just because he was near the top of the table he realized. Part of the tradition. The words stunned him.

The message was from Count Ward, but signed by both him and his Countess. It was a proclamation of war against the kingdom of Noram. It was either the stupidest thing to ever exist, or Ward and his advisors really thought they could win. If they thought that, then someone was helping them. Probably the Austrans. Because in traditional arms, County Ward wouldn’t last a day against the King’s army, especially with what Thorgood, Printer, Ford and Ross were going to be able to bring to bear in a few weeks time. Tor stopped for a second and nearly grinned. Plus Thomson and Lairdgren too as well as anyone else with people willing to take up arms for the kingdom. Not knowing what else to do Tor passed the message back to the King, who stood.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Counts and Countesses. Worthies all. This message saddens me to no end, but is unavoidable at this point. Count Ward and his County have declared not only their sovereignty, but war upon us all. Preparations must be made now. All forces need to rally and prepare to remove him and his forces from our shores. No matter the cost.”

Ursala stood, chair clattering back, tipping behind her.

“No matter the cost.” She said, her voice firm, carrying across the room in an echo that resonated inside Tor’s chest a little somehow.

Holly stood next, and screamed it so loud her voice broke a little.

“No matter the cost!”

Everyone else that could stand or yell did. Even the palace help.

Tor nodded and stood himself, then without saying anything, walked back to his room.

He had work to do.

Apparently cost wasn’t a factor anymore if the chanting could be believed.

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