realized his nasty slap-down hadn't done her self-image any good at all. He'd thrown her out of his life without giving her any reason, so mentally and emotionally she'd gone down the same wrong track she'd been following for years.

He needed to solve this problem before they could move on. He eyed her, arms nicely restrained. Feeling like she did, he wouldn't get her in this position again.

Looked like this was the time and this was the place.

And the beginning of the solution would have to start with him. The thought of talking about his nightmares and Jake twisted his gut. But he owed her this. He'd kept information from her, and she'd suffered for it.

Logan stood in front of her, watching her with unreadable eyes. Rebecca blinked back tears. Damned if she'd look all sniffly in front of him. “Let me down. Now.”

“Do you remember me telling you that there must be honesty between a Dom and sub?”

He obviously wouldn't help her until he had his say. Too bad. She didn't want to listen. Not anymore. “Logan. I want down.” She felt her lips tremble. I want to go home.

He moved forward, standing so close, his chest touched her breasts. His hand cupped her cheek. “Easy, little rebel.”

At the affectionate term, her eyes filled, and she tried to pull her face out of his hand. If he acted nice to her, she'd cry.

This time he used both hands to hold her face so he could look into her eyes. “Becca. I absolutely did not make you leave because of how you look.”


His grip tightened. His eyes closed, and he drew in a deep breath before pinning her with that gray gaze again. “I gave Jake that scar on his face.”

Her mouth dropped open, and she looked at him in disbelief.

“I've had nightmares since my discharge. Years. I can't-couldn't tell where the nightmare ended and reality began. A few years ago, Jake woke me up, and I tried to kill him.” He pressed his forehead against hers, and she could feel his breath on her face. “Since then, I've never slept with anyone. Until you. Our last night together, I had a nightmare. Fuck, sugar, when you woke me up, I thought at first I'd hurt you.” He rubbed his cheek on hers like a big cat. “That's why I sent you away.”

She'd never heard him use the F word before. He had been shaken when he woke from the nightmares. She remembered that. “Nightmares.” His scent surrounded her, so familiar and wonderful that her heart skipped a beat.

“Uh-huh.” He took an audible breath. “When I didn't hurt you, I figured something had changed over the years. Jake helped me test my control. It looks like I can wake up without trying to murder anyone around me.” His lips curved, although his eyes remained cold. “Do you understand why I sent you away?”

Well, she knew he had nightmares. But that he really wanted her? “I've seen your nightmares,” she said.

His gaze intensified. “A yes-no question usually gets a yes-no answer. Becca, do you believe I came to the club looking for you?”

He loved honesty so much; she'd just give him some. “No.”

“Because you think no one likes lush women. Is that correct?”

She nodded.

“Got it.” His hand fisted in her hair, and he tilted her head back to take her mouth. His kiss was hard, almost punishing, but oh God, she didn't care. His lips gentled, slid over hers. “Simon said you wanted to play. Is that correct?”

A tremor went through her. Playing with Logan was far, far different from with a stranger. But she wanted him so badly. One more time, even if she knew how it would end. She licked her lips. “Yes.”

He nodded. His jaw tightened. “Then we'll play, sugar. What's your safe word?”


“Good. Since you don't mind being on display”-his eyes gleamed as he studied her face-“you might as well do a good job.” His fingers slid into her cleavage, and he began to pop open the hooks to her bustier. One by one until her breasts were completely exposed.

“Logan, stop,” she hissed.

“What did you call me?” he asked, undoing the last few hooks.

“Loga-I mean, Sir.”

He undid the last hook and tossed the corset off to one side. And then he actually cupped her breasts, right there in front of everyone.

She shook her head frantically, trying to ignore the thrill the feel of his hands sent through her.

He frowned at her. Not only did he keep his hands on her, but his thumbs circled her nipples in a way that made her pussy clench. “Is this my body to play with, sub?”


He raised his eyebrows in query.

“You said you didn't share,” she whispered. She could feel the way her nipples tightened.

“No one may touch,” he murmured. “I don't mind if they watch.” And he bent over and pulled a nipple into his mouth, sucking so powerfully, her back arched and pleasure sizzled straight to her pussy.

When she yanked on the chains, nothing moved.

“You can't get away, little sub. I can take my pleasure in any way I want, and you can't do a thing to stop me.” He pinched her breast lightly, his lips curving at her gasp. His hand slipped under her skirt, and he frowned. “No underwear in the club. My rule. Am I clear?” His steely eyes trapped hers as he waited for her reply.

She nodded.

He ripped open one seam, then the other, and her panties dropped to the floor. Her skirt followed. She barely had time to feel the cool air before his fingers touched her pussy, stroking through her folds. Sliding. “You're wet, little rebel,” he said in a deep voice, his eyes on her face. “For someone who doesn't like being shown off in public, you're awfully aroused.”

She closed her eyes in shame, then jerked when he thrust a finger into her. His thumb circled her clit until she could feel it tightening. Burning. Urgent need seared through her.

He stepped back, leaving her hanging there. “You're naked, Becca. Everyone can see every inch of you. All those flaws you try to hide.”

His words hit her like blows, and she gasped, tried to cringe, only the chains held her up. She couldn't hide, couldn't flee. She closed her eyes.

Merciless fingers grasped her chin. “Look at me.”

She met his eyes, trying not to shame herself further by crying.

“I like my women soft and round.” His blue gaze burned into hers. “I don't lie, Becca. I love your body, every single curve, every dimple, every scar.”

She shook her head, unable to believe him.

“Sugar, I'm not the only one who prefers curves.” He glanced behind him, and she realized there were an awful lot of people watching. Her mouth dropped open as humiliation streaked through her. “Considering we're not putting on much of a show, they're here because they like what they're looking at. That would be you.” His hand fondled her breast, sending heat swirling through her.

“And you don't believe that either, do you?” He sighed when she shook her head. “Okay, then, I'll ask.”

He turned around. “My little sub doesn't believe anyone likes soft, round women. Do any of you prefer bodies like hers?”

Applause and cheers made her eyes widen. God, let me down. Let me hide. Shivers ran through her.

“Good. Let me take it one step further, since she's vulnerable right now, and I want to drive this into her head. I think she's eminently fuckable. Would anyone who agrees take a step forward.”

Chairs screeched as men-and a few women-rose to their feet, crowding forward. So many eyes, and yet they all showed the same thing. Desire. And pleasure at looking at her.

Her mouth dropped open.

“There we go. A dent in the disbelief.” Logan moved forward, pulling her against him, and kissed her, taking her

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