totally aroused him.

“Why ever not?” he asked in feigned innocence, provoking her further on purpose. “The material is fine silk. The color is most flattering to your complexion and will display your assets in an adequate fashion. I’ll admit it wasn’t easy to locate a garment to accommodate the fact you only own a single pair of breasts.”

“It’s a sex kitten outfit.”

“A what?” He didn’t understand her expression; although, he could guess.

“It’s smutty.” He gave her a blank look, and with a huff she continued. “It’s going to make me look some walking advertisement for sex with its super short skirt and indecently low cut neckline.”

“Exactly. The perfect outfit for the auction I have planned. Unless you’d rather attend your sale naked?”

“I hate you.”

“I’m a pirate, remember? I don’t give a frukx what you feel.”

He was ready for her when she came charging at him with her fists swinging. He’d counted on it actually. He caught her flailing fists and pulled them above her head before yanking her against his body.

“Irrational female. I buy you clothing and this is how you repay me.” He baited her, enjoying the way her cheeks flushed and her eyes flared with anger. When she opened her mouth to yell at him again, he pulled her up, and kissed her.

The savage passion of their embrace ended up worth every credit he’d paid for the outfit. And then some.

Chapter Six

Megan wasn’t sure how she ended up lip-locked with her purple pirate. She also didn’t care after the first scorching touch.

She’d spent the day in boredom and irritation, most of it stemming from the fact he’d left her alone, and worse, horny. Every time she thought of him, her body tightened and tingled. Even as she prepared to ambush him, moisture dampened her cleft. Did a part of her know her plan wouldn’t succeed? Probably, but she’d done it anyway, a perverse part of her hoping she’d goad him into touching her. Kissing her again and…

Feigning offence at the dress he’d gotten her proved easy, but not for the reason he thought. Reminding her of the fact he intended to sell her pissed her off and tempered any pleasure she might have gotten from the fact he’d not only bought her clothing, but garments meant to showcase her figure. A figure he’d obviously paid attention to given he’d bought something to flatter her curves.

As she kissed him, she pressed her voluptuous frame against him, the hardness of his arousal evident against her belly, which in turn stoked her own libido. When he released her hands, she curled them around his neck and slid her fingers into the silky ends of his hair. He used his freed hands to cup her buttocks and lift her, carrying her back toward the bed. However, instead of laying her down on it, he sat and pulled her onto his lap.

Keeping her lips locked to his, she squirmed against his erection as it pressed against her bottom, enjoying his low groan. Their tongues dueled wetly, the occasional sharp edge of his teeth grazing it and making her shudder. Hotter than she’d ever imagined getting for anyone, she mewled in loss when he pulled back from her, mollified only somewhat by his ragged breathing and the fact his eyes were aglow with passion.

“Put the dress on,” he ordered gruffly.

Amidst harsh pants of her own, she managed to mutter, “No.”

“Obstinate female.” A large hand clasped the back of her head and he kissed her again fiercely, while his other hand slid up her shirt and roamed the skin of her back.

Twining her own fingers into his hair, she enjoyed the luxuriant feel of the strands and the low growls he emitted when she tugged it.

Once again, he tore his mouth from hers and perused her with heavy lidded eyes. “I told you to put it on. Obey me, Earthling.”

She met his luminous gaze, her tummy swirling at the passion she could see in its depths. Her lips curled into a taunting smile. “Make me.”

Challenge thrown, he wasted no time and she squealed as he sprang into action. In a matter of seconds, she found herself flat on her back with one of his hands on her stomach, pressing her down while the other yanked at her pants. Enjoyable as she found his manhandling-and she meant cleft soaking enjoyable-she didn’t give in without a fight, not when the struggle excited her so. Besides, if she pretended he had to force her, then her conscience regarding abstaining from men could remain clear. Or so she told herself as she attempted to squirm and buck under his implacable grip.

She kicked and thrashed. Called him a few choice names. Clawed at him. It didn’t stop him from stripping her naked-he literally tore the clothes off of her-and dressing her in the outfit best suited for a brothel-or seduction.

Once he had her clothed, he released her and she bounded up off the bed, not far though. Whirling, she faced him and planted her hands on her hips, her bosom heaving. The brute lay back on the bed with his hands laced under his head and regarded her with heavy lidded eyes. His lips curled into a grin of satisfaction. “Twirl for me.”

“Screw you,” she replied obstinately, cocking her hip in defiance. Her words and stance might have declared one thing, but the throbbing between her thighs and her taut nipples screamed another. I am having way too much fun.

“Saucy, barbarian female. Can’t dance? Bend over then and show me your ass. Shake it for me.”

She arched a brow at him, superciliously, even as her pussy moistened and her inner channel trembled. “Seriously? I think I’ll abstain. Or wait, you know what. Why don’t you stand up and bend over for me? Come on, my purple marauder, strip for me and shake that thing.”

The look on his face? Priceless. Her time to enjoy it? Seconds as her taunt made him bound up off the bed, his gaze intent. Stalking toward her, he stripped his shirt as he approached revealing his delineated chest and the sexy, silver rings. She swallowed hard, not in fear, but pure lust. She backed away until her ass hit the wall. She stood there, waiting, her body taut with anticipation as he approached.

“You are not very obedient,” he stated, stopping a hairsbreadth from her.

Peering up at him, she licked her swollen lips. “No, I’m not. What are you going to do about it?”

“Show you who is master on this ship.”

Leaning forward, he braced his hands on the wall, trapping her between his stretched arms. She stared up at him, every ounce of her tingling. Good intentions, morals, even the fact she didn’t like him-or did she?-flew in the face of her desire for this pirate, this man who made her feel every inch a woman. He returned her gaze, his eyes alight in a manner she should have found freaky, but instead fascinated her.

She expected another scorching kiss, indeed she couldn’t wait. Instead, he whirled her around so her cheek pressed against the wall and his body crowded hers from behind. Grasping her hands, he drew them above her head, holding her prisoner with only one of his by strength alone.

Oh my god, that is freaking hot.

But they still played a game, or at least she did in order to salve her conscience. She squirmed and pulled. However, all it served to do was rub her ass against his evident erection. Not necessarily a bad thing.

His free hand curved around her waist and drew her bottom half away from the wall, arching her buttocks out. Megan’s breathing hitched as he raised the skirt, baring her nude cheeks. Further he bent her, dragging her trapped arms down as he positioned her to his liking with her ass presented to him. He leaned her over so far, the pinkness of her pussy surely showed. Red stained her cheeks as he said and did nothing for a moment. A sudden fear gripped her that he would find her inadequate, too human.

“Beautiful.” His murmured words sent a quiver through her and moisture seeped from her lower lips. He traced her damp slit with his finger, a light touch that turned bolder as he delved into her channel. Megan moaned at his electric touch and then cried out as he pumped her with his digit. Rocking back against him, she drew his fingers deeper, their length enough to strike her inner g-spot. He stroked her over and over, building her pleasure, then his fingers left her, and she mewled with loss, a cry that turned into a short scream as he replaced the loss digits with his tongue.

Deftly, he traced her sex, slipping his tongue into her, probing her with it. He withdrew it and explored her cleft

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