink. I didn’t come in

to scalp nobody or fuck no white woman or nothing

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