But I cannot convince you of that.’

A bout of coughing from the bed interrupted them and Therese jumped up, hurrying across to hold a beaker of water to her mother’s lips. They spoke briefly in French, too softly for Jane to hear, then the Vicomtesse turned on her side, smothering another paroxysm of coughs in her pillow. Therese straightened the covers about her mother’s form, then came back to Jane, a deep frown on her brow.

‘Forgive me, Miss Verey, but I must ask you to leave now. My mother has need of more medicines and I was on my way to fetch them when you arrived.’ Her gaze rested on the luxurious silk dress. ‘I have my work to do, as you see. You have done your best for your brother, but-’

‘Will you not see him at the very least?’

Therese was shaking her head. There was a mixture of frustration and anger visible on her face. ‘Miss Verey, you do not understand-’

There was a peremptory knocking, then the door burst open to admit a florid man whose yellowing smile Jane immediately distrusted. He was well dressed in a rather gaudy manner, with lace at the throat and wrists, and although he affected the manner and pose of a gentleman, there was something vaguely threatening in his appearance. Jane immediately sensed something defensive in Therese’s demeanour as the girl stood up, shielding her from his view.

The man executed a bow. ‘How d’ye do, my lady? I am come as promised to collect my debt!’

‘I told you that the money would not be available before Tuesday,’ Therese said calmly, but Jane thought she detected a hint of nervousness in her voice. She gestured towards the table. ‘I have the work to finish before I am paid and only then can I pay you!’

The gentleman did not seem convinced. He paced the boards, walking over to peer with ill-concealed curiosity at the figure on the bed.

‘I see your mother is not in plump currant,’ he observed unctuously. ‘How would it be if I sent out for the medicine for her-at a price?’

Therese cast Jane a swift look. She spoke stiffly. ‘I have told you before, sir, that the price is too high for me!’

The gentleman stepped neatly around Therese and stopped before Jane. His gooseberry-green eyes, bloodshot and slightly protuberant, appraised her with sharpened interest. With a sudden jump of the heart Jane recognised him. This, she was sure, was the man she had seen at Vauxhall advancing towards Alex with a knife in his hand. He had been with Therese when she and Simon had seen them in the gardens, but later he had been alone, creeping down the dark alleys with murder in his mind…She shrank back.

‘Barely saw you there, my dear!’ the man was saying cheerfully. ‘Therese, introduce me to you friend!’

‘My friend was just leaving, sir,’ Therese said, and this time there was no mistaking the sharp anxiety in her tone.

‘Not so swift, my sweet!’ There was an edge to the unctuous voice now. ‘So charming a companion! Pray make me known to her!’

Therese paused. ‘You must excuse us, Mr Samways. Your money will be ready on Tuesday as agreed. Now, by your leave-’

The gentleman stepped forward and grasped Jane’s sleeve. She came to her feet with a gasp of shock. There was no mistaking the cupidity and excitement on his face.

‘I do believe that you have the real thing here, Therese, my dear! Who is she-some society lady come to consult about a new dress? But no…’ he peered closely into Jane’s face and she could smell his stale breath ‘…she is too young! A golden child! A pretty pigeon for the plucking!’

‘You mistake, Mr Samways,’ Therese spoke hurriedly. ‘My friend is nothing and no one! She cannot interest you-’

‘On the contrary!’ The gentleman’s eyes were avid on Jane’s face. ‘She interests me extremely! There must be an anxious family somewhere and I am determined to take care of her for them!’

‘You will not hurt her!’

There was taut anxiety in Therese’s voice. Jane, only part-understanding, grabbed her cloak and tried to step past the gentleman. He was too quick for her, grasping her arm.

‘A moment, my dear! You are too hasty!’ He bent his face close to hers. ‘Who are you, eh?’

‘I am no one, sir, as Miss de Beaurain has said,’ Jane said hurriedly, a catch in her voice. ‘I beg you to let me go now! I will be missed!’

‘Why, that’s just what I’m saying!’ Jane could not mistake the menace underlying his voice now. ‘There’ll be those who’ll pay handsomely to get you back, my dear! Now, be a good girl and tell me who they are! The sooner you do, the sooner you’ll be going home!’

Jane’s eyes met Therese’s in a look of horror. It seemed impossible that her errand had brought her into such sudden and unexpected peril. Despite what Alex had said to her about Spitalfields, it had never occurred to her that she might be in any physical danger. It was daylight and there were plenty of people about, and although she had felt uncomfortable in this unfamiliar environment, she had not for a moment thought that there might be those who saw her as a prize, a means of gaining some money…All her thoughts had been concentrated on the interview with Therese and the necessity of convincing her to meet Simon again, rather than the hazards that might lie along the way. Now, she realised that she had been naive and foolish in the extreme.

‘I suppose you have brought your jackals with you!’ Therese was saying furiously. ‘How dare you use me to further your dirty little plans! I have told you I shall have no part in your filthy games!’

The gentleman gave her a look of admiration. ‘Spoken like a true noblewoman, my dear, a true aristocrat! I ain’t offended! Truth to tell, you had your chance to share in my good fortune! I’ve accepted that you ain’t interested, but you’ll pay your dues like the rest and keep your mouth shut!’

Therese said a rude and idiomatic phrase, the meaning of which Jane could only guess at. Samways was still holding her arm, and now he dragged her over to the wooden chair, thrusting her down on to it.

‘I’ve plenty of time, my dear, but have you? Wouldn’t you rather be restored to the bosom of your family?’

Tears stung Jane’s eyes. She had only herself to blame for getting into such a ridiculous and dangerous situation.

‘I do not understand you, sir!’ she said, scrubbing angrily at her eyes. ‘This is tantamount to kidnap!’

‘No, no, my dear!’ Samways swung a chair round and straddled it, resting his arms along the back. ‘I have no intention of kidnap or abduction! This is a business transaction-I will keep you here safe until your family can reclaim you!’

‘At a price!’ Jane said furiously.

Samways shrugged expansively. ‘It costs to keep a young lady safe in these parts! You ask the high-and-mighty French missie there!’ He nodded at Therese, who was standing irresolute, biting her lip. ‘She pays me to keep her from the brothels and the whorehouses, which-’ He thrust his face close to Jane’s ‘…is where you’ll be if your loved ones don’t come through with the cash!’

For a moment Jane stared at him, her eyes bright with fury. She was enraged to find herself in such a position of weakness, but there was a strong practical streak in her as well. Common sense suggested that it was in Samways’s interests to keep her unhurt whilst he extracted a ransom. She knew her family would pay. Therefore it was sensible to make the process as painless as possible-and face the consequences once she was free. For a moment Alex’s face swam before her eyes. She could picture his anger, the black brows drawn with fury, the blistering words that would be heaped on her head.

‘I am Miss Jane Verey of Portman Square,’ she said haughtily. ‘If you approach my brother, Lord Verey, he will see to it that you are…rewarded…for restoring me to him unharmed.’

Samways was out of his chair even before she had finished speaking, rubbing his hands together in anticipation of rich pickings. The sister of a lord! Even better than he had imagined!

‘Don’t go getting any ideas, now,’ he warned, pausing at the door. ‘Dolbottle and Henty are watching the house and will persuade you against leaving. If your brother is fond of you, Miss Verey, I reckon you should be home by nightfall!’

‘If we are not to go out, you had best fetch the medicine for Madame de Beaurain,’ Jane said crossly. ‘I do not see why she should suffer unnecessarily!’

Fortunately, Samways seemed much amused by this. ‘Medicine for the Frenchies! Yes, milady!’

There was a silence after he had gone out. Madame de Beaurain was asleep and snoring softly. Therese moved

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