He did so now. Settling more comfortably between her thighs, he draped her legs over his shoulders, lowered his head, and made good on his promise to eat her up. He took his time, building her need to excruciating heights, and she gripped the covers in her hands, her hips arching, her body silently pleading for the release he kept just beyond her reach.

Finally, with a deep, intimate stroke of his tongue, and a deep thrust of his fingers, he gave her the orgasm she was desperate for. She tumbled over the edge, her entire body shuddering from the incredible force of her climax.

It took her a minute to come back to her senses, and when she did she found Connor kneeling between her thighs, sheathing himself with one of the condoms from the nightstand. She fully expected him to thrust into her and take his own release, but instead he lowered his head and began licking away the chocolate on her quivering belly. His tongue traced the outline of the heart he’d drawn, and lapped away the initials until there was nothing left except a smear of chocolate.

He moved upward, where he feasted on her breasts and sucked on her nipples as if she were a dessert for him to devour and enjoy. By the time he was done removing every last bit of chocolate that he could, she was trembling all over again, and more than ready for him to be inside her.

He stretched more fully over her, so that they were chest to breast, and his erection nestled in the vee of her thighs. His eyes blazed with need, and a deeper emotion that made her heart beat hard and fast in her chest.

He didn’t give her time to dwell on what she’d seen in his gaze. In the next instant he threaded his fingers through her hair and crushed his mouth to hers in a demanding, rapacious kiss. At the same time he drove deep, deep inside her, making her think of nothing but the way he filled her so completely. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs high around his waist as his hips pumped against hers in a hard, rocking rhythm that sent them both spiraling out of control.

Another stunning orgasm rippled through her, causing her inner muscles to clench around Connor’s shaft. Groaning against her lips, he thrust against her, harder, faster, and gave himself over to his own scorching release.

He buried his face in the curve of her neck, his breath hot and damp against her skin. It took him longer than her to recover, and in time he lifted up onto his forearms and stared down at her, his slumberous gaze filled with a warmth and tenderness that made her ache for this kind of intimacy on a regular basis.

A slow, lazy smile curved his lips. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

She’d never had such great, mind-numbing sex before, so she knew she couldn’t take the credit he was offering. “I appreciate the compliment, but I think that honor is all yours.”

He nuzzled his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear, “How about we’re both amazing together?”

She liked the way that sounded. Too much. Not only was Connor an outstanding lover, but he definitely brought out the best in her, in ways she’d never thought possible. He was a great listener, as he’d proved earlier that night by the lake, and he made her laugh more than any man ever had before. And yes, they were amazing together.

She could easily fall for Connor Bassett, if a part of her hadn’t already, and that realization terrified her.

Unable to come up with a snappy reply, she shifted beneath him and winced when she realized that the chocolate sauce had nearly glued their skin together. “We sure did make a mess, didn’t we?”

“Ummm, that we did.” He lifted his head, a satisfied smile on his lips. “What do you say we take a nice, long, hot shower together? I’ll scrub your back if you scrub mine.” He waggled his brows lasciviously at her.

She laughed, unable to resist his flirtatious charm, or those boyish dimples. So, for now, she didn’t even try. “I’d love to take a shower with you.”

THE SOUND OF soft footsteps prompted Connor to glance up from his laptop computer to find Rebecca walking out of the bedroom, looking sleep tousled, well loved, and incredibly sexy in the cotton T-shirt he’d worn earlier. There was something so intimate and seductive about seeing her in his clothes, particularly how the soft material emphasized her full breasts and the way the hem ended mid-thigh. He couldn’t tell if she was wearing panties or not, and the thought of her being completely naked beneath his shirt caused a surge of heat to spiral straight to his groin.

He couldn’t remember ever wanting a woman as much as he wanted Rebecca-in his bed and in his life. They’d finally succumbed to the physical attraction between them, proving without a doubt just how compatible they were sexually. Emotionally, however, he knew he still had his work cut out for him, and he only had today and tomorrow to make her realize that what was between them was more than just a passing fling.

Stifling a yawn, she approached where he was sitting on the couch. “It’s after three in the morning,” she said, her voice still husky with sleep. “What are you doing up at this ungodly hour?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” For the most part, he tended to be a night owl, and that’s when he came up with some of his best computer game ideas. Tonight, he’d been working on a glitch in one of the newest games he’d created. “What are you doing up at this ungodly hour?”

“I woke up and you were gone.” She sat down next to him, tucked her legs beneath her on the couch, then smoothed the T-shirt over her knees. “Since this is your hotel room, I figured you couldn’t have gone far.”

He leaned toward her, nuzzled his lips against her throat, and felt her shiver from his light, playful kisses. Despite the shower they’d taken together, she still smelled like chocolate and great sex, a delicious combination that made him ravenous for her all over again.

“Miss me?” he murmured against her ear.

A soft sigh escaped her, and she tipped her head to the side to give his mouth better access to her neck. “Yeah, I did miss you.”

He pulled back, unable to stop the satisfied grin from making an appearance. “Good.” He figured her admission was a small start, and could only hope that when Sunday rolled around she wouldn’t want their affair to end.

Her brows furrowed as she stared at him, the slumber gradually clearing from her gaze. Then, an amused smile curved her lips. “I didn’t realize you wore glasses.”

He raised his hand to touch the wire rims. He’d forgotten that he had them on until she’d mentioned it. “I only wear them when I’m working on the computer. With all the hours I spend looking at a computer screen, it keeps my eyes from straining too much.”

She studied him intently for a few seconds. “You look…”

Whatever word Rebecca was searching for seemed to allude her, so he helped her out. “Like a computer geek?”

She laughed. “An exceptionally sexy computer geek.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re taking me back to my high school days, when I was the epitome of a nerd.”

“Really?” Her expression was genuinely incredulous. “That’s hard to imagine.”

“It’s true.” Seeing an ideal opportunity to share something personal with her-a part of himself he’d never shared with another woman before because no other woman had ever mattered as much to him as Rebecca did-he set his open laptop on the coffee table, along with his glasses, then turned toward her on the couch.

“Growing up, I wasn’t one of those guys who was into sports, much to my father’s disappointment,” he said, having come to terms long ago with the fact that he’d never meet his dad’s expectations of what a son should be. “When I was eight, and my sister was five, my mother caught my father having an affair with a woman he worked with, and my mother immediately filed for a divorce. Being so young, it was a really tough time in my life, and the computer became my escape so I didn’t have to cope with the fact that my family was being torn apart by my father’s infidelity.”

“So, we both had to deal with a loss in the family at a young age,” she said quietly, her gaze brimming with understanding. “You turned to computers, and I focused on raising my sister.”

“Exactly.” He stretched his arm out along the top of the couch and grazed his fingers along her shoulder. “I spent most of my free time in front of the computer. If I wasn’t playing some kind of video game, I was pulling the hard drive apart to figure out how it all worked. Eventually, I started creating computer games just to amuse myself, but my friends wanted copies and started playing them, too.”

Her pretty blue eyes widened in fascination. “How did you end up selling those games?”

“Actually, it was Greg who encouraged me to send one of my games to a software company that produces all types of computer games, and within a few weeks of receiving the program, they made a very lucrative offer for exclusive rights to the program that is now called Edge of Reason.”

Вы читаете Sinfully Sweet
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