conversation. “Well, even if your dad is a wanderer, at least you still have your mom and siblings. I’d love to belong to a big family. Not that my grandmas weren’t great. But, by the time I came along, they were old, and didn’t quite know what to do with me. Having Naomi and her family take me in and make me feel like one of them helped.” It made her feel like she mattered.

“And thus did your crush on Mitchell begin. It makes sense.”

A frown creased her brow. “It’s more than a crush. He’s my mate. Just ask my freakn’ wolf.”

He lifted his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I believe you.”

Her shoulders slumped. “He doesn’t. What do you think? He walked away pretty easy. Maybe he’s right and I’m wrong. After all, how would I know what the mating fever feels like?”

“You’d know.”

“You’ve felt it?” Strangely, knowing that roused a green jealousy in her and made her wolf’s hackles rise.

“Maybe.” He quirked his lips. “Or I’ve heard my brother describe it enough to know the signs.”

A wrinkle of her nose made him chuckle. “Yeah, since she caved to her jocks, Naomi’s turned into a right gusher about it, the bitch. I never thought she’d claim those two, not given her attitude on the whole mating matter. Then wham, she opened her eyes, had a few orgasms, and realized she couldn’t live without them.”

“It’s funny how even the smartest people can refuse to see what’s right in front of them.”

Again, he stared at her with that intent, yet puzzled look. It almost seemed like he spoke to himself rather than her.

“Maybe I should just give up,” she said with a sigh as she stirred the ice in her water glass with her straw.

“Coward. I thought you were a fighter?”

“I am, but- ”

“But nothing. The battle is not over yet, baby.”

The battle to win what, however? Mitchell or Alejandro? Why couldn’t she have Naomi’s luck and snag both? God, the fun she’d have.

She almost slammed her head down on the table herself at the thought. How she’d gone from wanting one impossible thing to two, she’d never understand. Apparently, I’m a glutton for punishment.

Chapter Six

Slamming his fist into Chris’s nose-Mitchell’s annoying younger brother-when he walked in the house probably didn’t rank up there with his brightest, shining moments. But the little prick deserved it for saying, “Still didn’t mark her, huh, dumbass? Maybe I’ll have a go. Francine’s got the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen.” Then Chris mimed humping that invisible backside.

Mitchell flattened him, then jumped on him, their vigorous brawl bringing their mother from the kitchen. She let out a piercing whistle that separated them faster than Ethan could. No one messed with his mother. Not if they wanted to breathe.

“What are you doing, Mitchell?” his mother asked in that spooky calm voice of hers. At five feet nothing, with her arms crossed, what she lacked for in size, she made up in presence and attitude.

He hung his head, acting contrite. “Chris said something nasty about Francine.”

“And? It’s nothing worse than what I’ve heard you say about those bimbos you like to take out.”

A growl rumbled from him. “It’s different. Francine’s-”

“Not your sister. While it was nice when you were growing up that you all felt such an urge to protect her, she’s a woman now, and she is allowed to date who she wants until she settles down. Even Chris. It’s not like you have a claim on her.”

“You’re ganging up on me too?” Mitchell exclaimed, his tone relaying the sense of betrayal he felt at her words. He’d expected her to take his side.

“Yes. This foolishness of yours has gone on long enough. Haven’t you figured it out yet? You want her. It’s why you keep losing your temper whenever she’s mentioned.”

“Like fuck I do,” he lied even as the erotic images he kept having of her played through his mind.

“Don’t make me get the soap, Mitchell. We both know that’s not true. Not that it will matter soon. I was talking to Naomi, and it’s beginning to look like you aren’t the only man for her. Alejandro will probably be claiming her shortly, or as soon as she gives up her foolish notion that you’re her only one.”

Like fuck, he almost yelled. A hard swallow was all he could manage as Francine’s words from the restaurant came back to haunt. She’s already given up on us. But that’s okay, because despite what they all think, she’s not mine and I’ll prove it. Tonight he would take Jenny out, a wolf like himself, whom he liked well enough. He’d take her to dinner then dancing before some naked horizontal tangoing back at her place. Fucking Jenny would put Francine back to her proper spot in his mind-and not atop his cock like he kept picturing.

* * * *

After the disturbing lunch, and a hot kiss from Alejandro that made her see stars, Francine tried to work, but visions of two men kept dancing in her head. On the one hand, Alejandro and his playacting had her in a tizzy. His kisses today left her aching and wet, especially the soft and sweet one he’d planted on her after lunch when dropping her off. What a panty-wetter.

As for Mitchell, he’d finally paid her attention and while he’d not exactly swept her up in a tidal wave of passion, she couldn’t deny she had his blood stirring. Mostly in irritation, but it’s a start.

When the phone rang, she dove on it, thankful for the distraction.

“Francine, what are you up to? Mom called and said Mitchell is just spinning and it’s all because of you.” Naomi didn’t sound at all perturbed about her brother’s mental state.

A satisfied grin curled Francine’s lips. “Good. About freakn’ time he noticed me.”

“You mean, you did on purpose?” Naomi chortled. “Awesome.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. The whole make him jealous thing was Alejandro’s idea. He thinks if we pretend to be a couple and keep shoving it in Mitchell’s face, he’ll finally stop seeing me as his sister.”

“I’d say it’s working.”

“A little too well,” she mumbled.

“What’s the problem?”

“What do you mean?” Francine played dumb.

“Don’t start with me. I know you’re not telling me something.”

The problem with best friends? They could read a girl like a freakn’ book. “It’s gonna sound crazy.”

“What is?”

For a moment, Francine struggled, the words sitting on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t quite manage to spit them out. Somehow, saying them aloud would make it real, force her to acknowledge them and do something about it. But, hiding it seemed cowardly and Francine prided herself on never acting like a yellow belly. “I think Alejandro’s my mate too.”

Dead silence greeted her words.

“Naomi, are you there? Did you hear me?”

“Shit. I heard you. In fact, I kind of had a feeling that might be the case. Damn. You do know that’s going to make the whole Mitchell thing harder? He’s not the type to share.”

“No shit. But that’s not the only problem. If I’m right and Alejandro’s my mate, how do I turn him into a male who’s content with one pussy? He doesn’t deny he’s a ladies’ man. Why would he settle down with me? Why would either of them?” Short, curvy and outspoken for one night was one thing, but expecting it for a lifetime with one man already seemed an almost impossible challenge. Expecting it with two? What a joke.

“You listen here, Francine. You are gorgeous. Funny. Smart. And according to Mark Wilson, an animal in

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