tried it I ended?up with bruises all over my-“

“Skye! We’ve guests!”

For the first time her attention was drawn to the man by his side.

“My Lord,” she heard her father say, “this is my youngest daugh-?ter, Skye, who will shortly be the bride of young O’Flaherty. Skye,?this is Niall, Lord Burke, the MacWilliam’s heir.”

“Niall an iarain, Niall of the Iron,” she said softly. This was a?famous man, the secret dream lover of half the maidens in Ireland.

“I see my reputation precedes me, my lady Skye.”

“It is an open secret that you are Captain Revenge, and that you?conduct those daring raids against the English who live in the Dublin?Pale. Of course, no one would dare accuse you of this.”

“Yet you, my lady, do not fear me,” he murmured, holding her?fast with his gaze until she blushed.

The voice was deep and sure, but as smooth as fine velvet. She?shivered. She raised her eyes to his. They were a silvery gray, and?she imagined that in anger they would be colder than the far northern?sea, but in the heat of passion they would be fiery warm like rich?wine. Guilty color flooded her cheeks at these immodest thoughts.? The gray eyes twinkled infuriatingly, as if reading her mind.

He towered over her by a good eight inches. His smoothly shaven?face had been tanned by the outdoors. The short-cropped hair was?as midnight dark as her own.

Raising her hand, he kissed it. It was all she could do not to?snatch it away, for his lips burned her flesh like a brand. Sweet?Mary, she thought, he’s so much more sophisticated than Dom, yet?he’s only ten years older than I am.

“My lord, welcome to Innisfana,” she murmured politely. Dear?God! Was that husky, breathless voice hers? And why was Anne?staring at her so strangely?

Her father’s voice brought her back to reality. “These are for your?dowry, poppet,” he said, handing her a marvelous collection of?rubies set in gold. They were a necklace, earrings, bracelets, a ring,?and a hair ornament. Everyone exclaimed, and Dom O’Flaherty?congratulated himself as though he had been personally responsible?for choosing his bride.

Skye clutched the jewelry to her. Thanking her father, she left?the hall. Damn! thought Anne O’Malley. She has been attracted to?Lord Burke. And why not? Now why couldn’t Dubh have betrothed?her to a strong, fierce man like Lord Burke instead of that vain boy,?O’Flaherty?

Skye walked up the stairs to her chamber with what she hoped?was great dignity. She was quite surprised that she could move at?all, for her legs were shaking terribly. She was very confused, and?not just a little frightened by her reaction to Lord Burke. She hoped?she hadn’t behaved like a green maid, but never had she had this?kind of a reaction to a man.

She had never seen Niall Burke before, though his romantic and?military escapades were legend. As she had dared to say aloud?minutes before, he was known to some as the famous Captain Re-?venge, who caused havoc for the English and their Irish allies when-?ever he felt that their policies were not serving Ireland.

Captain Revenge exacted a high penalty from English overlords?who dealt unfairly with their native Irish underlings. Once, in an?escapade later to have all of Ireland laughing up its sleeve, Captain?Revenge had made love to the daughter of an important English?nobleman who had estates in Ireland. Having learned the layout of?her father’s castle from the love-besotted girl, Captain Revenge?ransacked the castle’s treasure room and used the nobleman’s store?to pay the taxes of several impoverished Irish families. The English?accepted the money and rendered receipts. When the deception was?uncovered, it was too late for anything to be done, and the English? fumed with impotent rage. Certainly they suspected the connection?between Captain Revenge and Niall, Lord Burke. But what could?anyone do? London’s policy was that the overload of Mid-Connaught?was not to be antagonized. He was, after all, an ally-an ally to the

English being anybody not openly waging war against England. And?too, they asked themselves, what possible real damage could one?high-spirited young man do?

He was indeed a fascinating man, thought Skye, and when their?eyes met there had been a moment of deep recognition.

Safe in her room, she watched as Molly, her maid, prepared her?bath. Molly thought the lady Skye bathed too much, but Molly had?to admit that her mistress smelted better than anyone she knew. She?took the riding clothes from the girl and, brushing them, put them?in the wardrobe. Skye divested herself of her undergarments, pinned? her long hair up, and climbed into the tub.

The warm water felt good. Slowly Skye rubbed the cake of scented?soap between her hands, then washed her face. Niall Burke. Niall?Burke. Her mind repeated his name like a litany. He was so tall.?He had made her feel petite, which she most certainly was not. He?had been dressed in the English fashion, with elegant parti-colored? hose and matching green pantaloons to the knee. She imagined the?rippling muscles beneath the green velvet doublet. She suddenly?wondered what it would feel like to be crushed against that broad?chest, and to her shame the little nipples on her small breasts hard-?ened, thrusting above the water.

What on earth was the matter with her? She had never had thoughts?like these before. She knew so little about what went on between?men and women, and Dom had certainly never inspired her. In fact,?for all his good looks, Dom repelled her.

Molly took the soap from Skye, finished washing her, and dried?her off with a linen towel. She had barely finished wrapping the girl?in a silken chamber robe when a knock sounded on the door. Molly?opened it, bobbed a flirtatious curtsey, and admitted Dom O’Flaherty.

He sauntered in with a lascivious look to his bride-to-be, whose?young body was well outlined by the robe. “I have to leave you for?a few days, Skye. Sir Murrough has sent word that I am needed.?I will be back in time for our wedding.”

Skye’s heart soared. He would be gone, and Lord Burke would?be here! “Go with God, Dom,” she said sweetly.

For a moment there was an awkward silence, then Dom reached?out and pulled his betrothed into his arms. “No kiss, lovey? You?would send me on my way without the least sign of affection?”

“We’re not wed yet, Dom. I don’t have to kiss you.”

“Don’t have to?” he exploded. “Christ, Skye, don’t be such a?little prude! You’ll have to do more than kiss me in a few days’?time!” Damn, but she was a sweet armful, all perfumed and warm?from the bath. He could feel his desire growing. He sought for her?mouth, but she squirmed away.


His blue eyes narrowed in anger, but then he laughed. “All right,?lovey. But in a short time I’ll have you begging for my kisses.” He?mocked her a bow, then turned and left the room. She shuddered.

“Oh!” squealed Molly. “He’s a lusty one to be sure, mistress!?You’ll have good bedsport with him, and that’s lucky in a husband!”

“Be quiet, you little fool!” snapped Skye. “Instead of drooling?over my betrothed, fetch my new burgundy velvet gown. I intend?wearing it tonight with the rubies Da gave me.”

Molly scurried to obey. Skye O’Malley was a better mistress than?most, rarely cruel, but not above administering a slap now and then.?The maid laced her mistress into a little beribboned busk that pushed?her pretty breasts up so that they seemed almost to spill from her?pale-pink underblouse. The nearly transparent sleeves were striped?in gold. Carefully Skye drew her stockings up her shapely legs.?They were pink silk, embroidered with a flowering vine of gold?thread, and had been made in Paris. Several petticoats followed, and? then the dress. A beautiful creation of the finest, softest velvet, it?was a shimmering, jewel-red, with a full, flowing skirt. Slashed?sleeves revealed the pink-and-gold-striped sleeves of the under-?blouse.

Skye now sat, careful not to wrinkle her skirts, before her precious?mirror while Molly brushed her dark hair until it shone with bluish?lights. She was not allowed to bind it up until after her marriage.?This had been a source of great frustration to Skye, especially at?sea, but her father had been very firm about it. She might braid it,?but the braids must hang long.

“No O’Malley maiden puts her hair up until she weds,” he stated,?and there was no point in arguing.

Looking at herself in the mirror, however, she had to admit that?her long, wavy hair was beautiful. Especially now, as Molly placed?a little gold lace cap with a tiny veil on her head. Skye clasped the?ruby necklace about her throat and studied the effect. The great?stones glittered almost savagely against the creamy softness of her?bare chest, and when she caught her breath she noted with surprise?mat her breasts swelled provocatively beneath the

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