shame in wanting to be far away when it finally arrived.

The Breaking had come and gone. Randolph was sure of it. He’d sensed its passing just as he could feel the fog drift through his fur and smell the humid day turn into a damp night. Moving in slow, deliberate steps that allowed his claws to sink into the same soil that had once squished through sandals wrapped around the feet of a young Celtic boy, Randolph headed back toward civilization. His pace quickened until the moors were behind him and a new tumultuous world lay ahead.

There was no more time to be bought.

No way to hold the Skinners back.

No way to rein in the other Full Bloods.

Too late to stall the fight between us and the humans, Liam’s memory whispered into his ear, but not too late to win it.

About the Author

MARCUS PELEGRIMAS graduated from the University of Nebraska with a degree in Criminal Justice as research to become a maniacal super villain. When too many of his plans were thwarted, he went back to his first love: writing. He is also an active member of the Nevermore Paranormal ghost-hunting group. That one worked out much better than the world domination thing.

Visit Marcus on the web at

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