
Fourteen hours later he awoke in the captain’s stateroom of the Juirean battlecruiser to find Sherri and Riyad there with him, asleep on a separate couches in the room.

They woke up as he attempted to climb out of the bed. After the extended period of inactivity, his wound, muscles and bones all screamed with pain and stiffness. He attempted to work out some of the kinks with a few stretches, but thought better of it when his side exploded in burning pain.

“You need to take it easy for awhile,” Sherri said, taking a seat next to him on the bed. She pressed the tender skin around the wound and nodded. “Doesn’t look like any infection. You should be good as new in a couple of weeks.”

“Thanks, Doc,” Adam said. He saw her beam. She probably would have made a great veterinarian.

“So, what now? Did you learn anything in the computer room?” asked Riyad from the couch.

Adam looked straight into his eyes. He knew what Riyad was really asking. “No, I did not find the location to Earth.”

“Then where are we going? Your two alien lackeys won’t say.” Riyad’s tone was sharp and accusatory. Adam could tell Riyad didn’t believe him.

“We’re getting out of The Fringe until we can put together a game plan.”

Riyad stood up. “Bullshit! You know something.”

Sherri turned to look at Adam. “We are going somewhere…and fast.”

He couldn’t hide it any longer. And besides, the other Humans onboard would want answers, too. “I only found a partial,” he said. “It should get us in the vicinity, but it could still be a long time before we find Earth — if ever.”

“What are the coordinates!” Riyad demanded.

Adam looked at him curiously. “What good are a set of partial coordinates going to be to you — unless you already have some yourself!” Adam shot to his feet, ignoring the burning in his side.

Riyad blinked several times. Adam knew. “You motherfucker! You already have them — or part of them. What do you know? And when were you going to get around to telling us?”

“I, too, only have a partial.”

“If it’s the right partial, we could have something incredible! What are they?”

“I know the first two coordinates…”

Adam nearly fainted. He sat back on the bed as Sherri moved to put her arm around him. “Are you okay?”

After a moment, Adam had recovered. He nodded, and then said slowly, “I have the last two.”

He could see the excitement build on the faces of his two companions. “What are they? Tell me!” Riyad asked enthusiastically.

“You first.”

Riyad recoiled slightly, but Adam noticed the movement. Riyad began to stammer.

Adam pursed his lips. “I knew it,” he said to Riyad. “Why won’t you tell me?”

“Why won’t you!”

Sherri let out a snort. “What are you two, a couple of children?”

“Oh, you don’t know his ultimate plan, Sherri,” Adam said in his defense. “If he got all the coordinates, then he wouldn’t need us anymore.”

Sherri frowned at Riyad. “So what is your agenda, Riyad?”

Riyad hesitated. Then he said, “My plan was just a fantasy. It’s not real. I am not a threat to you.”

“Then give me your coordinates. You know I’m not the one out to take over the world and start a galactic war.”

Sherri stared at Riyad with her mouth open. “No fucking way? Is that what you want to do?”

Riyad was embarrassed, not only for the revelation, but also for the childish sound of the plan when spoken aloud. “Like I said, it was just a thought.” Then he took a deep breath. “Ecliptic minus 4, Sector 21.”

Adam’s jaw tightened, and the Navy SEAL tried hard to fight back the tears. Then he turned to Sherri and grabbed her by her shoulders.

“We’re going home!”

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