
“There will be no selling of me and my services,” she screeched from behind him.

Tren ignored her and kept walking. What she wanted didn’t even factor into his decisions.

“Ooh.” Exasperation colored her exclamation, and a moment later, she attacked him, pummeling his back in a fury with her fists.

Seriously? He turned and her blows rained on his rock hard abdomen. He stared down at her while she vented her wrath and only when she slowed did he drawl. “Done yet?”

She raised sparking brown eyes to his, and he couldn’t help notice the pink flush on her cheeks. He found himself captivated by the redness of her lips, their natural color, he assumed, now that she’d warmed up. He missed seeing her knee, though, which connected with his cock with unerring accuracy.

“Now I am,” she sassed, sounding all too pleased with herself.

Tren gritted his teeth through the burning pain, and before she could inflict more damage, he grabbed her and upended her over his shoulder.

“Put me down,” she yelled, pounding his back with her fists.


“I will not let you rape me you-you purple pirate!” she exclaimed.

“Like I said, I have no interest in your body. Not enough breasts for my liking. But lack of body parts or not, I’m going to sell you to the highest bidder.” His words, delivered in a menacing tone, did nothing to halt her mouth.

“You can’t do this to me. I demand you bring me back to my planet. I will not be sold like-like an object.”

“Silence,” he roared, smacking her bottom with the flat of his hand to grab her attention. When she screeched in rage, he smacked her again and again until she quieted. A shame because he would have enjoyed slapping it some more, perhaps naked. She did have the most delectable bottom. “Finally, some quiet. Now listen up, Earthling. Firstly, we’re not even in your star system any longer, so returning you to your home world is not an option, which, believe me, I am already regretting. Secondly, I’m beginning to think unless I muzzle you or remove your tongue, I’ll never have any luck selling you. Men like their females docile and biddable. And quiet, very, very quiet. A lesson you might wish to learn. And three, my ship, my rules.”

“Your rules suck.”

Tren’s jaw dropped in surprise at her reply. Did this female not own common sense? Only idiots antagonized him-and never more than once. He made sure of that. “Anyone ever tell you that you don’t know when to shut up?”

“All the time, but let me ask you, how would you feel if your boyfriend tried to kill you and then you got kidnapped by an alien who wants to sell you? Would you just give up?”

Then, to his horror, she burst into tears.

“Oh, no. No tears. I won’t tolerate that. You stop crying this instant,” he ordered.

She just sobbed louder.

At a loss, Tren, who’d reached the command center at last, dropped her into his chair and stood back to survey her. His captive smirked at him, not a trace of tears to be seen on her face. She’d faked it.

A grudging admiration at her spirit tugged him, but annoyance at her drama tempered it. “I see even Earthling females are prone to the same dramas as all females the universe over.” Her reply to his disgruntled observation? She blew him a noisy kiss and flashed her index finger at him, which probably meant something back on her planet but just gave him an urge to bite her digit-then suck it.

Pushing aside thoughts of places he’d like to nibble on her frame, he discovered a curiosity about some of her earlier words. “Why did your male companion choose to kill you? Was it because you wouldn’t shut up?”

“No,” she replied, her spine straightening as he intentionally goaded her. “He wanted my money. Stupid me, I didn’t know he was a con man until he decided he no longer needed me. He pushed me off a boat and left me to drown.”

Strangely, the actions of her male partner angered him. Not that he let it show. “Lucky me, I now get his botched remains. I warn you right now, you’d better start behaving because if I decide to kill you, I will succeed.” He gave her his most dangerous look and waited to see the fearful respect he’d grown accustomed to.

She stuck her tongue out at him, and Tren almost went crossed eyed at her temerity. “Go ahead,” she taunted.

“Are you insane, female?” he roared. “I told you to behave or else.”

“Why bother? You already said you intend to sell me,” she accused. “That’s not very nice, you know.”

Tren shrugged. “Niceness doesn’t enter into it at all. It’s just business. You were a part of my catch, and I can’t just release you; it wouldn’t make financial sense when I can fetch a small price for the trouble you’re going to incur.”

“What trouble? Are the space police going to come after you for abducting me?” Her tone and eyes brightened at the prospect and Tren almost laughed.

He controlled himself, keeping a serious mien plastered to his visage. He did, however, snort before replying. “Policing is for those that are a part of the universal coalition. Your backward planet doesn’t count and everything on it, including its people, are fair game. Most slavers just can’t be bothered with your kind because of your mental instability.”

“Our what?” she sputtered.

“Screaming hysterics and lack of basic understanding of how the universe works.” He shrugged. “Actually, kind of like the behavior you’re currently exhibiting.” He moved sideways and avoided the foot she swung his way.

“Well, at least we’re not rude, overbearing jerks,” she retorted.

Tren growled at her and bared his teeth. To his annoyance, she didn’t even flinch. “Do you know how easily I could kill you?”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. Save the big bad routine for someone more gullible. If you didn’t murder me after I kicked you in the balls, then you’re not going to for just talking.”

A scowl crossed his face at her reasoning, and to his amazement she laughed, a rich throaty sound that made her lips curve enticingly and her eyes dance. It also made his cock swell with interest. He didn’t like it one bit. How am I supposed to make her respect me if she finds my threats amusing? He’d never run into that issue before. Most beings cowered, fainted or wet themselves when he turned his displeasure their way.

He needed some space from her and the contrary emotions she evoked. “I’ve got work to do. Don’t touch anything.” He barked the command at her, but she just continued to grin in a way he found disturbing. To ensure she didn’t attempt to drive them into the nearest star, he tapped a panel on the wall by the elevator and locked the console to voice command only-his voice-then left. To his surprise-and odd disappointment-she didn’t say a thing to stop him.

Good. It’s about time she gave that tongue of hers a rest. Although, he could think of other ways she could exercise it. Ways that made his cock strain the crotch of his pants.

Chapter Four

Alone, Megan drummed her fingers on the armrest of the chair and looked around with interest. For some reason, she’d expected a bigger command center for the ship. However, the actual space rivaled that of her spare bedroom with less furniture. She knew the ship was immense from her glimpse of the cargo bay and how much floor they’d traversed when he’d carried her upside down-those long legs of his had an immense stride-the impression compounded as they got on an elevator to change floors for gods’ sake.

However, sizable as it all seemed, the one thing his ship seemed to lack was other people, beings, aliens, whatever she wanted to call them. Despite his purple color, she found herself hard pressed to think of him as an extraterrestrial. He oozed too much testosterone and chauvinism for that. Just like a man back home.

It occurred to her she should probably be more upset about her current situation-hysterical screaming and hyperventilating came to mind-but honestly, after the shock of her attempted murder, this space adventure she

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