Her hat had somehow stayed in place, but the force of her fall had knocked the sunglasses from her face. He picked them up and held them up to his eyes for inspection.

'No damage,' he assured her.

What he'd really been doing, of course, was checking to see if they were prescription and therefore necessary on a day that was, if anything, even more overcast than the previous one. They weren't, meaning they were nothing but a prop. Still, Jaywalker hesitated a bit longer before returning them to her, getting an even better look at her.

That had been an hour and a half ago. The chat on the library steps, the cup of coffee in a nearby luncheonette and the cab ride to her place had taken less than an hour. The rest, as they say, was history. Yet at no point had Jaywalker confronted her about having followed him. Instead, he'd allowed her the fiction that they'd met only because he'd happened to knock her down.

He decided she must have known who he was all along. Her 'You're that guy!' epiphany had been nothing but an act, meant to convince him that it had been pure serendipity that she'd ended up in bed with just the man she wanted to defend her husband.

Why had she gone to such elaborate lengths to meet him? If the answer to that question still went begging, Jaywalker could come up with a pretty plausible explanation. Immediately following his suspension, he'd vacated his office, disconnected his phone, canceled his e-mail account and all but ignored whatever showed up in his post office box. His home phone number, as it always had been, remained unlisted. In other words, he'd become a phantom, a very difficult man to find. Had Amanda Drake-now that he knew her real name-used more traditional means to try to meet with him and hire him, she no doubt would have failed. So she'd somehow hunted him down and then resorted to the old followhim-until-he-catches-me trick. Then she'd lured him into her bed and, coming up for air, innocently asked him what he did for a living. So while Jaywalker was forced to deduct one point for her having been less than forthright, he gave it back to her for sheer cleverness.

A woman after his own heart.

Even though he was pretty much satisfied with his explanation of why Amanda had been following him, he was tempted to come right out and ask her. Not so much to test his hypothesis as to show off his own superior instinct and skill at having spotted her. But he resisted the urge. Some cards are better played early on in the game; others are best held on to. Who knew if an opportune moment might arise when confronting Amanda would pay a dividend? So he'd settle for having made the tail, in more ways than one.

He kept quiet, therefore, and turned his thoughts to the notion of getting back into the business of defending criminals-okay, accused criminals. And the lovehate relationship he'd long carried on with the way he'd been making his living for the past twenty-some years.

As much as he'd been enjoying his extended sabbatical from the law, Jaywalker could feel the pull of getting back into the trenches. He missed the courthouse, that filthy place of long lines, broken elevators and peculiar smells. He missed the people, the camaraderie-defense lawyers and prosecutors he'd grown middle-aged with; judges who itched to hold him in contempt every time he stepped across some foolish line they'd drawn, but would have hired him in a New York minute if they themselves had gotten into trouble; court officers, corrections officers, clerks, court reporters and translators he'd come to feel he'd known forever. He missed even the defendants, often initially surly or even hostile, invariably self-destructive, but almost always deeply appreciative by the time he parted ways with them. He missed the battle, that matching of wits, that take-noprisoners struggle they called a trial but might just as well have called a war. He missed opening statements, crossexamination, summing up. He missed sitting on the edge of his seat and feeling his heart pounding in his chest as the jurors filed into the courtroom one last time to deliver their verdict. He missed the incredible high that lifted him into the stratosphere with each acquittal. He even missed, in some strange way, the depths of despair into which he plunged following a conviction.

What's more, Jaywalker found himself intrigued by the case against Carter Drake. Should the act of driving, no matter how poorly or even recklessly, ever be a sufficient predicate for a murder charge and the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment it carried? Was Jaywalker being old-fashioned by thinking that before accusing a man of murder, the state ought to first be required to demonstrate that he'd set out to harm somebody? Was that asking too much?

But beyond Jaywalker's interest in that legal issue, there was a much more mundane reason for wanting to get involved. And that was the worst invention Homo sapiens had ever managed to come up with. Money. A murder case, even one predicated upon the faulty operation of a motor vehicle, meant a five-figure fee. God knew he could use the money, which would be his first income in more than two years. And since Carter Drake was apparently willing to do whatever it would take to drag the case out until Jaywalker's suspension was over, things might actually work out. He'd have to be careful, of course. He'd have to steer clear of the New City courthouse, refrain from saying anything about the case that might find its way into the newspapers and avoid any conduct that might arguably constitute practicing law. And if he were to accept any money, he'd have to do it in such a way as to make it look like something other than a legal fee. But that could be done, he was pretty sure.

Then there were the secondary drawbacks and benefits of getting involved. On the negative side was the sheer notoriety of the case. Taking on Carter Drake as his comeback act would mean that Jaywalker would be returning to the scene of his past transgressions with a considerable bang. Right off the bat, he'd be representing a high-profile murder defendant in what was sure to be a media-circus trial. The prospect of that kind of free publicity would no doubt have delighted every one of Jaywalker's colleagues, but in that respect he stood apart from them. In fact, the thought of it brought him dangerously close to gagging.

Finally, there was the chance that one of the benefits of representing Carter Drake might be Amanda Drake. Then again, what a conflict of interest that w ould be! Jaywalker allowed himself a chuckle as he imagined a slew of new charges from the disciplinary committee. He could picture the presiding justice snarling down at him with righteous indignation. 'So, Mr. Jaywalker, we conclude that you deliberately made certain that your client would remain locked up for as long as possible, just so you could continue to have an affair with his wife.'

Well, that was one benefit that might just have to be curtailed. But what a shame.

That night, in the privacy of his own place, Jaywalker thought things over. Unlike Amanda Carter's fourbedroom triplex just off Fifth Avenue, Jaywalker's apartment wasn't much more than a furnished room. What it was, was a fourth-floor walk-up studio in what real estate agents tend to write off as a developing neighborhood, much the same way economists might refer to a developing nation. Implicit in both terms is the suggestion that the entity being described still has a long way to go before qualifying for actually being developed. So as he pondered the advisability of getting involved in Carter Drake's case, Jaywalker stretched out on his sofa, which doubled as his bed, and also served from time to time as his laundry sorter, work surface and exercise mat.

A criminal case begins, as Jaywalker well knew, with an investigation, followed by an arrest. Or sometimes it's the other way around, an arrest followed by an investigation. By the time a defense lawyer gets contacted, selected, and either hired by the family or appointed by the court, that lawyer already finds himself playing catch- up. It had already been three weeks since Carter Drake's arrest, and based upon the little that Jaywalker remembered from the newspaper accounts, the only representation Drake had had in that time was from the business lawyer who'd surrendered him, followed by some local guy who'd stood up for him when he got to court. It would be another seven or eight months before Jaywalker would be allowed to practice again. That would mean an eight-month head start for the prosecution, an all but insurmountable advantage.

So what was Jaywalker to do in the meantime? He couldn't contact the D.A.'s office or the state police, or risk calling either of the lawyers who'd been representing Drake; any one of them could turn him in for doing so. Yet he couldn't just sit on his hands and watch his future client languish in the hands of a couple of incompetents while the prosecution perfected its case, could he?

He found a half-smoked joint, fired it up and inhaled deeply. Ever since he'd given up drinking, Jaywalker had resorted to the old devil weed for occasional inspiration. It soothed him, relaxed him, helped him see things a bit more clearly, and brought on a moderate case of the 'munchies'-an indispensable aid to a man who, to the envy of most men and every woman he knew, had serious trouble keeping his weight up. With no known adverse side effects and no possibility of a lethal overdose, it was, as Martha Stewart might have put it, a good thing. Little wonder, thought Jaywalker, that the government had criminalized it, or that the last administration had chosen to make it the primary target of its war against drugs.

It didn't take long for Jaywalker to hatch a plan. What he'd do would be to have Amanda hire him as a private investigator for her husband. That would allow Jaywalker to go into jail and talk with Drake, gather police reports

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