abuse he suffered in foster care, but who knows? It’s easy to abuse kids. They’re trusting and they’re vulnerable and they can’t do a lot to defend themselves. They’re easy targets for people who want to hurt them. And it always changes the way they look at the world.”

They walked on again in silence for another minute or two until Jeanie got up the courage to ask the one question she knew she had to ask.

“Have you heard anything about the parole board’s decision?”

“Yes, my friend Walter Lee Hollins called yesterday. The board approved her parole. My mother gets out as soon as the paperwork is finished.” He thought about the trip he had made that day to his brother’s grave. He had stood there for a long time, working up the courage to tell Jimmy that he had not kept his promise, and that he was sorry. They were the hardest words he had ever spoken.

“They released her even after they read the letters she wrote to you?” Jeanie asked.

Harry looked out into the gulf. “Walter Lee said they never read the letters. They gave them to the guards and told them to get rid of them. The prisons are overcrowded.”

Jeanie stopped and slipped her other arm around Harry’s waist. She held him, hoping she was providing some comfort, certain she was not.

“Life goes on,” he said. He wanted to smile, but found that he could not.


Two weeks later

Lucy Santos stood on Mandalay Avenue staring at the side street where her son’s house was located. The parole board had ordered her to stay at least one hundred yards away from him. But she knew they didn’t really mean it. Oh, for a time they’d insist that she stay away, but soon Harry would tell them he wanted to see his mother; soon God would intervene and show him it was necessary. And then, when God told her it was time, she would finish her mission.

Earlier that day she had gone to Jimmy’s grave. She had talked to him as only a mother can, told him how she knew that everything Harry had said to her was a lie, how Jesus would always love and protect her, how He would never cast her into the burning pit of hell. She had even told him about her plan. But it had not been a very satisfactory visit. A cold breeze had come off Jimmy’s grave that she did not understand. It was probably Harry’s doing, but she would have to pray about that; she would have to understand it before she continued. Right now she just needed to see where Harry lived, see what kind of aura his house gave off. Yes, that would be good to know.

She stepped off the curb and headed for Harry’s street. She knew she wouldn’t see him today. No, not yet. But soon, Harry. I’ll see you very, very soon.

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