to blow, and unless we find somebody who can disable that bomb, we can't get into it to stop them.'

In the next second, they were all running back toward the little door, out onto the grass, and toward the cars.

'If we can't find any keys, a couple of those look old enough to hotwire,' Sharon panted.

'We don't have time.' Grace veered back toward the patrol car. 'There are already keys in this one.'

Sharon closed her eyes.

HARLEY HAD THE RV pushed up to forty on a road that any sane man wouldn't have tried to negotiate on foot. Where it wasn't washhoard, the dips in the hardpan were so deep that a few times, the rear wheels almost left the ground. An enormous rooster tail of dust followed them.

Everyone was holding their jaws open to keep their teeth from clattering together, hands grasping whatever was nailed down. Bonar had Charlie next to him on the sofa, one beefy arm wrapped around the dog's wriggling body to keep him from flying into space. No one told Harley to slow down. They had tied the thinnest of threads together in an impossible tapestry of hope, every one of them willing to believe at that moment that everyLassie episode they had ever seen was real, and that Charlie was even more amazing than Lassie had ever been, because without believing that, they had no hope at all, and no idea where to go.

Roadrunner was clutching the back of the driver's seat, angled like a Tinkertoy man to peer out through the windshield, breathing lime over Harley's shoulder. 'Okay! You're almost there! Slow down, then take a right,' he shouted over the noise of the big rig. The washboard jittered his voice, making him sound like Porky Pig.

Harley slowed long enough at the intersection of dirt and tar to make sure there were no fire trucks coming, then slammed the accelerator to the floor when rubber hit asphalt and found some traction.

'Two miles, maybe less,' Roadrunner said, as Halloran, Magozzi, and Bonar all stood, jamming into the space closest to the door, every heart beating fast and hard.

Charlie was weaving between their legs, whining, tap-dancing, tongue dripping doggy sweat. He gave one short howl, which frightened Magozzi. Once you started to believe in any kind of dog magic, you had to consider it all, like those stories about dogs howling when their masters had died, long before anyone else knew it.

'There it is! See it? See it?!' Roadrunner shouted. 'That dirt track into the field! Slow down! Slow down!'

Harley slammed on the brakes and cranked the wheel hard to the right, fishtailing the fifty-foot rig as if it were one of his Porsches. It wasn't really a road, just two tracks through the grass of an overgrown field, and this time he had to slow down.

They all saw it at the same time. Some kind of big building at the back of the field with a bunch of cars parked around it. One of them was a patrol car with the driver's door open. Three filthy, haggard people were tugging a bloody body out of the front seat. One of them straightened and turned to look in their direction, and Magozzi felt a vise tighten around his heart. He moved his lips, but no sound cameout:Thanks you.

'LORD ALMIGHTY, I don't believe it,' Annie murmured as she watched the RV lumbering toward them.

'What is it?' Sharon asked, gaping at what surely had to be a mirage, or else a Rolling Stones tour bus.Special engagement, one nightonly, right here in this Missaqua County farm field. . .

'The Monkeewrench coach,' Grace said, bloody hands hanging at her sides, refusing to believe what she was looking at until the rig stopped and Charlie shot out like a soaring, hairy meteor to race toward her, smiling like he always did. She wiped her hands on her jeans and caught Charlie, all eighty pounds of him, in midair. During the few seconds that she permitted this disgraceful display, she saw the men clambering out of the rig.

Her breath caught when she saw Magozzi, and then, oh my God, Gino, Halloran, and even Bonar, right there with Harley and Roadrunner. She glanced over at Sharon and saw her lips quivering and her eyes threatening to fill, staring at Halloran like he was the only thing in the world to see, and she had to look away fast.

Goddamnit. This was totally bizarre, just like all those stupid fairy tales when the men come riding in to save the women in the nick of time and the women cry and throw their arms around them.

Too bad they didn't have time for any of that.

The women sprinted toward the bus, and the men stopped as a unit, startled. Grace didn't look in any faces- she wouldn't have been able to stand that-as she raced past them up into the rig, and down the long aisle to the office. Apparently Sharon and Annie hadn't stopped, either, because they were right beside her when she grabbed the headset for the sat phone and punched frantically at the buttons.

Magozzi and Halloran were standing outside, staring at the empty air where the women they'd come to save had just raced by them as if they weren't there. It wasn't quite the reunion either man had pictured. Harley, Roadrunner, Bonar, and Gino were already following the women into the RV while the two big, tough guys trailed behind, just a little off-balance. They could hear Grace yelling the second they came through the door.

'What's the matter with this goddamned thing! It won't connect!' She was pounding one hand on the console, banging numbers uselessly with the other. No one in that room had ever seen Grace that out of control. It was Roadrunner who gently took her blood-smeared hands in his and said quietly, 'Let me do it, Grace. Who do you want to call?'

'The FBI, Roadrunner,' Annie said quietly. 'We need them right now.'

Roadrunner had Agent Knudsen on the line within ten seconds, and then all the men listened as Grace began to talk very fast. Before she finished, a hundred emotions had crossed every face in the room. Harley grabbed three bottles of water from the office fridge and handed them to women who had been through more than he could imagine-more than he'd certainly heard, because Grace was condensing everything. He came to Annie last.

She stood there in her tattered, manure-covered dress with her chaotic hair and filthy face and said, 'What took you so long?' She took the opened bottle, drank from it, then reached out and patted his cheek. Harley had to look down at the Boor, because that was the nicest thing she'd ever done to him.

He saw her feet-one bare, the other in a purple high-top. 'Jesus, Annie. You look like friggin' Cinderella.'

Agent Knudsen had been in his car when Grace had called, only a few miles from the fire that had troubled him ever since he got the first call in Sheriff Pitala's office. Maybe Magozzi had been right: Coincidencewas the connection.

Knudsen made a dozen calls in the ten minutes it took to get to the machine shed. By the time he arrived, an astounding-looking collection of people were running from a big RV toward the shed, led by three women who looked as though they'd been to hell and back, and a dog that looked like he'd gone with them.

Knudsen joined them at the door. There was no time for introductions, but a tall, black-haired woman nodded to him brusquely, as if she fully expected he would know who she was. The woman on the phone, he decided.

'Don't touch one thing in there,' she commanded them all, then opened the door and led them all to a computer against the far wall. 'Just read.'

The men crowded in a circle around the screen as she started to explain what was on the monitor. Every face looked ashen and ghastly under the fluorescent lights-Knudsen's most of all, and, surprisingly, Bonar's.

Agent Knudsen bolted from the building without explanation. The rest of them continued to stare at the screen, at the ominous row of trucks, at the block of plastique sitting placidly next to the computer.

An irritated Gino shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to make sense of what he'd just read on the monitor. 'I don't get all the numbers. Or the stupid names. 'Schrader-off-line, Ambros-target acquired.' What the hell does that mean? I don't get any of it.'

'Schrader, Ambros, Ritter,' Bonar recited in a flat voice. 'They're missing one-Linde-but that doesn't count for much. Germans. Those were the men who discovered sarin in the thirties. They named the trucks after them.'

Every face turned toward him.

'Sarin?' Magozzi whispered.

Bonar pushed his lips out and nodded. 'One of the first-generation nerve gases.'

'Jesus Christ, the Feebs got it right,' Gino said, looking over at the trucks, then back at the blinking numbers on the monitor: 03:14:17... 16 . .. 15 ...

THEY FOUND Agent Knudsen pacing a furrow in the long grass near his car, phone clutched in one white- knuckled hand that swung back and forth as he walked. Sharon hung back a little-the agent's car was a little too close to Doug Lee's patrol- and Halloran stayed with her.

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