“NO!” I shrieked. “STOP THAT!”

He hadn’t done much of a job securing me.

I had no trouble at all working my feet free. By the time I’d managed to stand up, the cord that Steve had wrapped around my waist was hanging in a couple of loose coils down my rump and legs.

But my hands were still lashed together.

I struggled to jerk them free. The cord had no give, and only dug into my wrists.

But I didn’t intend to let it stop me.

Steve was still on top of Judy, grunting and thrusting.

I couldn’t take the risk of going for the saber. It was in his line of sight—if he happened to look up from Judy. Besides, it’d be a tricky weapon for someone whose hands are bound together.

Whereas the carving knife was conveniently located high on the inner side of my right thigh—and just the perfect size for one-handed use.

It had come from Serena and Charlie’s kitchen.

Before setting out to hunt for Steve, I’d decided against a flashlight but in favor of a knife.

Hurrying toward him now as he raped Judy, I used both hands to reach in through the slit of my skirt. With my left hand, I drew the knife downward, freeing it from the single strip of tape that held it to my thigh.

The way Steve was huffing and thrusting, he must’ve been just about ready to come.

I changed the knife to my right hand and twisted my wrist so the blade pointed forward.

Judy was writhing and sobbing under him.

Steve’s firelit ass bobbed up and down, buttocks flexing.

I dropped toward him, my hands low, the blade straight out like a steel version of his penis and aiming for the shadowy crack between his cheeks.

The blade slid in easily and deep.

Suck this, asshole!

Steve squealed.

I gave the handle a hard twist, turning the blade, and his squeal jumped an octave higher. My ears hurt. He jerked and thrashed under me. Hot fluids flooded out over my hands. Mostly blood, I suppose.

He tried to throw me off, but he didn’t stand a chance. Not the way he was caught between Judy and me. Not the way his nervous system had gotten trashed with the first thrust of my attack.

I’d nailed him but good.

As badly as I wanted to climb off and escape from Steve’s gushing ass, I wanted even worse to keep at him until the job was done. So I stayed on him with the knife buried deep, and went on working its blade around, really ripping him up inside.

For quite a long time, he shuddered and twitched and screamed.

Finally he settled down.



Underneath me, underneath Steve, Judy wept.

“It’s okay,” I told her. “It’s over.”

“Is…is he dead?”

“If he isn’t, he wishes he was.”

“Could you…get him off me? He’s…” She started crying too hard to go on.

I shoved myself off Steve’s back. On my feet behind him, I bent over and grabbed him, clutching his right ankle with my right hand. As I dragged him off Judy, his face rubbed between her breasts and down her belly. About the time his mouth got to her navel, I gave his ankle a strong jerk and stumbled backward. His face sped the rest of the way. The slight rise of her pubic mound must’ve acted like a ramp. Going over, his head jumped up as if he needed to take a last peek at her. Then he dropped off and his face struck the ground.

I kept staggering backward as fast as I could, dragging him by the foot, until our momentum ran out. Then I let go and stood above him and tried to catch my breath.

Judy rolled onto her side. She lay there sobbing quietly.

Crouching, I pulled the knife out of Steve’s butt.

Then I stood up straight. I raised my hands and studied them in the firelight. They were crossed at the wrists and tightly wrapped with the electrical extension cord.

Right away, it was obvious that I wouldn’t be able to reach the cord with the knife’s blade.

I could think of only one way, without help, to free my hands from the cord.

By loosening it with my teeth.

Both my hands were bathed with blood and filth from Steve. I brought my hands toward my mouth, anyway, but the stench made me gag.

Forget it.

Maybe there was a way to use the knife, after all.

Bending over, I spread my skirt open and clamped the knife’s handle between my knees so that the blade pointed upward. Then I lowered my arms, easing my wrists down until the blade slipped between them.

I moved my hands up and down, rubbing the cord against the blade’s edge.

The coating of the cord—rubber or plastic, I guess—was so hard that the blade didn’t have much effect on it.

Maybe try it with the saber.

This’ll work. Just gonna take a while.

I tried to apply more pressure, but my knee-grip wasn’t secure enough so the knife slipped.

“What’re you doing?” Judy asked, her voice quiet and shaky.

“Trying to cut this damn cord off me.”

“Can’t you…just untie it?”

“Not with my hands tied.”

“I’ll do it for you.”

“Thanks anyway,” I said, and kept rubbing. Pretty soon, my legs began to tremble from keeping such a tight hold on the knife. Also, my back started to ache.

“Are you afraid of me?” Judy asked.

“Give me a break.”

“Then why won’t you let me help?”

“I’d have to cut you loose.”

“So…now I’m your prisoner? Again?”

“I don’t know.”

“Just great,” she murmured. “I thought…after all this…you’ve saved my life, Alice. Twice.”

“I know.”

“You just…killed Steve for me.”

“For both of us.”

“I’m the one he was raping.”


“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”


“And you’re afraid I’ll…jump you?”

“You might,” I said.

“I won’t.”


“So what are you going to do, kill me?”

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