Leaving Lizzy unable to help but picture her in labor somewhere, possibly alone, without a cell phone.

God. She could hardly bear the thought, and just as the burning in her throat threatened to overwhelm her, Jason reached out and took her hand.

She met his steadfast regard and felt his fingers gently squeeze hers.

She’d hurt him, on purpose, to make sure he kept his distance-that she kept her distance-and yet he was still here.

For her.

And she had to wonder, if under different circumstances, they could have made this thing work.


“THE BABY IS GOING to come.” Cece felt her panic bubble as she looked into Hunter’s eyes, a man she’d known only for one day. “Oh, God.”

“Okay.” He said this utterly calmly. He’d held her hand and stroked her forehead for hours, throughout the entire night and morning. By some miracle, the water hadn’t risen any more around them.

With dawn here, it wouldn’t be long before they were found, but it wasn’t going to happen in time.

“It’s getting light,” he said. “I can walk out-”

“Swim. You mean, you’d have to swim out.”

“Whatever it takes. I can get you help now-”

“No. No, you can’t. Please don’t leave me.”

He stroked her hair from her face. “I’d be right back, I promise. Cece, you might need more help than I can give you-”

“But the baby is coming.”

“I know, which is why I-”

“No, you don’t understand.” She dug her fingers into his jacket and tugged hard, yanking him down her level. “You have to get down there and catch the baby.”

He covered her hands with his, his grip firm and soothing. “Okay. Okay, baby, don’t you worry about my part, my part’s easy.”

“Easy.” She choked out a laugh. “We haven’t even slept together and you’re going to have to-”

“Look, it’s still pretty dark. I won’t be able to see much.”

“Oh, God.” She lay back and stared at the roof of the Hummer. “I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe I finally turned my life around, that I finally met a really great guy, and now…this.

“You don’t have to tell him,” Hunter said quietly. “You don’t have to tell him about me.”

She blinked through the haze of pain and felt another laugh ripple through her. “I meant you, Hunter. You’re the really great guy I finally met.”

“Oh.” He looked at her, then let out a slow smile that changed his usually solemn, quiet face. Transformed it. “I thought I was just one of those assholes.”

“I was wrong. So wrong-Oh, God.” Gasping as the contraction slammed her, she tried desperately to ride the wave of pain, but she was tired of riding. Tired of pain. So damn tired. “Hunter!”

“Right here.”

He was. He was right there. Which was more than she could say for any other man in her life, ever. “I really don’t think I can do this.”

“Sure you can.” He continued to stroke her hair back from her face and smiled into her eyes. “You’re almost there-”

“No, I changed my mind. I don’t want to do this anymore.” She knew she was just babbling, half-delirious, making no sense. “Tomorrow would be better.”

He shook his head with regret. “I don’t think you have that option, Cece.”

“No, seriously-” She broke off on a thin wail as the insidious, all-consuming pain completely took her. It felt like it lasted forever, but finally, when she could breathe again, she closed her eyes and lay back, panting. “I’m done. Cooked. Finished. I want to go home.”

“Soon,” he promised. “Soon, I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

“Oh, God. I really have to push. You’re going to have to-”

“I know.” He ran his hand over her leg as he slid down to a better position. “It’s going to be okay, Cece. It’s all going to be okay.”

“How?” she whispered miserably. “It’s never been okay.” She knew she sounded like a child, but at the moment, facing what she was facing, she felt like one. “I’m going to be a mom, Hunter. I’m going to be someone’s mom, and I don’t know how.”

“It’ll come.”

“Are you kidding? I can barely control myself. I mean, I gave up looking for trouble, I did, but sometimes I have the feeling it’s looking for me, you know? And no matter what I do, it’ll find me.” She squeezed her eyes shut.

“I do know. Look at me, Cece.” When she did, she could see it in his eyes, that he really got it. Got her. “You asked for my dirty laundry, and I was flippant. I used to be one of those assholes you gave up. But I’ve changed. So have you. We can do anything now, including this.”

“Trust me, I can’t. In fact, I’m not going to. I’m not.” She shook her head wildly. “I’m just not going to do it.”

“Okay, listen to me.” He was on his knees, between hers, looking fiercely into her face, his hands on her hips as he leaned in. “Turning your life around is more than half the battle, I promise you. Everything that comes after that decision is icing, baby, all icing. As for not knowing how to be a mom, are you kidding me? You have all that life experience. You’ll know exactly what to do. All that’s left is believing in yourself.”

She felt her throat close up a little, blocked by emotion. “I’m not sure I’m that evolved.”

“Fine. Then I’ll believe for you. How’s that? I’ll believe in you enough for the both of us.”

“Why?” she whispered, feeling something well up from within, something that felt alien but not unpleasant.


Such painful, delicious hope. “Why would you do that for me?”

He smiled, and it took her heart. “Because everyone deserves a second chance. I got mine, and I want you to have yours. I’ve watched you struggle with the pain for hours now without giving up, Cece. You’ve talked about your sister being a hero, but, Cece, I think it’s you. You’re the hero.”

Oh, God, she wanted to believe. “Are you sure?” she whispered.

So sure,” he promised, shifting a little, putting himself into position for what came next, she realized.

Oh, God…

“There’s a first time for everything,” he said. “You know that, right?”

“Yes, but I’ve never been good at firsts.”

“You’ll be good at this,” he said with such certainty that she had to believe.

He pulled off his jacket and rolled it up, sliding it behind her, making her as comfortable as possible, and she understood he did it so that she’d be better able to push.

She was going to have to actually push.

“It’s going to be amazing,” he told her, talking, keeping up the steady stream of words probably to take her mind off what was about to happen. “Beautiful.”

“Beautiful,” she repeated.

“That’s right. Beautiful and life altering.” He pulled off his T-shirt, which was eye-opening, and for a minute it pulled her out of her own world of pain because wow. He really had it going on, a tough, hard, sinewy built with more than few tattoos-

He spread the shirt beneath her hips. It was the only clean thing they had, relatively speaking, and this baby needed clean. She felt the panic bubble over. “Hunter-”

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