course she had chosen, he had, almost literally, given her to Ray Donahue. His eyes bored into Ray's, as he swiveled to look at the tall boy. He went on, 'I don't know what you laid on her Ray… but you must have come on pretty strong! What's next in this farce of yours?'

'Well… for starters… how about some drinks? My old man's got one of the best stocked bars in town!'

'Make mine Scotch on the rocks!' Donnie said, trying to appear worldly and man-about-townish.

'I–I don't want anything t-to drink…' she said. Her voice was small, frightened.

'I'll make a special one for you,' Ray leered. 'I know you'll like it… after you've tried it!'

'Is it a-alcoholic…?'

'Yeah… it's got a little… but it's more like a punch,' he assured, as he went to mix for them.

He brought drinks; Scotch for him and Don… and a slightly green-tinted milky looking drink for Charity. Ray raised his glass and said, mockingly, 'Well, since we're playing square… drinking, instead of toking up… here's looking up yours!'

Charity sipped. It tasted good, but she didn't know what it was. She was going to ask, decided against it and drank from the glass. The liquid slid down her throat, easily, and was not at all unpleasant. There was a slight warmth from the alcohol, but not enough to alarm her. She had seen too much of her father's drunkenness. A long time ago, she had decided that indulgence in drinking would not be for her. This drink was different. It didn't seem to be at all strong.

Flopping carelessly into a soft chair and flinging his boots onto the surface of the beautifully inlaid coffee table, Ray watched her, narrowly, as he sucked on his own drink. If I can get another one of those down her… she'll be fucking like a mink! Christ! I can hardly wait…! But, I'll have to play it cool… cool as hell!

He flipped through some of the long-play records stacked on top of the stereo unit at his elbow, selected a driving, hard rock, put it on the spindle and started the machine. The driving twang of the guitars and the high, nasal vocal thundered into the room through a special hi-fi speaker system.

Charity listened and sipped at her drink; before she knew it she had finished it. In a few moments, Ray thrust another at her, a big friendly grin on his face.

'No, thank you,' she said, politely.

'We're having another round, too… you might as well drink up…' He left the pernod on the coffee table before her.

A few moments later, she reached for the drink, automatically. She hated to let it go to waste. Sipping steadily she was more than halfway through the second drink when it hit her. There was a warmth in her belly, seeming to exude to all parts of her body… and there was a certain headiness, an almost giddy feeling. More important, though, she felt glowing warmth in her loins, and she shifted her position. Strange! She hadn't felt it before! God! What was that stuff? Is it s-some kind of… sex drug… something that would make people do it?

Abruptly, she set the glass down, a wild, cornered look appearing in her eyes. 'Ugh!' she said aloud.

'What's with you, doll… I thought you liked that drink?' Ray Donahue asked.

'I–It tastes good… but I think there m-must be something in it… something strong that sneaks up on you!' She felt a sudden weakness in her knees as she tried to stand up.

Instantly, the tall youth was beside her, steadying her; he leered down at her, as he slipped a sinewy arm around her waist. 'That was pernod you had… it's almost as good a turn on as pot!' he explained.

'I–I don't understand…?'

'I mean you're just about ready to fuck! That stuff works… almost every time!' he gloated.

'Oh, n-no…' she said weakly. Somewhere in that morass of confused thinking that had been hers for some time, now, she had thought that if she must go through with the sex thing with this vile, young monster, perhaps, she could do it with no involvement. Now, even that dim hope was smashed. She had been tricked into drinking something that was an aphrodisiac; pernod, he had called it. Dear God! Now, I won't be able to help myself… at a- all! I–I'll be completely at his mercy!

Don Scott had been pretty sure that it was absinthe pernod that Ray had given his sister. He knew very little about it himself, except the fact that it had been outlawed almost every place in the world. 'Where'd your old man get that stuff, Ray?'

'Connections, man! You got money… you can get anything!' Ray bragged.

Vaguely, then, for the first time, Donnie began to see his friend in a different light, and he began to wonder: Damn! He's playing both sides… making out like he's one of us… talking about going on the street, but hanging on to what he's got going for him here! Christ! I'll bet when the time comes to split he'll run like hell the other way!

Don watched with more than a little interest, the scene that was transpiring before his very eyes, for now, quite obviously, his sister was reacting to the effects of the drink. Ray's arm around her waist shifted now to turn her to face him, his other arm going around her, drawing her up tight to him, the obvious bulge of the erection under his jeans pressing into her belly, and unbidden, Don realized that his own penis lurched with desire.

As Ray gathered her into his arms, plastering her loins to his, and she became aware of the warmth and the bulk of his hardness against her, she stiffened as though she had been drenched in ice-cold water; her body arched back away from him, her hands pushing, futilely, against his chest in an attempt to escape his embrace.

'No… n-no… this is crazy! I–I can't… let you…!' Her eyes swept the room, desperately. Donnie was there. She looked at him, pleadingly, 'Don… D-Donnie… please…'

'Hell… Char… you made up your mind to stay…' he said.

He could have said something different; there was even the possibility that he could have taken her away, but something perverse in him wanted to see his sister trapped, seduced. His own desire for her was too great. Christ! He had to have her, too!

'Don't make such a big scene out of it, doll! It's going to happen… no matter what… so stop fighting it!' Ray leered down into her face, still holding her tight to him.

Suddenly, then, she realized there was nothing she could do. Donnie had refused to help her; he was willing, almost, it seemed to her, to stand by and watch her humiliation and debasement. She stopped struggling and slumped against him, helplessly. Dear God! What have I done…? Her mouth fell open in disbelief that her brother could do this dreadful thing to her.

Then, she felt Ray's searching hands upon her body, moving from her waist to cup and massage the rounded firmness of her buttocks through her light skirt. Her face flamed with shame and embarrassment as his long, lean hands moved intimately over her tense, fear-stricken body. Desperately, she tried once again, 'P-Please… let m-me go…'

'Not a chance! You're going to get fucked, now… whether you want to or not! I'm so Goddamned hot I can't wait to get between those hot looking legs of yours!' he grunted, leaning down to capture her mouth with his own.

Again, she struggled in his arms, trying to free herself, but she was helpless against his greater strength, and his lips closed on hers, engulfing her soft, moist lips completely, his tongue lashing between her lips and against her teeth lustingly. He held her tight against him with one hand while the other searched for the zipper of her skirt, found it, unfastened and zipped it down, giving the waistband a tug and moving away from her, momentarily, to allow her skirt to fall to the floor around her ankles. Quickly, then, he clasped her close, his mouth welded to hers, his hot hands digging into the rounded hemispheres of her firm young buttocks that were covered, now, only by a wisp of white nylon panty. Tighter yet, he forced his pelvis against her, his height placing the throbbing bulge of his erection hard and unresisting against the softness of her belly. She could feel it outlined there long and hard… and, to her complete surprise an uncontrollable tremor of desire rippled through her.

My God! Something… something entirely unwanted was happening inside her. She was actually feeling ungovernable little sensations of sexual excitement that seemed to alternate with those other feelings of shame and repulsion at his demanding hands and mouth upon her. Momentarily, again, she tried to resist him, attempting to pull away, but as she opened her mouth to shout out negative words, to scream, if necessary, his tongue pillaged her mouth, slipping past the barrier of her teeth to joust with her mobile lingual member. Galvanic sensations shot through her, and she relaxed into his arms, her mouth beginning to suck, her own tongue searching for more of the essence of his lustful mouth.

'Oh… oh… oh…!' she moaned, as he drew her unresisting body down to the soft cushions of the davenport, a sinewy hand covering a full, up-tilted breast, instantly, to massage and tantalize.

Ray broke the contact of their kiss, and as he pushed her back on the cushions, smiled down at her, a smile

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