Sergeant Hearns.

The court was locked and deserted by the time they got up to the third floor, so they went back down the stairs and peered around a pillar to look through the door of the restaurant. There was no sign of Hearns, but Greta was having lunch with Peter and Patrick Sullivan over at a table by the window. Their heads were close together, but then Greta leaned back in her chair and Thomas and Matthew could see that all three of them were laughing. A moment later Peter turned to his wife and kissed her on the cheek. Thomas saw the love in his father’s eyes, and he gripped the envelope with the certificates even more tightly as he turned away and went down the staircase.

“Look, there he is,” said Matthew, pointing excitedly to the other side of the great hall on the first floor. They were at the foot of the staircase and Hearns was fifty yards away talking to John Sparling.

“It’s perfect,” he said. “We’ll give the certificates to Sparling and he can show them to your father in the witness box. That’s the way to do it.”

Matthew pulled Thomas by the arm, but he stood rooted to the spot.

“No, Matthew, it’s not perfect,” he said. “It’ll get her convicted but it’ll make my father hate me even more. It’ll be something I’ve done to him.”

“Of course it will. And to be honest with you, I can’t imagine anyone who deserves a bad time more. He may be your father and a famous politician, but he’s also a major-league bastard in my book. He’s got it coming to him almost as much as she does.”

“Except that he hasn’t killed anyone, Matt. The point is that I’ve got to give him the chance to change his mind for himself. He’s got to have the opportunity to choose between me and her.”

“Well, I think you’re completely crazy,” said Matthew angrily. “He hasn’t trusted you. Not once. You told him over and over again who killed your mother, and all you got was a punch in the mouth. No, I’m sorry, two punches. He hit you down in Suffolk as well, didn’t he, Tom?”

“He slapped me.”

“All right, he slapped you. How considerate of him!”

“Shut up, Matthew. You’ve made your point.”

Thomas turned away and began to walk back up the stairs. Matthew felt as if he had been consigned to irrelevance, and it infuriated him even more.

“Don’t be a fool, Tom,” he shouted after his friend. “Your father’s obsessed with her. A couple of certificates aren’t going to change his mind.”

“Maybe not, but I’ve got to try. For my mother’s sake, I’ve got to try.”

“So what happens if you try and fail and the jury never gets to hear about Greta and Rosie being married? What happens if she gets acquitted, Thomas? Have you thought of that? How would your mother feel about that?”

Matthew’s questions pursued Thomas up the stairs. He didn’t have any answers and he didn’t give any. All he had was the sense of certainty that had come to him as he had looked at his lovestruck father through the window of the restaurant minutes before; the certainty that he had to give the man one more chance to choose.

Thomas watched his father and Greta through the window. Time ticked away. Patrick brought them cups of coffee. They drank them and then they drank more. There was nothing Thomas could do. He had to see his father alone, but even if he could win his father over, it would be useless if Greta had seen them together. She would tell old Lambert not to call Sir Peter. The barrister would close the defense case and then there could be no more evidence. Judging by Greta’s laughter and continued high spirits, there could only be one result if the jury didn’t see the certificates. Greta would be acquitted and could never be tried again.

Thomas wondered where Matthew had gone. Perhaps he was telling Hearns and Sparling about the Rowes marriage, although Thomas doubted it. Matthew didn’t have anything without the certificates, and besides, he wouldn’t go against Thomas. He was too good a friend for that. Thomas wished they hadn’t split up. Matthew might have helped him to create some sort of diversion. As things stood, he didn’t see any way of getting his father on his own.

At 1:55 the P.A. system crackled into action, summoning barristers and defendants back to their courtrooms. Thomas ducked behind a pillar as Peter came out of the restaurant sandwiched between his wife and Patrick Sullivan. Thomas caught the lawyer’s last words as the three of them walked over to the staircase leading up to the third floor.

“This shouldn’t take long, Peter. It’s the support for Greta’s character that’s most important. The Crown has got no answer for that.”

Thomas waited a minute and then followed them up the stairs. He realized now that his only chance was to ambush his father in the witness waiting room after the other two had gone into court. He knew the procedure from his own experience giving evidence two days earlier. Miss Hooks settled the witness in the little room next to the door of the court and then went and got the judge and the jury before bringing the witness in. He ought to have about three or four minutes maximum to change his father’s mind.

Everything went just as Thomas had predicted. Once his father was alone, he went straight into the waiting room to confront him. Thomas had had time to think out his strategy beforehand. He had to tell his father what he had discovered at the Records Office. Handing him the certificates would not be enough. His father might refuse to look at them. What Thomas had not reckoned on was the level of his father’s hostility. It stopped Thomas in his tracks almost as soon as he had gotten through the door.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Peter shouted, getting to his feet. “I thought I told you to stay away from me.”

It took every ounce of Thomas’s courage to shut the door of the little room behind him and stand his ground as his father advanced on him. Thomas knew that the shouting would be audible inside the court if the door remained open.

“Look, Dad, I know it’s a bad time but — ”

“Bad time!” interrupted his father furiously. “It’s not a bad time, Thomas. It’s no time. My wife’s in that court on trial for murder because of you. You’ve tried everything, haven’t you?”

“No, Dad — ”

“Everything! You’ve perjured yourself, you’ve gotten other people to perjure themselves and now you’re going to try and interfere with my evidence. Well, you won’t get away with it, Thomas. I promise you that.”

A frenzy seemed to take possession of Peter. He seized hold of his son’s shirt just as he’d done on the day of Lady Anne’s funeral a year before, and he shook Thomas as he spoke.

“Dad, you’ve got to listen to me. I’ve found out something — ”

“New lies, Thomas. I’ve had enough of your lies. Now get out of my way.”

Using all his strength, Peter thrust his son to one side and wrenched open the door of the waiting room. Then he strode out into the hall, leaving his son in a heap in the corner. The door of the courtroom remained closed, but Thomas knew that Miss Hooks would be opening it any minute to summon his father inside. Thomas’s legs felt weak underneath him, and he needed all his willpower to get to his feet and go outside.

Peter was standing by one of the high windows on the other side of the hall. Thomas took the envelope out of his pocket and removed the two certificates, keeping his eye on his father all the time.

“Damn you, boy,” hissed Peter as his son approached. “Get away from me.” The two of them looked, at that moment, like they were playing some strange but deadly game.

“She’s not your wife, Dad.”

“Shut up, Thomas. Do you hear me? Shut up. I won’t tell you again.”

“Sir Peter Robinson,” called the shrill voice of Miss Hooks behind Thomas. He did not look around but instead grabbed his father by the wrist. At the same time Thomas used his other hand to force the certificates into his father’s grasp, pushing Peter’s fingers down over the paper.

“Take these,” he said. “Read them before you say anything. For Mummy’s sake. Do it for Mummy’s sake, if not for mine.”

“Sir Peter Robinson,” called Miss Hooks even more shrilly than before, and Thomas felt his father move past him toward the door of the court. There was a pause. Then a few moments later it shut with a bang.

Thomas might never have known what happened in the court after his father had gone into the witness box if Matthew had not at that moment arrived at the top of the stairs. He found Thomas standing as if turned to stone, looking vacantly up through a high window toward a patch of blue sky. The aftershocks of his encounter with his

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