She needed a good fuck, and she knew damned well she wasn't going to get it from Jeff tonight, or tomorrow night after they had driven back to the city, or any night soon. So why not try The Channel and hope it really did exist? Fourteen inches. Two and a half inches in circumference. A cock like that shoved up her would really feel good right now. She wanted some hot sex. And she wanted it rough. Thinking about her college boyfriend's hands about her neck squeezing, about her coming and coming, almost made Heidi drive off the road.

'Where have you been?' Jeff demanded in surly tones when she got to the house.

'Out picking us up a bottle of wine,' she answered, going into the kitchen and setting down the bags. She could smell the Chinese, and her stomach rumbled in anticipation.

'How long does it take to pick out a bottle of wine in this town?' he demanded.

'Hey, the wine shop here is cool. It's got everything. I found that nice Australian white you like,' she wheedled him. She held up the bottle as if it were a trophy, and gave him a quick kiss. 'Now stop being so grumpy,' she told him.

'What's this?' he demanded to know, holding up a narrow box.

Heidi flushed. 'It's an e.p.t. test. Relax, I'm not pregnant. I was late, and I got nervous, but I got my period last week. I had it here so I could check this weekend if nothing happened.'

'I told you no more kids!' he shouted, and then he slapped her. 'Don't I have enough trouble without that? I don't want any more kids.'

Stunned, Heidi's hand went to her face. Her eyes filled with tears. 'Well, maybe I want a kid. Just one. Your kids hate me, and besides, they're grown.'

'No kids,' he told her firmly.

'You didn't have to hit me, Jeff,' she quavered.

'Baby, I'm sorry.' He gave her a quick hug. 'It's this damned house! I hate it! I thought having her clothes packed away would do it, but Nora is everywhere in this house. I can't wait to sell the place, and be done with it.'

'We don't have to come out here every weekend,' Heidi said. 'We're missing all the good parties now, you know. And we were invited to the preview of that new show last night. And there are at least two concerts coming up that I wanted to go to, Jeff.'

'I can't leave the house alone on a weekend. It's safe during the week, but on the weekends the kids around here run wild,' he told her. 'There's nothing else for them to do but break into empty houses, drink the liquor, and trash the place. No, until I sell it, we're coming out on the weekends. Now, could we eat? I'm beat, and I want to go to bed. Jesus, that new toothpaste account is giving me fits. The music for the commercial just isn't right yet, and I can't figure it out.'

'You will,' Heidi soothed him as she filled their plates with the Chinese takeout. Carla Johnson had damned well better not be kidding about this channel thing. Jeff was beginning to look less and less like Prince Charming. Maybe after she'd had a good fuck she'd feel better. After all he was a partner, and he had bought the co-op, even if she was paying the bridge loan herself. She had made him put the co-op in her name. He really did love her. Well, as much as Jeff could love anything, but then, they made a great team. Creatively they were terrific together. And he usually looked good on her arm. Eye candy, she thought, smiling to herself. Until recently. The divorce was really wearing him out.

When they had finished dinner, Heidi put their dishes in the dishwasher, realizing that it was now full after three weekends. Pouring soap into the soap container, she turned it on. She'd unload it next weekend when they ran out of dishes. Housekeeping was not her forte. It never had been. But judging from Nora Buckley's well-kept, well-stocked kitchen, she was a Martha Stewart. I'll bet she cooks well too, Heidi thought. Jeff didn't seem to mind that Heidi didn't cook. She defrosted, and she reheated, and she ordered out, but cook? Who had time?

'Any dessert?' he asked.

'Fortune and almond cookies,' Heidi said.

'Give me two almond cookies, and I'll finish the wine,' he told her, pouring the remainder of it into his glass. 'I'm going to bed. Sorry to leave you alone, baby, but I know you like The District.' He put an arm about Heidi and gave her a kiss. 'Night.'

Heidi finished cleaning up, and then she went upstairs to shower. By the time she was in the black silk nightgown that looked as if it had been painted on her, Jeff was already snoring. Picking up the empty wineglass, she returned downstairs. Going into the den, she picked up the handset of the telephone. For a long moment she hesitated, and then she realized she didn't know the cable company's number. Looking around, she found the cable listing and dialed the number. She asked for The Channel, and other than her slight start when the operator called her Mrs. Buckley, it all went smoothly. Channel sixty-nine. Well, that was subtle, wasn't it? It was after eight o'clock. She turned on the television. The screen was dark, and then it lightened to show her a bedroom, dimly lit, with a large round bed in the center of it. Not at all hesitant, Heidi put her hand on the screen, and to both her surprise and delight, she found herself in that bedroom. Upon closer examination she saw the sheets were red satin. There was a mirrored ceiling above the bed. Heidi giggled. She had always imagined a room like this. There was something a little nasty, a little smutty, and very sordid about a room with a king-sized round bed with a mirror above it and red satin sheets.

'Well, about time you showed up, Heidi,' a rough male voice said, and he came from the shadows of the room. He was at least six feet six inches tall with broad shoulders and a wide chest. But his waist was narrow, as were his hips. 'I'm Brad and I'm fourteen inches of hot meat.' Reaching out, he pulled her into his arms. His hand ripped the front of her nightgown down, and he squeezed her breasts. 'Nice, baby. Very nice.'

'Hey, easy, big boy,' Heidi said. 'This is real silk not Lycra.'

'Come on, baby, you like to be treated rough, and I know it,' he replied, pulling her tightly against him. One hand was around her waist. The other was stroking her butt. 'I know what you want,' he murmured in her ear, 'and I can give it to you. You know I can, don't you, Heidi? In a few minutes I'm going to spread your nice white body on those bloodred sheets. You're going to open real wide for me, aren't you, baby?'

Heidi could feel her excitement rising. Her heart was beating faster, and her clit was beginning to tingle just listening to him. She was already wet. 'Yes,' she whispered in his ear, and her tongue began to lick it.

'And when I get you like that, baby, I'm going to shove myself right up you and let you feel what a real man feels like. Not like that old-enough-to-be-your-daddy lover you've got, but a real man. You need a real man, baby, doncha?' His hand pushed between her legs, and he thrust three fingers into her vagina, moving them back and forth until she was moaning with undisguised lust. He laughed. 'Oh, baby, you are hot to trot tonight, aren't you? It's your first visit to The Channel, and we're going to make it a memorable visit, baby.' He withdrew his fingers from her cunt, and shoved them into her mouth. 'That's the taste of hot pussy,' he told her. 'Suck 'em clean now.'

Heidi sucked the big fingers, almost swooning with her excitement. He was wearing a black thong, and she could see the great big wad his dick made in the silky fabric. His dirty talk was so naughty, and she loved it. She looked up at him, fingers still in her mouth, and then she slowly pulled his fingers out from between her lips and said, 'I'm a bad girl, Brad. What do you do to a bad girl? Huh, Brad? Huh?'

A grin lit his face. 'Bad girls get spanked, baby.' He held up his hand. 'They get spanked with this.'

'I'm not afraid of that old hand,' she taunted him. Then her voice grew fearful. 'But don't take the strap to me, Brad! Please don't!' Her lower lip quivered.

'So, you little bitch, you're not afraid of my hand,' he roared. 'Then it's the strap for you, girl.' It appeared magically in his hand, a broad piece of leather at least six inches in width, the ends split into narrow strips that had been knotted. 'Get over there!' he said, pointing to a high upholstered bench. He half dragged her across the room, threw her across the bench roughly, and imprisoned her wrists in two manacles attached to the bench's front legs.

'Ohh, Brad!' Heidi cried, but her eyes were bright with her desire.

'I'll teach you to defy me, you little bitch,' he growled, and brought the strap down on her helpless buttocks.

She was almost ashamed at how much she was enjoying this. It was a part of her nature she had always, except on one or two occasions, kept hidden from public scrutiny. But here in The Channel she was able to live out her wildest desires. She squealed and pleaded as he brought the strap down again and again. The tiny knotted strips burned as they bit into her flesh. Some of them even curved under to sting her pussy. Finally she cried out that she would always be good, and he stopped. But then she felt his hands holding her steady, and his big dick

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