adults. 'Uh, no, we're not getting married. We're just friends,' she told the little girl.

J.T. cleared his throat and lifted an inquiring brow at Debbie.

'What?' she said defensively, an embarrassed flush sweeping across her cheeks. 'I only mentioned it once or twice to Kirk in casual conversation. You know how the girls repeat everything they hear.'

J.T. gave her a pointed look, but an amiable smile teased his mouth. 'Then watch what you say,' he said, his tone a gentle rebuke.

'Oh, Dad, it's not a big deal,' Laura cut in, slipping her arm through his. 'I'm just so glad you're home. I missed you last night.' She glanced at Caitlan with a sly smile, then looked back at her father. Standing on tiptoe, she whispered into his ear, loud enough for everyone to hear, 'But I understand why you stayed out, and I want to let you know that I don't mind at all. Next time, just make sure you let us know so we don't worry.'

J.T.'s groan of defeat rolled into a deserving chuckle. Shaking his head, he looked at Debbie. 'What happened to that angelic little girl of mine?'

'I grew up,' Laura replied with a self-important smile.

'It does happen,' Debbie agreed with a sigh, then offered Caitlan a friendly smile. 'You two must be exhausted and hungry. Why don't we go on up to the house where it's warm?'

'Uncle Kirk said you saved my father's life. I want to hear all about it,' Laura said eagerly, eyes shining.

Caitlan didn't have to see J.T.'s warning look to know he wanted her to tell his family the story he'd fabricated. As they followed the paved walkway to the house, she relayed the same story J.T. had told Kirk and Frank, with J.T. adding in the 'accident' that had happened before she'd found him. Debbie and Laura expressed their gratitude hat J.T. had been so fortunate, and his life had been spared.

The group clamored into the entryway of the ranch house. A cozy warmth greeted them, mingled with the thick, fragrant smell of spicy chili, heavy yeast, and a sweeter scent of pastries.

'God, that smells good,' J.T. said, shrugging out of his jacket. Hanging it in the coat closet, he helped Caitlan out of hers and added it to the rest.

'Paula's been so nervous since they started searching for you this morning that she's been cooking all your favorites,' Debbie told him.

J.T. grinned, the skin around his eyes crinkling with humor. 'I was hoping she would.' Then, to Caitlan, he explained, 'Paula cooks like there's no tomorrow when she's nervous or worried.'

A woman in her mid-forties with soft blue eyes and short brown hair bustled out of a doorway, the worry on her brow vanishing when she spotted J.T. Frank followed close behind. 'I thought I heard J.T. talking about me,' Paula said, wiping her hands on the apron tied around her waist.

'I sure was,' he admitted unabashedly, accepting her light, caring embrace. 'I was just telling Caitlan here what a wonderful cook you are. Couldn't manage without you, Paula.'

She looked him over, as if to reassure herself that he really was fine. 'I'm relieved to see a black bear didn't get your onery hide.'

He grinned. 'Nope. They wouldn't dare mess with me.'

'And this must be Caitlan.' Paula grabbed Caitlan's hand and gave it a congenial squeeze, bonding an instant friendship. 'Frank told me the exciting story of how you saved J.T.'s life. I'll tell you, J.T. must have had a guardian angel sitting on his shoulder!'

'I believe he did,' Caitlan replied with a smile.

'Caitlan will be staying with us for a while,' J.T. said brusquely, his tone suddenly businesslike.

Caitlan noticed she wasn't the only one who'd caught J.T.'s abrupt shifting of mood, as if she was stepping too close to his territory and he didn't like it and wanted distance.

Giving J.T. a purposeful look, Caitlan transferred her gaze back to Paula. 'I'll try and keep out of your way while I'm here.'

'Nonsense!' Paula waved a chiding hand through the air. 'It'll be nice having another woman around the house.'

J.T.'s lips thinned at that remark, but he remained silent.

'Hey, what about me?' Laura jumped in indignantly.

'Excuse me.' Paula's gentle smile placated Laura. 'I sometimes forget you're not a little girl anymore. Come on, everyone, there's plenty of food to eat.'

The group started toward the kitchen. Caitlan grabbed J.T.'s shirtsleeve. He stopped, his gaze traveling from the hand on his arm to her eyes.

'Yes?' he asked tightly, moving his arm so her fingers fell away.

Caitlan ignored the tingles on her palm and the odd yet deliciously exciting shivers racing down her spine. 'I need to call Parson's. May I use your phone, please?'

'Laura,' J.T. called, and his daughter stopped at the doorway connecting the foyer to the dining room to look back at him. 'Would you show Caitlan my office so she can use the phone?'

'Sure, Dad.' Smiling, Laura nodded her head down the connecting hall. 'Right this way, Caitlan.'

Caitlan followed Laura, recognizing J.T.'s strategy for the ploy it was-to avoid being alone with her any more than he had to. She felt his gaze on her back, and the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck tingled in acute awareness. With a soft curse, he turned and strode into the kitchen.

Laura glanced over her shoulder as J.T. disappeared from view, then leaned close to Caitlan. 'So, tell me what really happened between you and my father.'

Caitlan eyed Laura, seeing the wistfulness in her gaze and a glimmer of hope. Not wanting to disillusion the young girl in any way, she strove to keep her answer simple and to the point. 'Like your father said, I found him.'

'Oh, how romantic,' Laura said on a dreamy sigh.

A wry smile found its way to Caitlan's lips. 'Your father has been anything but romantic.'

Laura stopped before a closed door at the end of the hall. Grasping Caitlan's hand, Laura met her gaze. 'You'll have to excuse my dad. It's been a long time since he's really dated someone-'

'Laura, this isn't what you think,' Caitlan said gently, not wanting to hurt her feelings. 'Your father and I aren't romantically involved.'

'Not yet,' she replied, her tone holding more insight than Caitlan would have liked.

'How old are you?' Caitlan asked, knowing the wisdom reflected in Laura's eyes didn't come close to matching her young years.

'Twelve.' Laura's chin lifted haughtily. 'Old enough to know that my father is interested in you.'

Shaking her head at the absurdity of that statement, Caitlan smoothed a strand of silky hair from Laura's cheek. 'Honey, the only thing your father is interested in is getting me off this ranch as soon as possible.'

Laura's lips pursed. Eyes identical to her dad's flashed knowingly. 'It's the way he watches you when he thinks no one is watching him,' she said in a low voice, glancing covertly around them to make sure they were still alone. 'I've never seen such a soft look in his eyes. It's the kind of look Aunt Debbie gives Uncle Kirk sometimes, and then they'll sneak off somewhere to kiss and do other things… ' Her words trailed off when she realized her slip, her face turning crimson.

Caitlan understood Laura's compulsion to find someone for her father, but matchmaking her and J.T. was strictly out of the question. Nothing good would come from it, and the interference would only make things more difficult and awkward while she protected J.T. 'Laura, don't get your hopes up for something that's not there. The only reason I'm here is because of my own stupidity and the fact that the bridge is out.'

'Do you believe in fate?' Laura asked, looking deeply into Caitlan's eyes.

Caitlan felt cornered and didn't care for the knowledge in this young girl's luminous gaze. 'Well, yes,' she said slowly, cautiously. Fate was part of her occupation.

Laura pressed closer. 'Do you believe fate can bring two people who belong with each other together?'

Goosebumps raised on the surface of Caitlan's flesh. Do you believe fate can bring two people who belong with each other together? Yes, she believed in fate and destiny, but she would know if J.T. was her eternal soulmate. Caitlan frowned. Who was her soulmate? She knew she had one. She was employed as a guardian angel while she waited to be joined with him. But who was he? Fragments formed in her mind, a shadowy face with rugged features she couldn't quite identify.

Struggling to grasp the recollection, she received a sharp piercing pain to her memory for her efforts. Mentally, she drew back. The gold medallion between her breasts grew warm, then startling hot.

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