back. Caleb’s giving you back the ranch.”

“I’m selling the ranch,” Caleb countered.

She ignored him and continued talking to Reed, her words spilling out fast. “That’s how I found out about the will. Caleb came to Colorado to give it back to you.”

“It doesn’t matter,” said Reed.

“How can it not matter?” she practically wailed.

“I don’t want it,” he spat.

“That’s ridiculous,” said Mandy. Her gaze took in both of them. “Come on, you two, quit being such-”

“You heard him,” said Caleb.

She rounded on Caleb. “Of course he wants it back.”

“Are you reading his mind?”

“I’m using logic and reason.” Her expression of frustration took in both of them. “Something that seems to be in ridiculously short supply in this conversation.”

Caleb angled his body toward Mandy, arms still by his sides, hands curled into fists. “You heard him. He said no.”

“He’ll change his mind.”

“No, he won’t.” Caleb’s gaze flicked to Reed. “He’s as stubborn as a mule.”

“At least I don’t cut and run,” Reed returned.

Caleb glared at his brother. “Back off.”

“That’s your specialty,” said Reed. “And it’s exactly what you’re doing right now.”

“I’m getting rid of an albatross that’s been around our necks our entire lives.”

“Around your neck?” Reed countered, squaring his shoulders, voice getting louder. “ Your neck.”

Caleb ignored the outburst. “I’ll send you a check.”

“Don’t bother.”

Mandy’s stomach had turned to churning concrete. “Please, don’t fight.”

“Quit it,” Caleb told her.

“Don’t you yell at Mandy.” Reed inched closer to his brother, shoulders squared, eyes hard as flints.

For a horrible moment, she thought they might come to blows.

“I’m not yelling at Mandy.” When Caleb glanced back down at her, his expression had softened. “I’m not angry with you, Mandy. I swear I’m not. But you have your answer. He doesn’t want the ranch.”

“He does,” she put in weakly.

“Are you ready to go home now?” Caleb asked.

Mandy shook her head. “I’m not going home. I just got here. Reed and I haven’t even had a chance to-”

Caleb’s voice went dark again, suspicion clouding his eyes. “To what?”

For a second, she thought she must have misunderstood. But his expression was transparent as usual. He actually thought there was something between her and Reed.

Mandy threw up her hands. “You can’t possibly think that.”

After all they’d been through? Could Caleb honestly think that? He’d asked her three times, and she’d told him over and over that they were just friends.

“So, you’re staying here with him?” Caleb pressed.

She mustered her courage. Fine. If he wanted to think that, let him think that. “Yes, I am. I’m staying here with Reed.”

Caleb’s voice went quiet. “Is that what this was all about?”

She didn’t understand the question.

“All along? Your plan was to make me like you, worm your way in until I can’t-”

“Are you kidding me? ” she all but shouted.

Did he seriously think she’d sleep with him to get him to stay? To not sell the ranch? Had he gone stark, raving mad?

He stared at her for a long minute. “Then, prove it. Prove you were being honest about your feelings all along.”

What was he asking?

“Him or me, Mandy. What’s it going to be?”

She froze.

Caleb couldn’t ask this of her. She wasn’t leaving Reed. If she did, Reed would disappear, and this time they wouldn’t find him.

“So, it’s him.” Caleb’s voice was completely devoid of emotion.

She hated his expression, hated his tone, hated that he was putting her in this impossible position. Under these circumstances, there was only one answer.

“Yes,” she ground out. “It’s him.”

Caleb was silent, the breeze wafting, birds chirping in the trees, faint traffic noise from the other side of the building.

Finally, he gave her a curt nod, turned abruptly and stomped back into the hotel lobby.

She and Reed said nothing, simply staring at each other.

“I didn’t mean for it to go this way,” Mandy offered in a small voice, trying desperately not to picture Caleb getting in a cab or maybe a rental car in front of the hotel, making his way back to the airport, flying to Lyndon, packing up the ranch, maybe meeting with another buyer and never seeing her again.

Reed sat back down at the table, his expression implacable. “Did you honestly think putting yourself in the middle would help?”

Her chest tightened, and her throat started to close. “I…” She was at a loss for words. She’d thought it would help. She’d hoped it would help.

“Mandy, all you did was give us something more to fight about.” Reed’s words pierced her heart.

“I didn’t mean…” She’d thought it would work. She’d honestly thought once they saw each other, they’d realize they were still brothers, that they still loved each other, and they’d reconcile.

But now she was in the middle, and Caleb was furious with her. He thought there was actually a chance that she was romantically interested in Reed. And he was gone. Likely gone for good.

Her voice began to shake. “I was only trying to help.”

Reed nodded, and his fingers drummed on the glass top of the table. “I know. You can’t help being you.”

She drew back in confusion.

His expression eased. “We should get you a cape and a mask, Mandy. Swooping in, solving the problems of the world.”

“I’m not…” But then Abigail’s words came back to haunt her. Was this what she’d tried to warn Mandy about? Was Mandy substituting Reed for her own family? Had she become way too invested in Reed and Caleb’s relationship?

Had she made a colossal mistake that was going to hurt them all?

Reed’s dark eyes watched her closely while she struggled to bring her emotions back under control.

“Mandy?” he asked softly, a sad, ghost of a smile growing on his face. “How long have you been in love with Caleb?”

Mandy’s stomach dove into a freefall. “What?” she rasped. “I didn’t… I’m not… It isn’t…” She could feel her face heat to flaming.

Reed cocked his head and waited.

She couldn’t explain.

She wouldn’t explain.

She didn’t have to explain.

“I only slept with him,” she blurted out.

Reed’s lips formed a silent whistle. “And you just forced him to walk away and leave you with me? Oh,

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