you again? Leave everything? I can’t do that, David. I won’t.”

“I don’t expect you to. Your place works fine for me. I don’t mind making Cleveland my home base.” His eyes were unreadable.

Sam stared at him. “You’re that sure I would invite you to stay with me?”

“No. But I’m hoping.”

She stared into eyes that seemed to devour her. “I can’t go back to just being your sex slave, David. I-” She barely stopped herself from saying it.

He seemed to be suddenly closer than he had been a moment earlier, and as his familiar, large hands slipped around her throat to cup the back of her head, he murmured softly, “Finish.”

“Finish what?” Her voice was a husky whisper.

“Finish what you started to say.” His eyes were on her mouth, making her suddenly dizzy with need.

Sam would have slipped to the floor if he wasn’t holding her upright, his left arm supporting her suddenly limp weight as his right hand cupped her face so gently, she almost cried. “Please…” His single word was enough to undo her resolve not to tell him.

“I love you too much to live like that.”

Further words were impossible as his lips caught hers with sudden savage passion, his tongue sweeping aside her mouth as she opened to him and wrapped her arms tightly around his powerful neck. Who the hell cared if he couldn’t love her back? This could be enough…couldn’t it? He had come after her! He had found her! He wanted her back…

Hands shook and breath caught in throats as they fumbled madly to undress each other. She was practically wild to feel him inside her again as he swung her off her feet and carried her toward the hallway, his mouth still devouring hers. He lifted his head just long enough to ask tersely, “Where’s your bedroom?”

She pointed and caught his head with both hands, dragging him back to her mouth with a mindless little whimper of need. She felt her comforter beneath her bare skin briefly until he rolled on the bed and dragged her on top as he scooted up to rest against her pillows.

He was completely on autopilot as he arched into her downward surge over his hungry, hard-as-fucking-steel cock, desperate to feel the heat and warmth of her sheath cradling him once more. He stared up at her incredible little body undulating on his as if she couldn’t get him deep enough into her. His heart pounded crazily against his ribs and his body slipped into the zone again as he felt her channel clench hard around him. He watched in awe as she came apart in an orgasm that was so beautiful, he couldn’t keep himself from following her, exploding as his cock bathing her with three fucking months of saved-up cum!

As she sank across his perspiring chest to rub her lips over his unshaven chin, he caught her face between shaking hands and lifted it to devour her mouth like a man who’d gone without sustenance for far too long. When he finally came up for air, gasping and swallowing the tight knot that threatened to keep the words buried deep inside, he forced them out. God knew she deserved to hear them. God knew he wanted so fucking badly to tell her.

“Do you think you might want to make our original agreement just a bit more permanent?” Not what he’d intended to spit out, but close.

He watched her eyes widen as she pulled back to stare down into his perspiring face questioningly. “I don’t need any contract to stay with you, David.”

Her words sent a thrill of possessive pleasure through him. “I wasn’t asking for a contract.”

She frowned. “Then what-”

He cut her words off with a finger to her kiss-swollen lips.

“I can’t live without you, Sam. I won’t live without you. Not ever again. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone before, but…”

Sam blinked down at his adorably confused expression. “Say that again.”

“Say what again?” He seemed even more confused now.

“Oh for God’s sake, David Chance! You can face some frigging behemoth in a ring, but you can’t just tell a girl you love her?”

His dark eyes changed slowly from confused to totally wicked. “Words come easier to you. But you’ll never have reason to doubt that I damn well do love you, Sam Hastings. And if you don’t agree to marry me and make an honest man of me, you won’t get one more minute of hot sex. You got that?”

“Too late,” she whispered huskily as she smiled against his mouth, feeling his cock growing ramrod-hard inside her once more. “But I will marry you, David Chance. If you think I’m giving you a way out of this arrangement, you-”

Her thoughts melted under the onslaught of mouth and plunging cock as he rolled her beneath him and stopped her threat with a lush expertise that wiped the giggling smile from her lips and brought a scream of pleasure in its place.

“Hold that thought.” His voice was a rough growl against her mouth as he made her forget her own name.

About the Author

Fran Lee began writing romance novels at the age of 14. Life intruded on a budding writing career-namely, paying the bills, raising a family and the usual run-of-the-mill things that leave a writer no time to pursue a career as frivolous as authoring romance books. Or so everyone told her. But she never gave up on her childhood dreams of writing.

Other things caught her fancy over the years-horses, eBay, martial arts, not necessarily in that order. Over the years, her childish dreams were set on the back burner over and over again. But the things that caught her fancy blossomed into self-confidence-she achieved her black belt in her chosen martial art, spent a fortune on eBay and had the great pleasure of owning a number of wonderful equine friends.

Now she concentrates on her various fancies by collecting horse statues and figurines, teaching karate to kids, and spending time dragging out those old romance novels and bringing them up to snuff for the 21st century. The dream has come true-and it was well worth the wait.

The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and e-mail address on her author bio page at

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