“That would be the chief medical examiner, Dr. Fiesler,” the maintenance man said.

“Where can I find her?”

“She’s down the hall, trying to calm everybody down.”

“What do you mean? What exactly happened here?” Garrison asked.

“I’m not allowed to say.”

“Why not?”

“Dr. Fiesler’s orders. I’m sure you’re somebody important, otherwise you wouldn’t be down here. But I could lose my job, so I’m not saying anything.”

Garrison turned to Perry. “See if you can charm this guy into telling you something.”

“Will do,” Perry replied.

Peter and Garrison went to a room at the end of the hall. Garrison entered without bothering to knock. Six physicians wearing lime-green scrubs stood in the center, talking in hushed tones. Behind them were the stainless- steel coolers where the newly dead were stored. Inside the coolers was a construction worker who’d had a heart attack, a homeless man who’d died peacefully in his sleep, and a house painter who’d fallen off a ladder. Their spirits whispered to Peter as he entered, telling him their darkest secrets. Normally, Peter would have talked to them, but today there was no time. He tuned out their voices.

“I’m looking for Dr. Fiesler,” Garrison announced.

“That’s me,” replied a smallish woman with sun-bleached hair.

“Special Agent Garrison, FBI. I want to know what happened here.”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me,” Fiesler said gravely.

“Try me.”

“We had a corpse come back to life while being cut open on an autopsy table.”


“Wolfe. He was brought in yesterday. Fell from an apartment building.”

“Dead people don’t come back to life,” Garrison said. “There has to be something else going on here. I’m sure you’ve considered that.”

“We have,” Fiesler replied. “There’s no other explanation. Not one that we can think of, anyway.”

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to speak with my associate,” Garrison said.

Garrison pulled Peter into the hallway and dropped his voice.

“Is this possible?” the FBI agent asked.

“The dead don’t come back to life,” Peter said. “It’s one of the rules of the game. The only other explanation is that Wolfe’s body is possessed.”

“Is that possible?”

“It is if a group of psychics are involved. No one will admit to it, but that’s what really started the witch trials in Salem. A group of witches were possessing dead people’s bodies.”

“How do we find out for certain? I need to know what we’re dealing with.”

“The TV monitors inside the autopsy room were pulled out of the walls. Maybe they were filming Wolfe when it happened, and he tried to destroy them.”

“Would you know if you saw a film?”

“I think so.”

Garrison went back into the room. The doctors were still in a huddle. Peter sensed they were having a hard time dealing with what had happened. The things I could tell you, he thought.

“Was Wolfe filmed during his autopsy?” Garrison asked.

“All our autopsies are filmed,” Fiesler replied. “So was Wolfe’s.”

“I’d like to see it. It may explain what happened.”

Fiesler took them to her office. It was a messy affair with stacks of papers hiding her desk. She got onto her computer and made magic on the keyboard. Soon they were watching a film of Wolfe’s autopsy. The dead man lay naked on an autopsy table. Rigor mortis had set in, and his body had gone stiff, his mouth open like someone in a deep sleep. Looking at him, there was no doubt that his spirit had left this earth long ago. A doctor holding a scalpel began to slice open Wolfe’s sternum. The tattoo on the dead man’s neck began to glow.

“See that?” Peter asked.

“Yeah, and it’s creeping me out,” Garrison replied.

“Somebody give me a hint what’s going on,” Fiesler said.

“He’s being possessed,” Peter explained.

Wolfe’s eyelids snapped open. Knocking the scalpel away, he sat bolt upright, and hopped off the table. In a mad fury he began destroying things, his movements stiff and awkward. The doctor performing the autopsy fled from the room.

Wolfe went to a closet in the autopsy room. He pulled out a cardboard box filled with clothes, and removed a tattered pair of pants and a shirt. He dressed himself, and staggered away.

“What’s with the clothes?” Garrison asked.

“Good question,” Fiesler replied. “He had a choice of clothes, including a brand-new pair of scrubs hanging inside the closet. For some reason, he took the clothes he was wearing when he was brought in. I guess he had some sort of attachment to them.” She paused. “So let me ask you gentlemen a question. How do my staff and I explain this without looking like lunatics?”

“You don’t,” Garrison answered.

“Come again?”

“Keep a lid on it,” the FBI agent said.

“But that’s not ethical.”

“No, it’s not. But how’s it going to look if you start telling people you saw a corpse come back to life?”

“Not good,” she admitted.

“I’d call it career-threatening. People would question your ability to do your job. My advice would be for you and your staff to make up a story, and stick to it. That’s what we do in the government.”

“You’re saying we should lie,” Fiesler said.

“Through your teeth.”

“Whatever you say. Anything else I can do for you gentlemen?”

“Can you e-mail me a copy of this video?” Peter asked.

“I don’t see why not,” the doctor replied.

Peter wrote his e-mail address on a slip of paper. Fiesler got onto her computer, and through the magic of the Internet, the e-mail appeared on Peter’s cell phone seconds later.

“Much appreciated,” he said.

“Last question,” Fiesler said. “What should I do with this film?”

“Make it go away,” Garrison answered.

Fiesler erased the autopsy of Wolfe, and walked out of the office.

Peter forwarded the autopsy film to Holly, with Garrison looking over his shoulder.

“I have a friend who’s a witch,” Peter explained. “She has the ability to track people down if she knows what they look like.”

“Can all psychics do that?” Garrison asked.

“No, they can’t.”

“So you’re not all the same, then.”

“Hardly. Our gifts come from different places, and let us do different things. The thing we share in common is the ability to communicate with the spirit world.”

“Can your witch tell me where Wolfe’s hiding?”

“To a degree. She’ll able to tell us if he’s hiding inside a building, or on a rooftop, or in a bedroom. Hopefully, she’ll spot some landmark that will tell us his location.”

“How long will this take?”

“Hard to say. I have to talk to her first.”

Garrison consulted his watch. The frown on his face grew more pronounced. The thoughts racing through his head were as easy to read as a ticker tape. He was going to call his superior in the FBI, and tell him to override the

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