He began pacing the vinyl office flooring. 'Sometimes you reach a point when enough is enough. And sloppy seconds are more than even I can stand.'

His stunning admission took Annabelle off guard. She'd spent all this time trying to decide if there was any festering jealousy on Nick's part, and here he was admitting it. In such an honest, straightforward way, she really couldn't bring herself to believe that

Nick would ever hurt Vaughn intentionally. In fact, the more Annabelle got to know Nick, the worse she felt about doubting his intentions.

But why would he bring this up now? 'What does Mara have to do with you and Vaughn?'

Nick let out a loud laugh. 'They used to be an item.'

Annabelle blinked. 'Vaughn and Mara?' she asked, stunned. When he'd insinuated as much before, Annabelle had chosen to ignore the obvious. For obvious reasons.

Nick slowly nodded.

Her stomach churned as she digested the information. 'Good God, is there a woman in this town the man hasn't been with?'

Nick walked over, wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave her his trademark grin. 'You're probably it,' he said, jokingly.

She forced a laugh. With Nick's insecurities between them, it probably wasn't the time to tell Nick she intended to rectify her status soon. 'I had no idea about Mara and Vaughn. I mean they act completely professional.'

Nick shrugged. 'They are. Vaughn's a straight-shooter. Any woman who gets involved with him knows going in there's no ring in her future. They part on good terms.' He shrugged as if that were that.

But his words served to reinforce Annabelle's determination to keep her emotions firmly locked uptight in her relationship with Vaughn.

Nick's situation was another story entirely. 'Mara has nothing to do with Vaughn now. Surely you can see that.'

'What I see is a guy who's always accepted second best. If I want to settle down, I want someone who wants me and doesn't jump into the game because they already lost their first choice.'

'Then why live in this town and subject yourself to something you hate?' she asked the second man in as many days, her frustration with the male brain and its way of thinking completely overwhelming her. 'Oh, I know. Because this is home.'

He nodded. 'It is.'

'Then you need to get over it,' she said, bluntly.

He stepped back and seated himself on the corner of the desk. 'And maybe I would if everyone didn't jump to the same damn conclusion. That I never quite measured up to my best friend and that it still bothers me.'

'Oh, come on. People don't think that.' Annabelle waved a hand dismissively.

'You did.'

She sucked in a startled breath. 'That stinking rat,' she muttered. 'Vaughn told you that?'

Nick grinned, once again taking her off guard by laughing. 'No, but when you asked who had a motive to prevent this place from opening, you glanced at me. And I've heard the jealousy factor so many times, I'm used to it. You just confirmed my hunch.'


He shook his head. 'Forget it. You're doing your job, helping out Vaughn and the lodge, and V m doing mine. I understand where your head is.' He pinned her with his steady gaze. 'So it shouldn't be too big a leap for you to see why I don't want to date a woman who's already been dumped by Vaughn.'

Annabelle saw, but on a logical level, it made little sense. 'But she's interested in you.'

'Only because Vaughn is out of reach.' He shook his head. 'End of discussion, okay?'

She frowned. 'Okay.' She agreed, yet she intended to talk to Mara and help the other woman overcome Nick's insecurities, which she feared she'd just helped contribute to.

With a sigh, she glanced at the clock on the wall, ticking too close to early afternoon.

'What's our next step now that Vaughn's disappeared on us?' Nick asked, changing the subject back to business.

Annabelle smiled, grateful he didn't hold her thoughts against her. 'Would you keep the reporter busy? Give him a tour and avoid the problem areas, okay?'

He nodded. 'My pleasure.'

'Meanwhile can I borrow your car?'

He narrowed his gaze. 'Where are you going?'

'Just out to do a few errands.' Following her gut, she had a few people from Vaughn's past she wanted to talk to before speaking with the reporter and giving their spin on things.

'Can you drive a stick?' Nick asked.

She nodded.

He reached into his pocket and tossed her his keys. 'Don't hit anything, will you?'

'If I promise to take care of your car do you promise to think about giving Mara a chance?'

He rolled his eyes. 'Yeah, yeah. I'll do anything for my Corvette.'

She laughed. 'Typical man.' With a wave, she headed off to speak to one of Vaughn's old teachers. They were her only hope of finding out enough about the man to put his reasons for creating the camp in a positive light.


AS A CELEBRITY of sorts, Vaughn was used to the spotlight. He was used to stares, glares and whispers behind his back as well as blatantly in front of his face. So when he walked into his parents' home and conversation stopped, he had his first inkling there'd be trouble tonight. And he didn't think the gorgeous babe on his arm had caused the stunned silence-although she'd rendered him mute when they'd met in the front hallway of his house twenty minutes earlier.

Who'd have thought an appropriate-looking, basic black dress could appear so sexy, seductive and sultry? Of course it had something to do with the blonde filling out the material and even more to do with Vaughn and Annabelle's early-morning meeting in his bed. Because now, not only had he seen her body, but he'd held those firmly rounded breasts in his hands. He no longer had to rely on imagination, and the reality had taken up permanent residence in his mind.

Annabelle tugged on his arm, breaking him out of his daydream. 'Are we going inside or are we going to stand in the entryway all night?' she asked, attempting to redirect his attention to where it belonged.

He wiped the sweat off his brow and focused on the company in the room. Their entry complete, the guests of his parents and the important trustees of the university had begun to talk among themselves again. And just his luck, his mother began to make a direct line toward them.

'We're going to mingle,' he assured Annabelle, grasping her hand and heading in the opposite direction from Estelle.

Unfortunately she was a woman on a mission. 'Oh, Brandon!' She waved, giving him no choice but to wait for her to accost them.

Only when she'd come close, so no one could hear, did she begin her tantrum. 'You knew you were coming to this party, so how could you allow such a personal interview to come out today?' Her direct glare was more on Annabelle than on him.

Still, he wasn't about to turn an obvious family issue into Annabelle's problem. 'Good evening to you, too, mother,” he said, smiling for the benefit of the people around them.

'Hello, Mrs. Vaughn.' Annabelle extended her hand but Estelle didn't take it. Instead she motioned with a regal tilt of her head. 'In the study. Now, please.'

Vaughn raised an eyebrow and shrugged. 'Let's see what's on her mind,' he whispered to Annabelle. And maybe then he'd find out why everyone else had paused when they'd laid eyes on him this evening.

It was obvious the shit was about to fly.

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