of occasional conversation in the circles in which she moved, the most recent barbarity another example of hatred. His opposition to Rome had not mellowed and she knew he had several wives and a large family, even a numerous tribe of his own.

Should she leave everything behind and go to Spain there was no guarantee that she would be welcome and how could she tell him that his son by their union had been exposed by Aulus, and was certainly dead; that the talisman by which he put so much store she had not only taken but lost; that it was buried under moss in some field or forest still hanging on the bones of a new born baby? The images of that horrible year flashed through her mind. At least Aulus had died unaware that the boy had been a love child, and he had expired in the fashion he would have wished, as a soldier serving the Republic. It was odd to think, given their edgy relationship over the last eleven years, that she was sure she would miss him.

The slave had entered so silently that when he spoke to Quintus, it made her start. ‘The most noble Lucius Falerius Nerva is at the gate, sir, and begs to be allowed to intrude upon your grief.’

‘Show the senator in at once,’ cried Quintus, almost beaming. ‘What an honour, lady, what an honour.’

He was so eager, too puffed up that such a man was calling, that Claudia wanted to ask why he did not crawl to the gate and open it himself, but an unspoken peace had been declared until the funeral rites were over and she was not about to break it. Was it so strange that the leading man of Rome should call to offer condolences for the death of her most puissant soldier? It was unlikely to be prompted by affection; you could not live with Aulus and not know that he often despaired of his childhood friend, nor could you be unaware that Lucius had slighted him more than once, subtly for certain, for he was a master of that art, but snubbed nonetheless. Had Claudia been head of the household she would at least have made the dried-up stick of venom wait. As it was, he was with them quickly, his son in tow, wearing black instead of his normal toga.

‘Lady Claudia, I know I can measure your loss, for it is set against my own and I do not know how it could be deeper.’

There were two choices, to mock him or accept his condolences. The way Quintus was hopping from foot to foot nearly made her employ the first, but her breeding won out and she chose the second. ‘I know how my late husband esteemed you. I think that to see you here and in mourning, would ease his soul.’

‘His soul?’ said Lucius with a pious expression. ‘Was there ever a man with one so pure?’

She could not resist it. ‘I know that you, Lucius Falerius, can discern purity better than any man in Rome.’

‘I feel I knew Aulus better than anyone outside his family, given that we were friends all the way back to childhood. We served as consuls together and no man could have asked for a more loyal colleague.’

‘That was something my late husband held very dear. He often mentioned the depth and duration of your association.’

Claudia had picked the word ‘association’ deliberately and the way it was said was designed to let Lucius know just how much he had failed in that respect; that all the work to keep their friendship alive had come from Aulus. Quintus might not be sure precisely what was going on, but he knew his stepmother too well to trust her and he wasn’t prepared to let this conversation run its course.

‘We are very conscious, Lucius Falerius, of the honour you do the house of Cornelii.’

‘Your father did most to honour that, Quintus, but I am sure his sons will add even more lustre to the Cornelii name. Can I assure you that your brother Titus will be home in time for the rites and may I bring to your attention my son, Marcellus, who asked to be allowed to accompany me and has his own words to say.’

With a gesture he brought the youngster forward, and he bowed to Claudia. ‘Lady, I only met your late husband on one occasion but it was a memorable one. To me he exemplified the very essence of all that is best about Rome. With your permission I would like to take him as my example in life, along with my own father, in the hope that one day I may emulate his nature and his military achievements.’

The sincerity of the boy was obvious, and Claudia responded in kind. ‘You are generous in your praise, young man, and I am sure that Quintus Cornelius would not object should you ever wish to seek guidance at the Cornelii family altar.’

‘We would consider it an honour, Master Marcellus,’ Quintus added.

‘Would I be permitted to enquire about the funeral arrangements?’ asked Lucius. ‘I ask only so that I may tell my fellow-senators what is being planned.’

‘Of course,’ Quintus replied, moving towards Lucius, who turned away so that they were walking, heads together, in quiet conversation.

Claudia was left with Marcellus, who was obviously at a loss to know what to do, and was very uncomfortable under the scrutiny of a high-born lady who was looking at him intently, wondering how a creature like Lucius Falerius managed to produce such an heir; handsome, well-built for his years, and obviously someone who could speak without dissimulation.

‘Come closer, Marcellus, and tell me how you met my late husband.’

They talked for a short period, time enough for Marcellus to tell her that he had studied Aulus’s military campaigns long before the meeting; that the occasion was brief but in a few words a man he admired already had risen hugely in his estimation. ‘It is true to say, lady, that Aulus Cornelius had the great gift of not only being a great soldier but looking like one.’

‘I am sure that one day, Marcellus Falerius, you will share the same quality. I think I can already see the forthcoming man in the boy and it is most pleasing.’

It was the kind of conversational flattery used socially by adults and it was plain, by his stammering response, that it was something Marcellus was unused to; what Claudia did not take into account was his lack of a mother as well as the constrained life he led, and the lowered eyes hid from her the fact that the young man’s admiration was not confined to her late husband. The woman before him was not only aristocratic and sophisticated — she was, even in mourning, still young and very beautiful, and for a boy on the cusp of puberty, she had great allure.

Quintus’s voice, with a distinct note of pique, broke the intimacy of their conversation. ‘I cannot command that Cholon speak with you, Lucius Falerius. Besides he is no longer under this roof. My father freed him in his will, and left him a great deal of money, which I fear has gone to his head.’

‘Then I shall appeal to him as a Roman citizen. Surely having just gained such a distinction he will take that seriously.’

‘If I may be permitted to advise you, Lucius Falerius,’ said Claudia, ‘appeal to him as a person who served my husband, and can serve him still by telling you all you want to know about that slimy toad who betrayed him and left him to die.’

‘I have no doubt that Vegetius Falerius deliberately sacrificed my master to further his own career and if you question my word, talk to the centurion Didius Flaccus, for it was he Aulus Cornelius sent to ask for reinforcements.’

Lucius knew all about what had happened in Illyricum, as well as at Thralaxas. He had read all the despatches and having questioned Vegetius’s officers, he had a very clear story of what the man had done. He even had it attested by the gubernatorial priests that the abandonment of Aulus and his men was a deliberate act brought on by jealousy and anger and not some tactical mistake, for the governor had asked them to sacrifice a goat and read its entrails to ensure that his actions would bring him the success he craved. He had even spoken to Flaccus to find out what Aulus had seen and done on that reconnaissance to the south where he had first realised the extent of the revolt.

Nothing the ex-centurion said had been any more enlightening than what Cholon was telling him now but it was necessary to go through the motions of questioning this newly freed slave to get to the nub of what he wanted to know. So he let him ramble on, and even sat with an air of seeming compassion as Cholon wept, until the man had drained himself of any more to say about the nobility of his late master, or the treachery of Vegetius.

‘Did your master ever mention to you anything about eagles?’

‘Eagles?’ Cholon sniffed, dried his eyes and looked confused. ‘We saw lots. Illyricum, at least the mountainous part, is full of them.’


‘That is what eagles do.’

‘Did Aulus refer to them in any way?’

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