“Olivia! Olivia?” I looked around frantically and found her lying on the floor against the bottom of the front console. I could already see a cut running the length of her arm. “Olivia!” I shook her gently and she slowly opened her eyes. When her memory caught up with her, they flew the whole way open and she jumped to her feet.

“What happened? Are ya’ll okay? Is anybody hurt?” I took her hand to calm her down.

“Everybody’s fine, we’re okay. You didn’t see what happened either?” We searched out the front window for any sign of what hit us, but there was only water surrounding us. I looked out the side window. Still nothing.

“The front of the boat looks fine, but how’s that possible? We had to have run into something.” Olivia was peering out the front windows at the bow of the yacht. I crossed the room to the other windows and stopped dead in my tracks, my heart squeezing in my chest.

“Uh, guys?” I pointed toward the windows. Phoebe and Olivia ran over to see what had me stunned. They glanced at each other, and then back at me.

“What?” Phoebe walked to the window and looked out both ways.

“Right there,” I pointed again, “you don’t see it?”

“See what?” Olivia looked at me like I had gone completely insane. I blinked several times, but it was still there. My feet started moving, taking me down the stairs, through the first level hall and out to the back deck. They walked to the side railing and I held on tight, steadying myself.

Stretched out before me was a picturesque island with long white beaches backed by towering mountains. Even from this far away, I knew without a doubt it was the Fortunate Isle. I could feel it. I knew behind those mountains stood a lush forest surrounding a beautiful lagoon. A ribbon of golden happiness made its way into my soul.

“Stasia?” I turned towards Willow and noticed the tears swimming in my eyes. I wiped them away quickly. “What are you doing?”

“You don’t see it either?” She followed my gaze and shook her head solemnly.

“I just see water. What is it?” She placed her hand on my shoulder, sending tingles of numbness down my arm, relaxing my muscles.

“We’re here. We made it,” I smiled at her. Olivia, Carmen and Phoebe walked outside.

Olivia’s arm had been bandaged up and she frowned at the broken door but didn’t say anything. They gathered around me, looking concerned. I pointed at the island again.

“It’s the Fortunate Isle. We must have hit the shield surrounding the island,” I told them.

Willow looked at everyone.

“Can anyone else see it?” Everyone shook their heads. I had a bad feeling about this. If they couldn’t even see the island, how were they going to gain admittance? I couldn’t do this by myself.

Several minutes later, we had dropped anchor. Thankfully the shield hadn’t damaged the yacht, only our bodies. I had a couple of bruises on my side and Phoebe had a scratch down her leg.

Willow had a knot on her head and Carmen’s shoulder was banged up pretty bad, as well as Olivia’s bandaged arm. We were a mess. Luckily, we had our own personal healer. Willow was going around healing each person one by one. I could tell it was draining for her but she refused vehemently when we told her we’d be fine.

For whatever reason, I had a hard time not constantly staring at the island with longing. To look away was almost painful. I wanted nothing more than to jump in the ocean and swim ashore, but I knew that wasn’t possible. According to Willow, high tide was still a couple hours away. We were stuck for a while.

“Next?” Willow walked up behind me and gave me a quick hug as I tried to tear my eyes away from the island again. She placed her hands on my side and started to work her magic. I was becoming accustomed to the tingles and numbness that flowed from her hands.

“Hey, Willow?” She stepped around to face me, keeping her hands on my side and raising her eyebrows in response, “Do you think I’ll have to go alone?” I wanted her to tell me no. I wanted her to tell me not to worry about anything; that everything was going to be okay. But I knew she wouldn’t lie to me.

“I think that might be a very good possibility,” she smiled encouragingly, “but we would just slow you down anyway. You’re really amazing, Stasia. I know you’ll find her and bring her home.”

Once again she had more faith in my abilities than I did.

“What if I can’t?”

“What-ifs are kind of like ex-boyfriends.” Carmen had appeared on my other side, “The more attention you give ‘em, the more likely they are to stalk you and show up in your bedroom closet when you’re getting out of the shower.” Willow and I looked at each other and started laughing.

“What? It’s true – I’m not making it up. I read it in Cosmo.” It felt so good to laugh, I couldn’t stop. Some of the stress from the last couple of days fell away and my shoulders felt slightly lighter.

“Um, you guys?” Olivia’s face had gone white and her eyes were wide with fear, “I think we have company.” She looked towards the back of the boat. I stood up and saw them instantly.

Apparently, everyone else did too, because I heard several gasps behind me. As Olivia slowly stepped backwards, I stepped forward, my eyes locked on the water and its newest inhabitants.

Three pairs of large crystal blue eyes stared back at me. Each had long straight hair the color of the sky framing their pale blue faces. They were the personification of the ocean, glistening with reverence. The sprites were much smaller than I would have expected; about the size of a small child.

I eventually summoned up enough courage to speak.

“I need to gain admittance to the island. Our friend has been kidnapped.” The sprites began chattering at each other. Their voices sounded like wind chimes blowing in a summer breeze. I didn’t know how I was supposed to woo creatures that didn’t speak my language. Before I could say anything else, two of them sank beneath the water. The one in the middle remained. She glowed with a quiet dignity and her blue eyes emanated wisdom. When she smiled I felt a cool breeze swirling around me that smelled of sea grass.

“Come.” It was only one word, but it wasn’t what she said that had my pulse quickening, it was how she said it. She was speaking into my mind.

“I need my friends to come too.” I told her out loud.

“Only you.” My skin prickled. She nodded her head at me respectfully and then joined her sisters beneath the waves.

“She wants me to go with them,” I blinked at my friends.

“What about us?” Phoebe squeaked, wrapping her arms around herself.

“She said I was the only one that could go,” I answered blankly, glancing at the island in the distance.

“How do you know?” Olivia sounded more skeptical than she probably intended.

“She…talked to me. I heard her in my head.” They stared back at me with a shock I felt mirrored on my own face. My nerves were standing on end and every muscle in my body was tensed with anticipation.

“Where are they going to take you?” Phoebe asked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I don’t know.” I was trying to make my body move, but it was frozen on the boards of the deck. Willow ran to me and hugged me tightly. Carmen and Phoebe followed.

“Please be careful.” They held on to me. I finally turned toward the back of the boat.

“Wait.” I turned to see a red faced Olivia; her dark eyes frightened. She stepped forward and hugged me. “Good luck, Stasia. You’ll do great.”

“We wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for you. It means a lot.” I tried to smile with courage I didn’t feel. I made my legs step up on to the railing like I had the night before. Only this time, the water didn’t feel warm and inviting, it held mysteries and secrets I would have to face alone.

I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. Kira’s beaten and bloodied face flashed in my mind and a renewed sense of purpose washed over me. I glanced back one more time, took several deep breaths to steady myself and dove in.

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