Joe Buff

Crush Depth

In honored memory of the crew of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk. They may once have been our enemies, and their country might or might not now be our friend, but they were submariners.

Where unrecorded names and navies rust, and untold hopes and anchors rot; where in her murderous hold this frigate earth is ballasted with bones of millions of the drowned; there, in that awful water-land, there was thy most familiar home.



In mid-2011, Boer-led reactionaries seized control in South Africa in the midst of social chaos and restored apartheid. In response to a U.N. trade embargo, the Boer regime began sinking U.S. and British merchant ships. Coalition forces mobilized, with only Germany holding back. Troops and tanks drained from the rest of Western Europe and North America, and a joint task force set sail for Africa — into a giant, coordinated trap.

There was another coup, in Berlin, and Kaiser Wilhelm’s great-grandson was crowned, the Hohenzollern throne restored after almost a century. Ultranationalists, exploiting American unpreparedness for all-out war, would give Germany her “place in the sun” at last. A secret military-industrial conspiracy had planned it all for years, brutal opportunists who hated the mediocre silliness of the European Union as much as they resented America’s smug self-infatuation. The kaiser was their figurehead, to legitimize the New Order. Coercion by the noose won over citizens not swayed by patriotism or the sheer onrush of events.

This Berlin-Boer Axis had covertly built small tactical atomic weapons, the great equalizers in what would otherwise have been a most uneven fight — and once again America’s CIA was clueless. The Axis used these low- yield A-bombs to ambush the Allied naval task force under way, then destroyed Warsaw and Tripoli. France surrendered at once, and Continental Europe was overrun. Germany won a strong beachhead in North Africa, while the South African army drove hard toward them to link up.

Germany grabbed nuclear subs from the French, and advanced diesel submarines from other countries. Some were shared with the Boers. A financially supine Russia, supposedly neutral yet long a believer in the practicality of limited tactical nuclear war, sold weapons to the Axis for hard cash. Most of the rest of the world stayed on the sidelines, biding their time out of fear or greed or both.

American supply convoys to starving Great Britain are being decimated by the modern U-boat threat, in another bloody Battle of the Atlantic. Tens of thousands of merchant seamen died in the Second World War, and the casualty lists grow very long this time too.

America herself depends both militarily and economically on vulnerable shipping lanes across the vast Pacific Ocean, to neutral Asia and the Persian Gulf. If these shipping lanes are cut, the U.S. will have no choice but to recognize Axis gains and sue for an armistice: an Axis victory. America and Great Britain each own one state-of- the-art ceramic-hulled fast-attack sub — such as USS Challenger, capable of tremendous depths — but Germany and South Africa own such vessels too.

Now, in February 2012, high summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the U.S. is on the defensive everywhere, and democracy has never been more threatened. In this terrible new war, with the midocean’s surface a killing zone, America’s last, best hope for enduring freedom rests with a special breed of fearless undersea warriors…

Ten years in the future In the Indian Ocean, east of South Africa, aboard the Boer ceramic-hulled nuclear submarine Voortrekker

In the cramped and crowded control room, everyone was quiet. It was dark, to stay in sync with nighttime high above the ship, up on the monsoon-tossed surface. First Officer Gunther Van Gelder breathed. The air was stale — the fans were stopped for greater stealth. Jan ter Horst sat just to his left, in the center of the compartment. Van Gelder could see well enough by the glow of instruments and console screens, but he did not have the nerve to look directly at his captain now. Ter Horst’s physical presence overwhelmed him. Van Gelder knew ter Horst too well. He knew ter Horst would be gloating.

“Dead men afloat,” ter Horst said. With a finger he delicately traced the data windowed on his command workstation display, the noise signature of the enemy submarine. The line on the sonar waterfall grew gradually brighter. “Coming right at us, Gunther. They don’t even realize we’re here.”

“Yes, Captain,” Van Gelder said. At times like this it was best to just agree with the man. “Range now twenty thousand meters.” Just over ten nautical miles. Voortrekker was aimed directly at their victim, moving very slowly, to hide. “Seehecht unit in tube one is ready to fire, sir. Tube one prepared in all respects.”

The Seehecht torpedoes used conventional high-explosive warheads, nothing fancy. They were made by South Africa’s Axis partner in war, resurgent Imperial Germany. Ter Horst’s target, a Collins-class diesel sub, hardly rated one of Voortrekker’s homegrown nuclear weapons, tipped with trusty Boer uranium-235; the Royal Australian Navy’s Collins boats were homegrown too, built in the 1990s, and never quite lived up to the Aussies’ hopes. Van Gelder knew they were noisy, even on batteries, and their sensor performance was poor. Losses from eight months of limited tactical nuclear fighting on half the world’s oceans forced the Allies to put every available warship into the field.

Dead men floating, indeed, Van Gelder thought. Some of the Collins subs had coed crews. Van Gelder didn’t know if this one did. It didn’t matter.

“We’ll let them get just a little closer,” ter Horst said. “Less time for them to pull evasive maneuvers that way.” He sounded smug, not cautious.

“Understood.” Van Gelder waited. At action stations, as first officer — executive officer — his job was to oversee target tracking, done mostly by sonar, and weapons, including Voortrekker’s cruise missiles and mines. He told himself that given ter Horst’s war record so far, this Collins boat was minor prey.

But today was just a shakedown cruise. Voortrekker was fresh from underground dry dock, from two months of hurried round-the-clock repairs and upgrades. This sortie was mostly intended to check that everything worked. It was typical of ter Horst to make his battleworthiness check by plunging straight into mortal combat, against an inferior foe.

“Range now sixteen thousand meters,” Van Gelder recited.

“Very well,” ter Horst said. “Wait.”

Van Gelder went back to waiting, and to thinking. Van Gelder and ter Horst had a good relationship, as such things went. Ter Horst saw Van Gelder as his protege, his number one in important ways. He’d been ter Horst’s senior aide for the tribunal back in Durban, South Africa — the investigation, which ter Horst chaired, of the mysterious mushroom cloud north of the city in early December. The mushroom cloud that obliterated a secret Axis biological weapons lab. The mushroom cloud in which USS Challenger was implicated, somehow, along with traitors in the Boer command infrastructure… perhaps.

The military tribunal wasn’t over yet. After this shakedown cruise, Voortrekker would return to the hardened sub pens cut into the bluff near downtown Durban. Safely inside, they’d resolve any mechanical problems remaining — there always were some, after a long stretch in the yard. Then Van Gelder’s

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