pile was ancient, an artifact. But it still wore clinging flesh that ended raggedly where the neck had been severed, along with a long, gray-shot ponytail caught at the nape in a ratty leather thong.

She knew that ponytail, knew that scrap of leather.Ambrose had been wearing it the last time she’d seen him.

No, she thought as desperation flared. Oh, no. Please, no. Not like this.

Gagging on bile and a huge, awful surge of emotion she hadn’t expected to feel, she crossed her arms over her stomach, bent double by the terrible realization that he hadn’t died naturally, doing what he loved. Tzomplanti were only used for enemies and sacrifices, which suggested he’d been murdered. But who had killed him? Why? And where was the rest of him? She didn’t see his body, which somehow made the presentation of his head that much more gruesome. The wrongness of it slammed through her, threatened to take her over. She’d thought she’d been prepared to find him, and maybe she had been, but not like this, never like this. What the hell had happened in the temple?

She shuddered with grief and an awful, racking guilt. But even through those emotions, the old instincts her father had drummed into her long ago flared to life, warning her that she might not be as safe alone in the backcountry as she’d thought.

Her pulse picked up, sending adrenaline skimming through her veins. Someone had killed Ambrose, or at the very least, had cut off his head and arranged him on the tzomplanti. That suggested they had been more than bandits. Maybe some of the locals had decided they wanted him out of the temple. But this had been his place for years. What had changed? Had it been politics? Treasure hunters?

Or was it something connected to the massive fantasy that had structured his life? That possibility seemed horribly likely, given that these were the years he’d believed would bring terrible battles between good and evil.

Ambrose had always claimed there were others like him, others who believed the world might end in 2012. More, she’d heard the rumblings, seen the documentaries. Modern culture was catching up with Ambrose’s long- held delusions. What if those delusions had somehow spelled his end? What if he’d been killed in an escalating move by people who thought that there was a supernatural war coming, and they were the chosen warriors?

The idea was abhorrent. And, based on all that she’d seen and heard growing up, it was all too possible.

“Oh, Da,” she said, using the affectionate nickname she’d dropped years ago, when she’d started to realize that her father might function well enough on a day-to day basis, but he wasn’t all the way sane. “I should’ve had you declared, should’ve put you somewhere you could’ve gotten help.” But she hadn’t been tough enough to take the step when he hadn’t been hurting anyone except her.

“That wouldn’t have changed the outcome.”

Gasping at the sound of a stranger’s voice, Sasha lunged to her feet and spun, holding the .22 cross-

handed with the flashlight. The white beam illuminated a man wearing jeans, workboots, and a heavy-

metal concert tee that made him look like he should’ve been in a rock band road crew, not a Mayan ruin. His hair glinted with ruddy highlights against the flashlit shadows, and he was freaking massive, topping her by a good six inches in height and outweighing her by at least eighty pounds. Too late she realized that they—whoever they were—must have been monitoring the ruin.

“Don’t move,” she ordered, voice shaking. “Don’t you frigging—” Something slammed into her from the side, cutting her off midthreat. Sasha twisted as she fell, and caught a quick impression of a woman with long hair and perfect features, incongruously wearing a tiny-waisted suit jacket and flowing pants. Then the flashlight went flying, bounced off the wall, and fell to the floor, where it partially illuminated the scene.

Fighting in silence, as Ambrose had taught her, dropping into action-reaction mode even as her thoughts spun with a city girl’s panic, Sasha rammed an elbow into the woman’s stomach, yanked her gun up, and fired in the man’s direction. The .22 went off with the wimpy pop typical of the caliber, but the big man spun away, cursing and grabbing at his upper arm. Sasha ducked and went for a foot sweep, but she was out of practice and a split second too late. The woman grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head into the floor, then did the same with her hand, sending the .22 flinging free.

The world pinwheeled as rough hands grabbed Sasha from behind, pinned her arms, and lifted her up to her feet and then off them. The man’s booted foot glanced off the flashlight, which spun and wound up pointed at the tzomplanti, lighting Ambrose’s skull with vile menace.

“Let me go!” Sasha struggled ferociously but her captor didn’t even grunt when she got an elbow back into his injured arm.

“For fuck’s sake, stick her already,” he snapped at the woman, who had backed off, breathing hard, her eyes glinting with battle rage and glee.

“No!” Sasha strained against his hold, screaming as the woman withdrew a syringe from her pocket and advanced to inject its contents into Sasha’s upper arm. The burning sting of the needle was followed by cool effervescence, and Sasha’s world went swimmy. Desperation flared as she sagged limply in the big man’s hold.

No, she cried inwardly. Not like this. Please. She didn’t know who she was talking to—she’d abandoned Ambrose’s gods when she ran away from him. Strangely, though, she thought she heard a whisper of answer, a familiar voice saying, Have faith.

But faith was something she’d never been big on. Hadn’t ever had a reason to be.

“Get the light and the gun,” the man ordered. “And take her pack. Make sure we’re not leaving anything of hers behind.”

“What about the skull?”

“Leave it. It’ll fuck with the Nightkeepers’ heads if they ever find this place.” He shifted his grip on Sasha, preparing to sling her over his shoulder. As he did so, the woman snagged the flashlight, and its beam played across the three of them. Sasha moaned when she caught sight of her captor’s inner forearm, where he wore a single tattoo. She didn’t know the meaning of the bloodred quatrefoil, but she sure as shit recognized the tat’s location. It was exactly where the mythical Nightkeepers had been marked with Mayan glyphs representing their bloodlines and magical talents. It was also where Ambrose had worn a huge scar, as though he’d burned away similar marks long ago—or wanted people to think he had.

Despair howled through her as unconsciousness closed in. She fought the drug, fought the reality of her capture, and the growing fear that she was trapped in some giant, live-action role-playing game based on her father’s bloodthirsty delusions. And, most of all, she fought the sick heartache that came from knowing there was nobody out in the real world who would think to look for her until it was far too late.


Present November 18 Three years and thirty-three days until the end

date The Yucatan

Michael Stone stood atop a midsize Mayan ruin called the watchtower, his dark, shoulder-length hair blowing a little in the sea breeze. Behind him was an expanse of lush, stone-studded greenery; ahead was a white stone cliff that dropped steeply to a gleaming, tourist-dotted strip of coral beach. Beyond that was the vibrant blue-green of the Caribbean.

It was a hell of a view, that was for sure.

The ruined port city was called Tulum, which meant “wall” in Spanish and referred to the sturdy stone balustrade that enclosed the city on three sides, with the cliff and ocean forming the fourth. The fortification was impressive, even in ruins, but it hadn’t protected the city from the ravages of the conquistadors and their missionaries. And in the almost five hundred years since Cortes first landed, the place had become a tourist trap, due largely to its small, walkable size and prime beachfront location.

The deets spooled through Michael’s brain, courtesy of the report he’d downloaded from his e-mail a

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