“You don’t get out of that bed without my permission.” Finding her on the tub floor had taken years off his life.

A weary frown crossed her lips. “I need sleep.”

“First, you need to eat.”

“Looking out for me, catching me when I fall, cooking my meals…Careful, McDermott, or I might think you care for more than your case.”

He caught the teasing in her voice. “Fat chance.”

She met his gaze. “Same with me following orders. I’m not some flunky you can boss around.”

The words were stronger than her voice, but he accepted her warning. Once she felt better, Kane would have his hands full keeping her in line and out of harm’s way. “What are you, Ms. Luck?”

“Your equal and I suggest you remember that.”

His respect for her rose once more. She’d taken a beating, but she kept pulling herself up. Kayla was a fighter. He liked that about her. She could handle herself, but this wasn’t an ordinary situation. When she felt stronger, he’d question her about her aunt and uncle’s dealings.

Meanwhile, he wasn’t about to lighten the severity of her situation. “You take care of yourself or I’ll cuff you to the bed.” He gestured to the wrought-iron headboard behind her pillows.

She grinned. “First whipped cream, now bondage. Are you kinky, Detective?”

“Keep that up and you’ll find out.” The sudden banter and teasing caught him by surprise. So did the vision of her naked, shackled to the bed, eager to play sexual give-and-take.

Her eyes darkened. He wondered if she was considering the possibilities, then reminded himself he’d had his one night. He refused to take another.

Kane rose. Her fingers around his wrist stopped his escape. Warmth seeped into the places she touched.

“Running away?” she asked.

“Getting you food.” Before he drew her down onto the mattress and gave in to baser, misplaced desires. Before he let himself drown in all she had to give.

She released her grip and struggled to a sitting position. “Okay.”

He raised a suspicious eyebrow.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“You gave in.”

“Don’t sound so surprised. I know what’s good for me.” She grinned. “Besides, we already established I’m easy.”

KANE DISAPPEARED into the hall. Kayla leaned back against the pillows and groaned. Sparring with him had sapped what little strength she had left. The dizziness was better, but Kane was right-she needed to eat. Food would give her the energy to get out of this bed, deal with her aunt and uncle’s legacy, and confront Kane, all on her terms.

Kane. What did he want from her? And what did she want from the tough cop?

“Lunch.” He saved her from having to answer.

Standing in the doorway, he was the epitome of every fantasy she’d never allowed herself to have. A strong, capable, caring, sexy man…concerned about her.

She glanced at the mug in his hands, pushing herself to a sitting position. “Vegetable?”

“Was there another kind?” he asked wryly. He handed her the white ceramic cup. The steaming mug warmed her hands. She inhaled and the aroma of beef stock and vegetables drifted upward. Her stomach grumbled aloud. He chuckled.

Refusing to be embarrassed, she took a grateful sip before meeting his amused gaze. “Canned soup at its finest.”

Laugh lines formed in attractive crinkles around his eyes. “It’s the closest thing to homemade you’ll get from me. Come on. Drink up.”

She narrowed her gaze. “Do you take such good care of all your assignments, Detective?”

His hand went to her cheek. She felt his touch shoot straight to her heart. “Don’t sell yourself short, Ms. Luck.”

The jangling of the phone jarred them. She darted a glance at the phone. “Catherine thinks she needs to protect me from you.”

“I already reassured her earlier, but apparently she needs proof. Besides, she’s right.” His dark gaze met hers, his barely readable expression revealing hidden knowledge and a deep yearning need. Her stomach twisted again but hunger wasn’t the cause.

The phone rang once more, breaking the connection. “Better let Catherine know you’re okay or she’ll be showing up on your doorstep.” He grabbed the cup and placed it on the nightstand before walking toward the door.

She picked up the phone. “I’m fine,” she said without preamble.

“You won’t be if I don’t get my take and I want the books.”

She gripped the receiver hard. “Who is this?”

“Have you forgotten already?”

The gravelly tone chilled her. “You attacked me.”

Kane whirled around and stalked back to the bed. A strong, supporting hand cupped her shoulder. When she glanced up, he merely nodded, urging her to keep talking.

“That was just a preview,” the voice on the phone said.

She drew courage from Kane’s presence. “What do you want?”

“For you to stop playing dumb. My share and a resumption of activities.”

“I don’t…”

“You can’t cut my man out, and you can’t run this on your own. Get the money. I’ll be in touch.” A click and she was disconnected.

He grabbed the phone out of her hand and punched in a succession of numbers, then muttered a curse.

“What?” she asked.

“Untraceable. Probably a damn phone booth.” He placed the phone back in the cradle, then turned to Kayla. “What did he say?”

She couldn’t meet his gaze. “Seems you were right. Charmed! is a front for something illegal, after all.”

The anger she’d held toward him left in a rush. Fear still pulsed inside her, but she needed answers and knew just where to find them.

Kayla threw off the sheets. Her head pounded in opposition to the sudden movement, but she forced herself to swing her legs over the side of the bed.

“Hang on.” His hand on her bare thigh stopped her. Blazing heat seared her to the core.

He didn’t speak. Neither did she. Sexual tension crackled in the air between them, fierce and alive. His large hand remained on her bare skin.

“Where are you going?” His roughened voice didn’t surprise her. She’d be shocked if she could speak herself.

“I-” She stopped and cleared her throat. “To the office. There are boxes, things of my aunt’s I haven’t looked through yet.” Not that she believed for a minute that her mother’s sister would be involved in anything as sleazy as prostitution. But the fact remained there was obviously much she didn’t know about her newly inherited business.

“I’ll have them brought by along with a change of clothes for myself. We can go through them together.”

Together. The word caused an involuntary shiver. She liked the sound. Too much. But once again he was right. After her pathetic shower attempt, a trip to the office seemed ridiculous.

“Thank you.” She hated ceding control to Kane but she had no choice for now.

She focused again on his large hand still covering her thigh. His thumb moved back and forth, his finger gliding over her skin. What was meant as comfort her body read as sensual. The rhythmic motion of his hand released a steady beat between her thighs.

His touch ruled her senses, but she still had presence of mind. He had set her up and used her in the name of his job. For him, it was a professional relationship after all.

She glanced at his taut jaw and his darkened gaze. Or was it more than professional? Her heart kicked into

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